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How does nominatim identify the center of a place?

In the following image, I've plotted the administrative boundaries of Albany NY. The yellow point is the centroid. The red point is the Geocoded location as identified by Nominatim. Are the points ...
Jred's user avatar
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Overpass Turbo query to fetch data given name and coordinates?

I have a list of tourist attractions, each with the name of the attraction, its address, and its coordinates (lat/long). How can I query Overpass Turbo to accurately return data about these ...
user698515's user avatar
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OSMnx custom_filter - get all types of roads

I need to get all existing OSM types of roads from the area, and I'm searching for a simple way of doing this rather than specifying each type with "|" I've tried to write something like ...
Georgy's user avatar
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MMQGIS Geocoder: Japanese addresses not being geocoded

I have a handful of Japanese addresses, and not one of them are being geocoded in the latest version of QGIS (v. 3.22). It's probably because I'm not typing them in correctly. That being said, how ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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Highlight city, town, village or hamlet name in Leaflet [closed]

I'm fairly new to GIS programming but I've managed to do the following in Leaflet along with OSM: Display the map (very simple indeed) Get coordinates from user input (onClick on map, gives me lat/...
sockevalley's user avatar
3 votes
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Constructing query in Nominatim

I wonder how to construct the structured query URL for the OSM Nominatim? According to the documentation, one can use the free-form-query or the structured-query. This is the base url https://...
four-eyes's user avatar
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python osmnx geocode_to_gdf Nominatim not working while web-based openstreetmaps does

I am trying to geocode a list of objects (mostly road names) to their coordinates from python wth osmnx.geocode_to_gdf. The problem is that I often get returned with the following error message (...
mccoy89's user avatar
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How do I return GPS Coordinates for specific street signs in Toronto?

I need help returning all GPS Coordinates for street signs in Canada. I used Mapillary to find the locations of these signs but the zoom is too small and it doesn't return any GPS Coordinates. It just ...
Brian's user avatar
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Meaning of different elements of delivered json-Data-Structure when geocoding with Python and OpenStreetMap

I'm trying to do some geocoding in Python with the library geocoder and OpenStreetMap: import geocoder g = geocoder.osm('11 Wall Street, New York') print(g.json) Where can I get information about the ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Geocoding with MMQGIS creates empty attribute table from CSV file

I need to geocode an Excel file of addresses in Greece ("number", "name", "address", "city", "country" are my columns) using MMQGIS with OpenStreetMap....
Irini_X.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Error 502 with OpenStreetMap Geocoding

I'm a fairly new user to QGIS. I've used OpenStreetMap to geocode small data sets (30-ish points) with no problems. Now I'm trying to plot 1100 points. I've loaded up a basemap and a polygon layer, ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Geocoding search bar input into city with Nominatim and Leaflet

Is it possible to transform a search bar into a geocoder with Nominatim and Leaflet? Using the search bar I would like to search for a city to view weather information and view it on the map. In the ...
Piero Sabino's user avatar
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Include Geocoder from OSM in Leaflet Map

I need to embed a Geocoder from OSM into a Leaflet map. When I include the Geocoder all my Icons disappear. Why? I have shorten the data for this example. Here is my code. <!DOCTYPE html> &...
Noel Harris's user avatar
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Evaluation and rectification of addesses after geocoding

I am working on the geocoding of patient addresses for a public health organization. We use the Normatim (OpenStreetMap) and Google APIs. With the Google service there is no problem so far, but it ...
facu pedemonte's user avatar
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Integrate Leaflet / OpenStreetMap autocomplete functionality to an existing search form on a WordPress template

I am trying to add the autocomplete functionality similar to what you have here to the search form in my website. Unfortunately there are no ...
john zuh's user avatar
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Select OSM admin boundary which links with pelias geocoder result

We use pelias geocoder environment in our project. There is a case "selection a polygon, which links with pelias result." For example we choose "Muenich" in search field -> on client we see this: ...
Tyomik_mnemonic's user avatar
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Show Leaflet markers that falls inside mapbounds, based on geocode location entered from database

I have a GUI application where data from my database are displayed on a table and also displayed as markers on Leaflet map. I have added the Geocode (L.Control.geocoder()) function into my application,...
Garth's user avatar
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What are some self-hosted alternatives to Graphhopper's Geocoding API? [closed]

I have a self-hosted instance of Graphhopper. However, it doesn't come with autocomplete like the web demo; from doing some searching, it looks like the autocomplete comes from the Geocoding API, ...
spillthrill's user avatar
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Using overpass turbo to download all windfarms on admin level 6 in germany

I managed to write a query which extracts all windfarms: [out:json][timeout:150]; ( {{geocodeArea:"Lüneburg"}}; {{geocodeArea:"Nienburg/Weser"}}; {{geocodeArea:"Uslar"}}; {{geocodeArea:"Dassel"}}; {{...
Hannes's user avatar
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What is meaning of 'accuracy' and 'confidence' in Nominatim search results?

I have the search result for the string "12 street" from Nominatim in GeoJSON (Python geocoder library): 'geometry' : {'coordinates': [-110.0121359, 53.2489107], 'type': 'Point'}, '...
bt3780's user avatar
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OpenCageData geocoder: automatically update place name on marker drag

I am using the combination of: OpenStreetMaps Leaflet.js Leaflet Routing Machine + lrm-tomtom plugin (routing done using TomTom API) and now I have decided to switch from Nominatim geocoder (which ...
Alvis's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Geocoding with Latitude and Longitude in OpenLayers3

I have Longitude and Latitude, I would like to connect to Geocoding or Nominatim and get the address of these Lat and Lon. I want to do it in OpenLayers 3 using OSM. With help from @ThomasG77, I ...
Miguel Herreros Cejas's user avatar
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I received a max limit on Geocoding address using MMQGIS when choosing OSM/Nominatim

I was trying to run a geocode process (~20,000 addresses) using MMQGIS and the OSM/Nominatim web service. On the first run I input my CSV file and designated all parameters. However, I hit a max ...
whyzar's user avatar
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Add custom data into Nominatim geocoding search?

I have installed Nominatim on my local server to receive addresses from long/lat. I would like to add custom data to the search itself. I would like to store locations of the rooms of our buildings. ...
Kaffi's user avatar
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Import only specific attributes to nominatim

I'm trying to set up my own nominatim server. For this I used a Dockerimage ( So I want to import all the german data but this seems to be a huge ...
dominic's user avatar
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Missing OSM Points after importing osm.pbf into PostGIS DB

Can you tell me how to import OSM data into PostGIS database without lose any data? I am using map extracts from . At first I download Raw OpenStreetMap datasets in PBF, but after ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
-2 votes
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Offline geocoding for web on Windows systems [closed]

I'm developing an WebGIS in Windows development platform that cannot use Internet and need to deal with maps and positioning. The place where I need to geocode to is HongKong. Download OpenStreetMap'...
Epulari's user avatar
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Leaflet OSM Geocoder not working

Maybe this sounds a silly question but the leaflet OSM Geocoder published here Leaflet Control Geocoder doesn't work for me. I can see the search bar but when I search something, nothing happens. The ...
Salman's user avatar
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6 answers

Which geocoding providers allow storing of geocoded data?

I'd like to provide a functionality where the user can search for an address/place on a Leaflet map, and is able to add the resulting marker to the map (which later can be saved on server and ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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OSM Reverse Geocoding - Find closest node for Coordinates [closed]

currently I am experimenting with Neo4j as Database for OSM Data. In the end I'd like to do routing stuff. I had a look at the Neo4j/spatial, but this is to blown up for me (not optimized for routing)....
Robin's user avatar
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Getting complete address information from OSM without Geocoder

I know a question like this is asked very often. But the answers did never really satisfy me. I want to extract addresses and maybe POIs from OSM. Nothing more. I am not interested any additional ...
oele3110's user avatar
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Geocoding on OSM shapefiles via Elasticsearch

I want to get a geocoding system based on OSM data and Elasticsearch engine. I've tried some projects like komoot\photon, but, as I'm a really newbie in this, I stuck on preparing of the data for my ...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
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local osm/nominatim install

I am newbie to osm/nominatim. I set up everything correctly and loaded Florida pbf data and geocode /searches were working fine. Today I added data for Mississipi using the setup.php script with --...
kannan's user avatar
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How to create a locator through Open Street Map Data

I need to make a locator for UK addresses and I know Open Street Map has very good data for the UK, I was wondering how I can convert the data for house addresses, which is in xml form, into a locator ...
SilviaSnow's user avatar
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Converting OpenStreetMaps PBF to geojson with geocoding

I am able to convert PBF to geojson, but I lack the additional attributes like state, country, city, suburb, type of business etc which is offered by geocoding service like Nominatim. The geojson ...
Sl4dy's user avatar
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Converting address to coordinates using OpenLayers 3? [duplicate]

Is it possible to convert address to coordinate using OpenLayers 3? I can to it a bad way by taking address and search it in the planet_osm_points table and get osm_id and after that search the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Permanent link to a Nominatim address?

I want to be able to link landmarks from a private database to their respective OSM representations (nodes, ways or relations). One of the approaches I have seen to get permanent-ish reliable link to ...
Krastanov's user avatar
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How/Where to get reverse geocodes up to 5 decimal points precision for offline use?

I would like to have a simple text file(s) with following reverse geo-codes information for all the countries (i.e. world): Coordinates -- Address e.g. 12.96779, 77.65306 -- #7, Jeevan Bima ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Geocoding using OSM data

I'm working on a geocoding project using the plugin in MMQGIS QGis, and I want to use OpenStreetMap data in this project. I have already downloaded the data of my country and I converted to .CSV ...
YSN KHL's user avatar
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Offline geocoding and reverse geocoding for Android

I'm developing an Android application that cannot use internet and need to deal with maps and positioning. Download OpenStreetMap data seems to be a good solution to access map information offline. ...
csfb's user avatar
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Nominatim limit and importance

If I limit the results by nominatim will they be ordered by importance? So if I set ?limit=1 will I get the match with the highest importance? If not, how can I enforce this?
k-nut's user avatar
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Mapquest 'community license' service discontinuation terms? [closed]

I want to use MapQuest's geocoding services under their Community License: I can't find the clause that explains under what terms I can discontinue ...
Jenia Be Nice Please's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a public API that can be accessed with Python and will geocode Points of Interests?

I recently downloaded tagged hospital data from using the API. Some of the data have a 'node' tag which are attributed with a lat/long while other data are tagged as 'way' format ...
DavBar's user avatar
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Callback method geocode items nominatim not work

function addr_search() { var inp = document.getElementById("addr"); $.getJSON('' + inp.value, function(data) { ...
csf's user avatar
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OSM Address suggestion service

For geocoding we are using the Nominatim from the below URL But i need to implement suggestion on the address, do OSM has this service like Google and ESRI ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I decrease size of geodatabase "Nominatim"?

I downloaded Nominatim The database size is more than 400 GB. The speed of geocoding is very slow. I want to increase it. For example, I ...
AmShegar's user avatar
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Limit data imported into PostGIS database?

I am building a web application in which members will be able to find other members in their area. This is your typical "nearest neighbor" search which I'll perform using their latitude and longitude....
Jim's user avatar
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Geocoding to shape instead of coordinate

Geocoding to a shape instead of a point The project I'm currently working on is Find-A-Record. We are geocoding genealogical record collections and storing them in a spatial index (browse our blog if ...
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Get coordinates of a building with geocoding

I want to get the coordinates of a building with geocoding. At the moment I use the GeoCoder class for android to get from the selected address the coordinates, but these are not corresponding to the ...
Irgendw Pointer's user avatar
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Formatting OSM Data For Use in ESRI Address Locator

I've been given the task of researching the possibility of setting up an ArcGIS Geocoding Service that can work with OSM data. I am aware of Nominatim, but since these service(s) will be running on ...
user890's user avatar
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