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How to cut Google map (OSM) using polygon? in QGIS

In QGIS, I would like to use polygon and open street map (google satellite) as "Clip raster by mask layer" to obtain a Google image in the form of polygon. However, if you use the Clip ...
bsg's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap not displaying on my printed maps from QGIS?

I can't figure out the why of when I do a map off my QGIS work while using OpenStreetMap as background map with XYZ Tiles, it simply doesn't get printed while everything else gets printed as expected. ...
Quaiche's user avatar
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How to get CSV data to work with basemap, CRS issues

I am having problems aligning my own data in CSV format into a base-map from quickmapservices. Only one or the other will show depending on which I add first. Not sure where the problem lies.
Matthias's user avatar
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Setting Dark Mode for WMS in QGIS

I want to implement a OSM into QGIS via an WMS service. We see that this is easy, right? I thought so too. In my case I want to implement a night mode map, like you would find in Google Maps when you ...
Hans Swent's user avatar
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Why do I see only about half of the world with mismatched coordinates when adding OSM to QGIS as an XYZ layer?

When opening QGIS, I already have a few XYZ layers added. Full window: If I click Layers -> Add Layer -> Add XYZ Layer..., then select OpenStreetMap, then Edit, I get: which seems to be all ...
zabop's user avatar
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Import single OSM feature XML into QGIS 3

I am aware of the great QGIS plugin QuickOSM to download OSM features into QGIS, and I know that QGIS supports importing a .osm file that was downloaded from an exported view like this one, however: ...
stragu's user avatar
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How to open OSM as WMS/WMTS layer in QGIS so that it looks the same as

I can follow this answer to load a WMS layer to QGIS. I do: Layer -> Add Layer -> Add WMS/WMTS Layer. Then Connect, and Add: I get this map: to try how it is, I zoom in to Tromsø, as an ...
zabop's user avatar
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Finding the n farthest points from any man-made structure within a country

I am trying to find the farthest points from any man-made structure in Denmark. I have acquired an OpenStreetMap data extract of Denmark from this page, in PBF format. How do I compute a number of ...
hvad's user avatar
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QGIS 3.22 zooming pans map incorrectly to the right

I've come across this issue when trying to zoom in OSM. Here is a video of the issue: I don't have it when using the QGIS world map. Basically zooming straight in ...
MikeP's user avatar
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OSM timestamp missing in SpatiaLite layer

I have downloaded and converted a geofabrik pbf file to a db file. When I open it as a SpatiaLite layer there is no timestamp for each feature. Is there a way to get this information or is it lost ...
brink's user avatar
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Finding shortest distance in km between ZIP code and nearest point at coast of Baltic Sea

I am trying to calculate the distance in km between a starting point in form of a ZIP code/ postal code (all located in Germany) and the nearest point at the coast line at both North Sea and the ...
Anca's user avatar
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Extract shapefile from scanned PDF map using Open Street Map?

I am new to QGIS. I have a scanned PDF document containing maps of the Italian highway network development year by year from the 1920s to the 1990s (i.e. showing the pre-existent network in a given ...
Marco's user avatar
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Street blocks as polygons in OpenStreetMap

I want to convert OSM street blocks for a given area into polygons in QGIS (see image). I can of course manually draw lines with OSM as a base layer, and then convert these lines into polygons. ...
EricBHK's user avatar
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Selecting polygons within other polygons in the same layer in QGIS

I am trying to filter out certain infrastructure from OSM data and convert everything to simple point layers using QGIS. I have an OSM shapefile containing polygons of schools. In many instances, ...
Juli's user avatar
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What does the coordinate values represent when using WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857)?

I have been using QGIS for a couple of weeks now, mostly for data collection in my research project. Currently, I'm trying to plot these points, in a graph similar to this one (but in kilometers), I ...
mbk_wass's user avatar
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QGIS project out of alignment with OSM

I have a project with a CRS set to ESRI:102400. It contains an OpenStreetMap layer, added from XYZ Tiles, with a CRS of EPSG:3857. When I open the file in QGIS running on a Mac (Mac OS 10.15.7, QGIS 3....
microlambert's user avatar
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QGIS Zoom full problem on WMS layer

I have a project in QGIS with an online OSM WMS layer and some other vector layers. When I click on zoom full, it zoom outs so that the whole world is shown through OSM WMS layer. Is there an option ...
Sajjad's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap and WMS basemaps not visible using QGIS

I'm trying to import either OSM (from XYZ tiles) or a WMS as a basemap. While my shapefiles map just fine, neither the OSM nor the WMS basemap appears in the window despite appearing in the legend. ...
lizard's user avatar
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Quick OSM is giving bad request

I used Quick OSM a few weeks ago, in QGIS, but now every time I run a quick Query I get Bad request Overpass API, even on the project it was working on previously. I have tried all different Keys, ...
Muz's user avatar
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Saving huge detailed map with background into TIFF for printing size A0

How to export a huge map in A0 format size, with visible background image without loss in details? (street names and house numbers should be visible) Parameters of the network I want to export for ...
Alexander Fediushyn's user avatar
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Extracting building footprint from OSM or Satellite imagery using QGIS [closed]

I am trying to extract the building footprints from satellite imagery or from OSM using QGIS. In ArcGIS it is a straightforward task however, I don't know how to do it in QGIS. I need to recognize the ...
Tareq Salim's user avatar
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Different representations of decimal coordinates out there - how to unify?

I have discovered that there seem to be two different versions of decimal coordinate representations in use out there. Let's show an example: In QGIS the city of Vienna (Austria) is displayed as ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to export Coordinates when clicking on Points?

Assumed I click around on a map, while I need to export the coordinates of the points where I have clicked into a simple text file. In best case, writing into the text file should be performed ...
Dave's user avatar
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Automatic download of OSM data via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I am developing a script in the Graphic Modeler, allowing to download the data of a road network from OSM data, but I cannot recover them (for the polygon recovery it works well, on the other hand for ...
USER7's user avatar
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How to treat unlinks for computation in the Space Syntax toolkit?

Since I cannot find documentation about unlinks for Space Syntax analysis, can unlinks (bridges/ tunnels) be treated just like regular portions of the urban grid? Meaning I can join them to be ...
Topow's user avatar
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Add virtual field for vehicle speed to OSM roads (tag='Highway')

I want to add additional speed values to my OSM data. There is a maxspeed value for some of the roads, but a lot of values are 'null'. Therefore, I would like to add additional values based on the OSM ...
Topow's user avatar
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QGIS MapTiler Stamen Toner basemap missing highway/motorway labels

I have been struggling to get the MapTiler basemap to produce the labeling I need. I want to show the Stamen Toner basemap, and I want to only show the interstate highway labels — no other roads. I ...
user191397's user avatar
4 votes
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Error loading tab created from OSM

I downloaded open street map data via Quick OSM in QGIS 3.16. Exporting the data to shapefiles works, but I need them as mapinfo (tab). When I export as tab, the file is saved (Successfully saved ...
Peter's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap text size reduces when exporting in QGIS

Street names from OSM are reducing when a map is exported, the end result doesn't match the preview. Any advice on finding a solution in QGIS 3.16.9?
Mark Shepherd's user avatar
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Reprojecting OSM vector Data in UTM32N EPSG:32632

Unfortunately my QGIS doesn't really want me to change the Projection of the OSM Vector data. I downloaded processed Vector OSM Data which was in the (normal) Mercator Projection. I put the layers in ...
user189028's user avatar
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Getting all buildings in radius based on GPS coordinates

What I have done so far is creating a PostGIS database with the OSM world data which was successful and viewable via QGIS. I imported the data via osm2pgsql -U USER -W -d gis -H --number-...
mad_a_i's user avatar
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Is it possible to add (part of) the legend of the OSM standard map to the layout in QGIS?

For a location reference map I've created in the layout of QGIS (version 3.16.4-Hannover), I have used OSM Standard as the base map. The base map covers a wide range of objects and land types (see ...
Sytze's user avatar
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Filtering OSM natural peaks in QGIS

The primary source of data for a map that I'm making in QGIS 3.14 QGIS 3.20 is OSM. There is a layer which contains natural peaks, obtained with a natural=peak query. In order to reduce clutter, I'd ...
Nebojsa's user avatar
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How to load OSM highway values in QGIS

I want to extract the rest areas along highways using quick OSM in QGIS. But I'm facing an issue that there is no value for rest_area. Does anyone else have this problem?
yosi's user avatar
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Transforming to NED coordinate system

I’m working with a map that I've downloaded from OSM (EPSG:4326, using geopandas). Ideally, I would like to convert to a locally predefined NED (North-Ease-Down)/ENU(East-North-Up) coordinate system ...
Yuval's user avatar
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How to get all "harbours" (nodes and polygon) out of osm.pbf

I downloaded the germany.osm.pbf from geofabrik and would like to extract all the harbours. I did that already for points by using ogr2ogr: ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" -where "harbour IN ('yes','...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Exporting QGIS project using qgis2web

I am trying to export my QGIS project using the QGIS2WEB extension. I selected the OpenStreetMap but nothing shows up except for the points I made. Do you have any idea why that was the case?
jzreal's user avatar
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Render Roads in QGIS using z-order like in OpenStreetMap

I am using QGIS with OpenStreetMap data and I am trying to copy the way OpenStreetMap renders the order of their roads using the 'z-order' field. I am very close, I managed to use the layer properties ...
floyd434's user avatar
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QGIS OSM baselayer zoom level on print layout size A1 [duplicate]

I am using an offline OSM baselayer map in QGIS and prepared a printlayout map size A1. Scale is 160000. When I have the map on 100% in the printlayout I can read the names of the cities and smaller ...
Ivy's user avatar
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How do I change the buffer units from degrees to meters for my CSV layer in CRS EPSG 4326? [duplicate]

I'm trying to add a buffer to a CSV layer, in QGIS, which is overlaid onto an OpenStreetMap layer but I do not know how to change the units from degrees to meters. I've tried to change the CRS to EPSG ...
InnocentElk 's user avatar
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QGIS 3.18 - Divide Polygons to smaller ones/clusters with each one having x number of points

I have a polygon-layer with the boundaries of a district. I want to divide this polygon into several smaller polygons with each polygon having x number of buildings. To do so, I added another (...
wollyka's user avatar
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Converting a QGIS project to a PBF file

I have a QGIS project with 3 layers: OpenStreetMap layer Polygon representing a specified area on the map Lines representing streets in that area on the map How do I convert this project to an ...
Hoda's user avatar
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Download all coffe-shop locations in Italy from OSM. Stuck with Qgis, R and geofabrik

I wanted to download all café locations from OSM in Italy. I tried various ways and one of them was in qgis. I used the awesome quickosm-plugin and did the following: But it always fails with a ...
Lenn's user avatar
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QGIS clipping OpenStreetMap but still being able to run functions such as ORS Tools on the layer [duplicate]

I have struggled to find a solution to be able to clip an OpenStreetMap (OSM) raster layer but still run functions using plugins such as ORS Tools. I would like to clip OSM with an overlaying vector ...
James the Flooded Roads Guy's user avatar
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Extract administrative boundaries with physical borders at the coast line from OSM data

I successfully downloaded the OSM data from and converted the .osm.pbf file to a .gpkg using og2ogr. Now I want to extract administrative boundaries using DB-Manager and SQL: ...
parallax's user avatar
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Credit attribution and use of basemap

I am using a basemap ({z}/{x}/{y}.png) in QGIS to draw a map for a scientific paper. I am trying to understand who is the "owner" of this map and ...
Filippo's user avatar
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Loading online OSM raster tiles using URL in custom QGIS application (C++)

I am trying to write a C++ version of a custom QGIS (v 3.10) application I initially wrote in Python that overlays data onto OpenStreetMap. I am able to do this successfully by loading online tiles ...
skew_t_pie's user avatar
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Creating high sized road masks

I am currently working the QGIS software and I want to extract roads of a certain region from OSM (Open Street Maps) in order to create a black and white .tiff mask as follows: It is also preferable ...
hattoum's user avatar
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Select area in Maps and get List of all Addresses

I am looking for a way to select a residential subdivision online maps and get a list of all addresses in that selection. What do you think? I think this thread might lead in the direction of what I ...
Jay84's user avatar
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Using OSM request as a layer in QGIS

I'd like to use the result of an OpenStreetMap request in Overpass as a layer in QGIS project. It would be like a VIEW on a PostgreSQL database.
Rob's user avatar
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