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Obtaining rendered data (mapnik)

I want to extract data (city, town and village names) that will be visible when viewing at zoom levels 1 to 10. You can see that even at zoom level 8, only few city/town/village names are visible I ...
Ezhidze's user avatar
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How to merge OSM and Microsoft/Google building footprint data

How can I successfully combine Open Street Map vector data with the latest building footprint data from Google/Microsoft or Overture Maps, and convert the result to a PMTiles file successfully? The ...
Sidders's user avatar
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Replacing Tile Server

I have an existing GUI desktop application that consumes tiles in a {Z}/{X}/{Y}.png format from a cloud server using this guide
ChrisWard1000's user avatar
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Why is the azimuthal projection not drawn correctly?

I am using Azimuthal equidistant projection, formulas from wiki const double R=1000.0; double calcDist(double phi0, double lamda0, double lamda, double phi) { double cos=qSin(phi0)*qSin(phi)+qCos(...
andrew13121312's user avatar
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Create a Map Tile Server in Windows

I need a Tile Server to use in another application (Traccar) that will work on a Windows machine without a network. However, I saw that to make this work I would need a Tiled Map and a Tile Server. As ...
André Carvalho's user avatar
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Local OSM Tiles - ways to reduce number of tiles [closed]

I'm developing a PC application that uses local OSM tiles. I'm using OSM docker from switch2osm to generate XYZ .png tiles for a given area and supply directory with tiles to our clients with our app. ...
user208190's user avatar
1 vote
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Import tiles OpenStreetMap QGIS [closed]

I have a map in QGIS that is supposed to have multiple layers, a custom made map, and a google street/openstreetmap layer. The layers somehow don't work, and so I decided to make a new connection. I ...
cobdmg's user avatar
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Label size in OSM tiles

I'm just curious if someone can display OSM with larger labels in QGIS. I know tiles are built on the server, and this is likely a showstopper. The layer source is{z}/{...
mins's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap not displaying on my printed maps from QGIS?

I can't figure out the why of when I do a map off my QGIS work while using OpenStreetMap as background map with XYZ Tiles, it simply doesn't get printed while everything else gets printed as expected. ...
Quaiche's user avatar
2 votes
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Where are OSM tile servers corresponding to its supported layers?

On OpenStreetMap's main site (like here), there are 6 different layer options to choose from (like Standard, Transport Map, Cycle OSM, etc): However, on OSM's wiki on Tile Servers, not all of these ...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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Getting detailed city/region names from OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile API

I want a tile for a region. I have the coordinates. I used a calculator webservice to convert lat/long to z/x/y. I'm using the OSM service like this: : curl ...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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Calculate zoom level given lat long area (slippy map)

I am wanting to calculate the zoom level for a given lat/long area. I am using the OSM/GE slippy map "standard" tile system. The post below answers my question but requires the viewing ...
LostException's user avatar
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Loading online OSM raster tiles using URL in custom QGIS application (C++)

I am trying to write a C++ version of a custom QGIS (v 3.10) application I initially wrote in Python that overlays data onto OpenStreetMap. I am able to do this successfully by loading online tiles ...
skew_t_pie's user avatar
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Pre-rendering tiles fail, only once in a while

I've customized the and broken it down into two images, a Tile-Server and a Postgis-Server. Both Tile Server and PostGIS Server are up and running in ...
suneet's user avatar
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Translating own OSM server tile to English (ubuntu 18.04)

I have created a OSM tile server using the tutorial for ubuntu 18.04 with great success but no matter what I cannot display the map labels in English only, I have tried ...
Anibal Urrutia's user avatar
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Changing Mapnik style -- generating empty tiles/images

I got my osm2pgsql/PostGIS/Mapnik/Nik4 setup up and running. I have tested it with the openstreetmap-carto style and everything works well. Now I want to change the style to Mapbox' pencil style (...
user2316602's user avatar
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Alternative to bring OpenStreetMap Basemaps into ArcMap [duplicate]

The standard ArcGIS OpenStreetMap basemap tiles have been performing quite slow as of late. I was curious if there was a (preferably free) alternative service to bring OpenStreetMap basemap tiles into ...
GravitaZ's user avatar
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Download OSM tiles footprints as a layer

Is it possible to download a shape layer (or similar) with the OSM tile bounds from somewhere? Not the actual tiles, but only their polygon representations (for example-some area have about n tiles in ...
Jonny JJ Cash's user avatar
5 votes
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Data is not appearing in a local OSM server after applying changes to it

Our company has a local OpenStreetMap server hosted on its own server and domain. Our cartographers draw streets and houses there in edit mode. The problem is that the houses are visible only in the ...
Yamashiro Rion's user avatar
-1 votes
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Seeking Leaflet-compatible tile layers for Palestine?

Where can I find a Leaflet-compatible tileset that correctly displays Palestine with its native borders and Arabic-language placenames? I've searched high and low and I've found all kinds of tilesets,...
caitlin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Download tile layers for use offline

I would like to download tile layers in this form: {atlas_name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Because I want to use them offline with my leaflet map. However, I can't find what are the approaches to download ...
George's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Regular grid for whole planet

I`m trying to generate rectangular grid for whole world with fixed cell size in 350 meters (width and height are equals). What i tried to do: 1) in main loop iterate trough longitude in range [-180; ...
gorill's user avatar
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Serving multiple styles openstreetmap-carto(4.x versions) and osm-bright from tile server?

I have followed this link to implement serving multiple tile styles from tile server. It says that I just need to update .xml style file path in renderd.conf file. But the openstreetmap carto recent 4....
APL's user avatar
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Cost of hosting an OSM tile server with similar performance to Google Maps API

I am considering switching from Google Maps API to hosting my own OSM tile server. Right now my site gets about 2,000 map hits a day, serving about 20-30 users at a time. With Google Maps API, I ...
Valachio's user avatar
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Is it mandatory to specify --style argument and --tag-transform-script in osm2pgsql query for importing .pbf file?

I am trying to build a tile server that serves tiles of multiple styles(osm and osm-bright). I have followed this link for implementing this. But here I found that osm2pgsql query for importing .pdf ...
APL's user avatar
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Setup mapnik: tile generation very slow

I've setup a Mapnik tileserver with this steps: This are the specs of my server: OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 8 vcpu's 28 GB RAM I've ...
Sven Nijs's user avatar
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Do Tile Servers typically store every tile for every zoom level?

As I understand, a basic tile server provides raster image tiles for different zoom levels. To cover the world, it requires 1 tile at zoom level 0, 4 at zoom level 1, 4n for zoom level n. These are ...
tombardey's user avatar
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Serving OSM tiles - mod_tile/renderd/postgresql problem: I sometimes get 404 Not Found

When I request tiles I get sometimes 404 Not Found. Usually, if I request the same tile again it appears alright (with 200 OK). This is what I found in renderd logs: renderd[734]: An error occurred ...
Defozo's user avatar
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Import OpenStreetMap tiles in a Geoserver Tiled Layer [closed]

I've got OpenStreetMap Tiles downloaded from OSM and stored in a repository, with the structure: Zoom/X/Y.png (own of OSM). I need to import all of them in one of Geoserver directories in order to use ...
Jackont's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Mapproxy as transparent OpenStreetMap cache

I followed the guide from to create a locale tile proxy for OpenStreetMap, because I need to access the same tiles over and over again. However, there seem ...
W. Alpha's user avatar
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Use downloaded global OSM data in Android offline app

I am about to develop my first Android app (so I am a newbie in mobile app development). For this I will need OSM data of the whole globe, but only data with tags highway, boundary, waterway and ...
JoeBe's user avatar
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How to draw maps with OpenLayers without subtitles?

I'm developing an application, using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap, which can not have some subtitles, because it pollutes the map, subtitles like this: this is my code defaultRasterLayer = new ol....
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
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Mapnik - Preserve RGB value of transparent pixels

Currently generating PNG raster tiles (mapnik) with custom style where I store one information (map_feature) by channel (rgba). Mapnik seems to multiply alpha with value of red, green or blue. I ...
Falt4rm's user avatar
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Serving png image tiles using geoserver

I have managed to : 1) Create layers 2) Applied SLD Styles 3) Group the layers together and able to preview What I have is this(layer preview): I would now want to serve this layer via tiles. ...
Gene's user avatar
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OSM Perspective View for Android/iOS

I am recently working on a project where i want to show a skiarea in a perspective view, like you know it from maps of skiresorts where the ski lifts are displayed. Are there any libraries where i can ...
Oliver Adam's user avatar
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Cropping openstreemap tiles to desired bounding box

Given the solution for downloading a cluster of tiles in and
user299831's user avatar
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Recognize Tiled Internet Layers

Is there a way to recognize a Tiled Internet Layer using arcobjects in .NET? I've tryed several ways but I always end up in a dead road... ILayerFile lyrf = new LayerFile(); lyrf.Open(@"G:\mypath.lyr"...
vale's user avatar
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Transport layer on OpenLayers 3 map: ol.layer.OSM is not a constructor

I'm using the Thunderforest Transport map and I want to overlay it onto my OpenLayers 3 map. After looking through the documentation and following their example (
Grant Bartel's user avatar
2 votes
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Disappearing borders after tile update

I have a problem with OSM rendering stack (mapnik, renderd, mod_tile) + osm_carto style and planet.osm loaded in Postgres. After the expiration period, tiles were updated and now, some of the ...
Mateusz's user avatar
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4 votes
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OpenStreetMap: need a tile service with English labels in non-English countries

I want to use OpenStreetMap tile server in its QtLocation plugin. Alas, if I use the host provided by default, there are non-English labels in non-English countries (Arabic, for example). I don't ...
Felix's user avatar
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Tile request limits at {a-c}

My in-house application is using the OpenStreetMap tile servers {a-c} for a 'free' base layer. I've read the tile usage policy and although it prohibits "heavy use" it only ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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Style for OSM in QGIS that can be exported to SLD

I need some production ready styles for OSM maps, which I can export into SLD. I am looking for styles for a long time and unsuccessful, so I decide create custom style by some manual. Can you give me ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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Is there a OSM tile server that allows you to style like google api?

The google maps API allows you to style the map you get back. Is there an OSM equivalent? This question asked how google did it How are Google serving up their Styled Maps? has there been any ...
dibs487's user avatar
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How to set up an OSM vector tile server [closed]

I have to set up a server for querying JSON tiles coming from OSM data. Hosting the data myself is a requirement as the load is expected to become quite high. I spent the last days looking for ...
Max H.'s user avatar
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OSM tileserver on Ubuntu 16.04 - renderd doesn't start on reboot

I have been able to setup a simple OSM tile server on Ubuntu 16.04. I followed this brilliant tutorial and also made some notes of my own. This works alright but whenever I reboot the system renderd ...
Dennis Bauszus's user avatar
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How to create own OpenStreetMap tiles offline on Windows?

I want to create own OpenStreetMap tiles offline on Windows. I've downloaded czech-republic-latest.osm.pbf file at site, however I am unable to load it to the MapSurfer.NET and Maperative ...
user83247's user avatar
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Generate a map image file from tiles and features

I am looking for a way to generate images (e.g. png) from a tile source with features added on top of the map, without user interaction or requiring a browser. Currently, I am able to create a ...
Robin's user avatar
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OSM - tiles and .osm file

I'm working on mobile app and I want to use OSM as its free solution. Whats the purpose of application? User is geotargeted and the map like this: appears. No POI, buildings ...
susanoo's user avatar
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OpenLayers 2 error 404 tile not found

I have a BBOX area of my county. I serving the OSM tiles (Apache 2) from a local disk using openlayers 2 XYZ scheme. How can I prevent loading non-existent files out of my BBOX area? I have 8 zoom ...
Balazs's user avatar
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how to run multiple instances of tile server on a single machine?

I installed OSM tile server on Ubuntu 14.04. I followed instruction given here . I want to perform "vertical load balancing" ...
CHAITANYA KEER's user avatar