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Questions tagged [osgeo-live]

a Linux distribution that comes preinstalled with a variety of geospatial analysis and development software.

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Is there any way of upgrading OSGeoLive from OSGeoLive 13 to OSGeoLive 14?

I'm running OSGeoLive 13 inside a Virtual Box machine currently... I'd like to upgrade it from OSGeoLive 13 to OSGeoLive 14, but only upgrading its Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 won't solve this issue. ...
raylight's user avatar
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Could not locate /WEB-INF/lib/ directory to install Geoserver extensions in OSGEOLIVE 12

I am not able to locate in /var/lib/Tomcat8/webapps, the geoserver directory where i could paste my extensions file. The above picture is the directory where i reached and i could find nothing.
hillsonghimire's user avatar
2 votes
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Install osgeo live package in existing Ubuntu?

I am using Ubuntu. In my secondary computer I use Lubuntu based OSGEO-LIVE 12.0. OSGEO-LIVE is a great software when it comes to any GIS application and reduces tedious work of individual package ...
hillsonghimire's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't start web services (GeoServer) in OSGeo-live 11 Lubuntu

I have created a virtual machine using Osgeo-live 11 in Lubuntu and when I try to start the GeoServer or any other web services they start correctly but when I run it on web I get errors like in the ...
Shefqet LULJA's user avatar
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Black Screen problem during boot of osgeo-live 10.5 with VirtualBox on Windows10

Has anybody been able to use the osgeo-live virtual machine disk with VirtualBox? I follow the instructions from the osgeo website but the machine will not boot. I am stuck at the GNU GRUB selection....
Dennis Bauszus's user avatar
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OSGeoLive Error: unable to locate package qgis-examples

I'm trying to upgrade my QGIS to the latest Testing (2.99) version via a complete reinstall. I did this before by removing it first using sudo apt-get remove qgis* grass* But now, I can get past ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Changing language keyboard OSGeo Live

How can I change the language of the keyboard in OSGeo live? As described here does not do the trick for me. I do not have ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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OSgeolive with geonetwork 2.10

I need to make a training on geonetwork 2.10. OSGeolive is a good option for me, as I would not have to worry about the installation. The current version, Osgeolive 9.5, has geonetwork 3.0 which ...
Bruno von Paris's user avatar
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How to install the latest PostGIS in Ubuntu

I am wondering how can I install the latest PostGIS 2.2 (testing) from the Debian GIS project here: I tried apt-get install -s postgis after ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you use OSGeo-Live with Windows and Mac Installers?

I'm familiar with installing from bootable USB, and have done so with Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and OSGeo-Live. But there's a version of OSGeo-Live which includes Windows and Mac installers. I would guess ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Starting GeoServer on OSGeoLive automatically

I want to use OSGeo Live VM 8.0 as a test GeoServer. Following its website, I started the server by Select the Geospatial ‣ Web Services ‣ GeoServer ‣ Start GeoServer in the menu But after ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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What Xubuntu release is OSGeo-Live based on

Does anyone know where to find a list of parent Xubuntu releases for each OSGeo-Live version, and where there is a roadmap for future releases? I was able to find this out for OSGeo-Live 7.0 only by ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar