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Step-by-step guide to analyze solar potential in QGIS [closed]

I am looking for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to analyze the solar potential of urban rooftops using QGIS. The aim is to calculate solar insolation for individual rooftops and assess the ...
ved's user avatar
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Extract road contours, not just lines

I have a result of CADMAPPER plugin for sketchup work: nice roads with thickness. As far as I know CADMAPPER uses OSM data like roads "width" for diferent types of highways. Can I use QGIS ...
Bicukow's user avatar
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Removing Parallel Footpaths and Pedestrian Paths from Residential Streets in QGIS

I’m working on a project in QGIS where I’m creating a map to help navigate neighborhoods. I’m using a shapefile from OpenStreetMap, and I’ve run into a problem with footpaths and pedestrian paths that ...
Mitchell Kunichoff's user avatar
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Varying results between quickOSM QGIS plugin vs 'Download OSM data' QGIS processing tool

I am working with the graphic modeller in QGIS to query and process OSM data automatically. The script uses the processing tool 'Download OSM data from a query in an extent' to access the data. When ...
Mkn's user avatar
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7 votes
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Downloading administrative boundaries from OpenHistoricalMap

I found that someone already published administrative historical boundaries I'm interested in. It is available on the OpenHistoricalMap project, part of OpenStreetMap. Here is the link for one of the ...
Filip Frankopan's user avatar
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Adding WaymarkedTrails maps (Lonvia Hiking Lonvia Cycling) into QGIS

I would really like to turn QGIS into an equivalent of Maperitive. Ideally I would like to import Web Maps (OSM Mapnik, Lonvia Hiking and Cycling), Geometry Data I downloaded from https://www....
Teg983APee's user avatar
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Water Layer - Lake - QuickOSM - missing

Use : Qgis - newest release OpenStreetMaps QuickOSM - newest release In the past when I was making maps I could find a layer called "(Key) Water" called "(Value) Lake", but I can't ...
stonefox's user avatar
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Free QGIS Retina/HiDPI map tiles still produce illegible text

I'm using QGIS 3.34.1-Prizren on macOS 14. When I use the default XYZ OSM basemap in QGIS on my Retina screen, the roads and labels are all extremely small and pixelated: URL: https://tile....
Nick K9's user avatar
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Convert ~14500 features into ~500 bounding boxes covering at least the same area in QGIS

I downloaded a shapefile from OpenStreetMap that covers all ocean and coastline. This consists of around 14500 features. What I am trying to do is generate a number of bounding boxes (say 300-1000) ...
Michael's user avatar
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How do I show the right grid projection on my EPSG:4289 map/print layout?

I am trying to show the coordinates of my map (print layout) via a grid. However, I can not get it to work. I have tried multiple things: changing CRS, changing interval units, trial and error with X/...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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Get associated roadway from sidewalk geometries in QGIS using OpenStreetMap data

I work with pedestrian network data from OpenStreetMap for cities where sidewalks have already been mapped as separate lines for all corresponding streets at least for parts of the city area (examples:...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Extract non tagged areas in OSM

OpenStreetMap contains depending on the region, a lot of light orange, not yet tagged areas: -> in Openstreetmap Is there a way to extract just these areas (attribute like "not tagged" ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Extracting Coordinates of a 1x1 GRID in a gpkg file using QGIS

I have a gpkg file where I have the coordinates of the 1x1 km grid. See the below sample picture. I am trying to extract the coordinates (latitude & longitude) of all the 1x1 grid cells from my ...
LearningLogic's user avatar
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OSM data - export only given tags

I am working with OSM through the Overpass API and/or the QuikcOSM plugin in QGIS. I am wondering if it is possible to select the tags to be downloaded as csv or GeoJSON or KML data. To make an ...
HyPhens's user avatar
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QGIS - getting the graphics from the OSM standard to polygon representing my research area

I´m new to QGIS and are trying to make a copy of a certain area: But I want the graphics and scale to follow along from the original map. Not just retrieve a single color polygon. The polygon is I ...
William Knutsson Gustafsson's user avatar
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OSM-Data but only with polygons

I need a map with only polygons in it. If I download OSM Data, streets, waterways and railways are line layers. Since OSM shows a street with a certain width, there have to be some data about the ...
Stefan's user avatar
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QGIS : Connexion to OSM failed on computers connected behind a proxy after few minutes

Context: using QGIS on 15 computers connected to my university network behind proxy server. OSM works well at first, but after a few minutes an orange banner appears on each computer. Orange banner ...
Wilcar's user avatar
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Removing overlapping features in one layer in QGIS

I have a dataset in QGIS with polygon features that partially overlap completely. I would like to delete the overlapping polygon features so that each area is only covered by one feature. The decision ...
Fabi's user avatar
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OpenSeaMap in Qgis [duplicate]

I am trying to have OpenSeaMap as a map in Qgis 3.36.1. I have found some older replies to how - but no one of them works. Have any of you any experience with OpenSeaMap in Qgis? I can get ...
Henrik Holm's user avatar
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OSM Updating issue with vectores

I have a project file that contains OSM from QuickMapService, and I always insert vectors on this OSM map, the issue here is when the OSM got updated the streets shift, and my vectors ( Lines, Points ....
Abdullah Muthanna's user avatar
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Create a Map Tile Server in Windows

I need a Tile Server to use in another application (Traccar) that will work on a Windows machine without a network. However, I saw that to make this work I would need a Tiled Map and a Tile Server. As ...
André Carvalho's user avatar
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Getting water depth data in QGIS

I'm working on water path planning in QGIS (for example, least cost path in a river). Now it contains only xy coordinates. Is there a way to get data on the water depth in QGIS? For example, any open ...
redhat's user avatar
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QGIS Finding Intersection of Points and Lines Layers in Electricity Grid [closed]

I am new to GIS-related work and am currently using QGIS 3.34 for my research I am trying to find the electricity grid topology and length of power lines between substations in the West of Sweden for ...
pprianto's user avatar
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Road data merge weather condition

I have a shapefile that shows fog, wind and precipitation values ​​between 1 and 5. Additionally, this file consists of grids. My goal is to segment the OSM road data that fall into these grids in ...
MGamze's user avatar
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Creating very high resolution map image with appropriate scale [closed]

I am building a map to use as a texture on a 3D globe (for North America). The PNG will be about 16,000 pixels wide, and labels should be sized such that they look appropriate when about 2 US states ...
John's user avatar
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How to display Arabic names properly in QGIS 3.34?

I'm new to QGIS, I've downloaded some places names from QuickOSM plugin and everything was working fine. Also I have my encoding set as it should be. However, the text is not displaying correctly! It ...
Dreamer64's user avatar
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Add vector OSM XYZ layer in QGIS?

Marble has an option to display OSM's vector map. Is there a way to add this vector map into QGIS? I see the raster XYZ URL format is:{z}/{x}/{y}.png Is there a ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Google Maps analogue of QuickOSM / Overpass?

Is there a Google Maps analogue of QGIS's QuickOSM plugin? I would like to download data from Google Maps, similarly to how Overpass gets data from OSM, using a Google Maps API key.
Geremia's user avatar
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Login and edit OSM in QGIS?

Is there a way (e.g., with a plugin) to log into my OpenStreetMap account within QGIS and edit maps there?
Geremia's user avatar
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Selecting polygon based on value present in field using QGIS Graphical modeler

I have a layer (polygons) of municipalities and I need to select just one polygon based on their name (e.g. 'venice' this value is present as a value in the field "COMUNE" ) because this ...
Checco68's user avatar
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Model Designer - Available Algorithms

Is it possible to add an algorithm from the Processing Toolbox to the list of available algorithms in the Model Designer? Looking at the question HERE, I see that they are in the designer and are ...
Joe G's user avatar
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3 votes
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Simple OSM Raw Query Filter

I have a simple raw OSM query that I am using in QGIS model designer (Build Raw Query): [out:xml] [timeout:25]; ( node["highway"]( {{bbox}}); node["building"]( {{bbox}})...
Joe G's user avatar
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Extract topology into a TIFF file

I want to extract the topology of the island is Hawai'i but when I try to do it, I get simply and empty rectangle: I opened OSM in XYZ tiles and press the right mouse button on the layer of OSM ...
Jenia Be Nice Please's user avatar
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QGIS Open Street Map plugin metadata

I am trying to use an old map I made in QGIS which has a base map from Open Street Map (OSM) To credit OSM in my paper/chapter I need to find the date or at least the year of the OSM data, OSM wiki ...
Shara's user avatar
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Extracting street space polygons from a pedestrian network with separate sidewalk geometries using QGIS/PyQGIS

I have a network of sidewalk geometries including crossings extracted from OpenStreetMap (OSM; here: a part of Neukölln district in Berlin, Germany) using overpass turbo (as of today, some gaps still ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Uploading large OSM files to PostGIS with command line

I'm trying to upload the nationwide US OSM dataset from Geofabrik website to a PostGIS database (about 200 GB). For small OSM files, I'm able to import the OSM file as layers into QGIS with the ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to edit quickOSM map presets?

I am having issues using the quickOSM urban map preset and was hoping there was someone who could point me in the direction of a different preset or if there is a simple way (I am new to GIS so the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Visualize a linestring and point from a PostGIS database in QGIS?

I ran a query in PostGIS table using a table of roads/linestrings in Hawaii and another table with 400,000 (longitude,latitude) points in Hawaii. The output table is meant to provide nearest road in ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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Obtaining label-node instead of city boundry polygon when using OSM Place Search in QGIS

I am using OSM Place Search Plugin in QGIS for searching and importing places, cities, towns etc. from Openstreetmap database into my projects. Great Plugin by the way. But I have a big problem. When ...
Julian's user avatar
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Using QuickOSM plugin on QGIS. I want to select all the points that would show food options(convenience stores, fast food, supermarkets, etc) [duplicate]

I'm generating a map of Tennessee based on OSM data. How can I choose the features/layers a need for my task?
Mig Arr's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using quick OSM plugin in QGIS to create a map of Tennessee [closed]

I want to just make a map of Tennessee from the Quick OSM plugin in QGIS. How to achieve that?
Mig Arr's user avatar
2 votes
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Query to find nearest road highway tag to a (latitude,longitude) point

I imported an OSM file for the state of Delaware into the PostGIS Database via connecting to it through QGIS. I would like to build a query to retrieve the nearest roads to the (latitude,longitude) ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
1 vote
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Import tiles OpenStreetMap QGIS [closed]

I have a map in QGIS that is supposed to have multiple layers, a custom made map, and a google street/openstreetmap layer. The layers somehow don't work, and so I decided to make a new connection. I ...
cobdmg's user avatar
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Export layers in QGIS back to OSM format

I downloaded a Delaware OSM file from the Geofabrik website. I want to simplify and reduce the size of the graph to speed up queries (eventually I'll run it on whole US). I'm only concerned about the ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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Access to OpenStreetMap is "forbidden" on my work's internet connection

When I use QGIS at work and have an Open Street Map layer, I get the Layer Error "Access denied: Forbidden." The Layer actually works ok, until I zoom in enough, and the prompt "...
Kieran's user avatar
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Difficulty reading standard OpenStreetMap labels in QGIS [duplicate]

Standard OpenStreetMap labels are too small to read. TIFF they are scaling with zoom, they become for a second large, then go back to tiny, less than 4 points size. What can be done? Is it a settings? ...
Ashot Shagirian's user avatar
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Creating automatically shortest way network between given point objects via OSM roads (without overlaying line objects) in QGIS

I am trying to automatically generate a grid between point objects (buildings). The grid should be automatically laid over public roads. So far I use the QGIS Processing Tool "Shortest way (...
Daniel's user avatar
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Applying OSM styles to vector MBTILES on QGIS

I downloaded here the OpenStreetMap vector tiles (mbtiles format) from MapTiler. Now I uploaded the file to QGIS but I see it without styles. How can I apply the standard OSM styles to it?
Koba's user avatar
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OSM conversion to SQLite - "Non closed ring detected."

For years I have pulled Open StreetMap datasets from Geofabrik and converted them to SQLite for use within QGIS. Until now, I've had no problem using the following in the OSGeo4W Shell window: ogr2ogr ...
D. Waschow's user avatar
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How to create simple elevation map

I'm completely new to QGIS, and I would like to know if there is a quick way of creating an elevation map as in the following example. I would like to define 4-5 altitude intervals, and color them ...
user3685604's user avatar

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