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11 votes

User limits in Portal for ArcGIS

100 users are provided by the license. If you want to add more users you will have to buy a new license that will allow you to make more users in the portal. The LDAP won't allow you to have more ...
Ahsan Mukhtar's user avatar
7 votes

Avoiding arcgisscripting RuntimeError: Not signed into Portal from ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro?

As you're licensed ArcGIS Pro from portal/online, I suspect you have not "authorized ArcGIS Pro to work offline" (an option available in the backstage). I bring this up, as the error you're getting, ...
KHibma's user avatar
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5 votes

Esri Cedar.js (based on D3.js)

Cedar is (currently) based on Vega which in turn is based on d3. Obviously those layers of abstraction over d3 (Vega and Cedar) should make certain things easier. In short, just about anything you ...
Tom Wayson's user avatar
5 votes

Grouping layers in Portal for ArcGIS?

Portal does not support grouped layers. You can only have grouped layers if you share as a web service and include the service in your web map.
Zara's user avatar
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5 votes

Vector tile packages (vtpk) publish in ArcGIS server?

In short, yes you are able to publish a vector tile map using ArcGIS Server as mentioned "Build and publish a vector tile package", "Is there a way to publish vector tiles to ArcGIS Server without ...
whyzar's user avatar
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5 votes

Specifying URL to ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS?

You must have either a named user account that belongs to an Organization, or a Developer account to connect Web AppBuilder too. See this help link:
KHibma's user avatar
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4 votes

ArcGIS Portal instalation on the Windows OS?

Yes you can install it on a machine using Windows The machine does not need to be ...
Russ Roberts's user avatar
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4 votes

Grouping layers in Portal for ArcGIS?

I agree with Zara. Unfortunately, Portal doesn't support group layer as of 10.6. A workaround that I have been using is to group the layers in .mxd and publish them as one service. Then I would add ...
ctaldigital's user avatar
4 votes

ArcGIS Portal use server-side obtained authorization in the client / JavaScript

A full solution detailing all the moving parts both server-side and client side... Server Side OAuth Download and include the Owin.Security.Providers.ArcGISPortal project in your solution. Add ...
Gavin's user avatar
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4 votes

Deploying App to Portal for ArcGIS (ArcGIS Enterprise) from ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition

When using Developer edition, you still need a Portal (or Online) as a mechanism for Experience Builder to get maps and data from. So, when you do the initial setup it asks for your Portal URL and an ...
KHibma's user avatar
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4 votes

Dealing with log4j vulnerability in ArcGIS Enterprise products

At the time of writing, Esri have posted a blog on the vulnerabilities associated with the Log4j library. Esri is actively investigating the impact of the Log4j library critical vulnerabilities (CVE-...
Fezter's user avatar
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4 votes

Opening ArcGIS portal item in ArcMap

I too could not get the Portal Item to load into ArcMap. I have to admit they are not something I am familiar with. But you can still access the data by adding it as a web service. On the web page you ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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3 votes

Federate GeoEvent Server or Register Portal to GeoEvent Server?

You appear to be mixing terms. GeoEvent, ArcGIS Server and Portal are different products. Only ArcGIS Server gets federated with Portal. The federation process simply hands over the security of ArcGIS ...
Don's user avatar
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3 votes

Unfederating Server

you can go in http://portalurl/instanceportal/sharing/rest/portals/self/servers and click on the server that should be unregistered and unregister the server
nicogis's user avatar
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3 votes

Startup/Shutdown script for ArcGIS Enterprise?

Assuming you have the whole WebGIS stack installed on a single machine. Then starting them all up is simple but depends on your host's OS: Windows Each part of the stack's entry point is the windows ...
olive_tree's user avatar
3 votes

Editing property portalHostname in ArcGIS Portal?

For future searches. That value can be changed at http://portalhostname/webadaptorContext/portaladmin/system/webadptors/WebAdaptorID/edit You will have to type in the /edit, then change the Web ...
Don's user avatar
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3 votes

Generating Token By URL Request From ArcGIS Portal?

By typing the request parameter in the URL, you are using the HTTP GET method to obtain the token. ArcGIS REST API states that only HTTP POST method is allowed. So the server replies with an error. ...
AAA's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you deploy a custom widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS?

In order to install a custom widget in your Web Mapping Application, you will need to download, install, and configure Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (WAB) Developer Edition. Custom widgets cannot be used ...
Zachary Ordo - GISP's user avatar
3 votes

Portal And ArcSDE Geodatabase: Feature Datasets or Not

The biggest advantage I have found with feature datasets is not so much the organization per se - but the management capabilities you can leverage. We have different users editing different layers, ...
ddg's user avatar
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3 votes

How to remove the thousands separator from multiple layers in ArcGIS Portal after publishing from ArcGIS Pro?

Here is the manual way to fix this: The formatting is governed by a setting in the webmap that uses these layers. Open your webmap with these layers in the Portal map viewer/editor. Click the ellipses ...
Rich Wawrzonek's user avatar
2 votes

What Are ArcGIS Client and ArcGIS Portal?

A client is any application that consumes one or more services, so a client may be service that consumes another service. Similarly most (web) portals are clients. Literally they (portals) provide a ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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2 votes

Enabling Pop-ups by default for all layers in Portal for ArcGIS?

So not a full answer, but you could look at this option for working directly with the json configuration file. You may be able to script something to set the pop-up option to be enabled for all layers:...
Pascual Benito's user avatar
2 votes

ArcGIS Portal: Webadaptor cannot connect to Portal?

Have you tried connecting them without the web adapter? The web adapter is only for cases where you need port 80 or port 443 access (remapped from 6080/6443). Since you're running everything off ...
auslander's user avatar
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2 votes

User limits in Portal for ArcGIS

This is from the ESRI Support Website: If the maximum number of registered members per membership level exceeds your license entitlement, you are no longer in compliance with the license. [...] If ...
PhilippNagel's user avatar
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2 votes

Avoiding arcgisscripting RuntimeError: Not signed into Portal from ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro?

I had this same error, and was able to resolve it with the help of the above 2 answers. I used propy.bat as my python executable, and I ran it in an administrator shell. Apparently the sign-in portal ...
David Vitale's user avatar
2 votes

Avoiding arcgisscripting RuntimeError: Not signed into Portal from ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro?

You could try using "propy.bat" or "proenv.bat". One loads environments for stand-alone scripts and the other loads the environment for an interactive session.
alexGIS's user avatar
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2 votes

Reconcile/POST version DB edits- only by selected USERS(last edited)

It seems you want not a single child version, but one per user. You can then easily accept/reject a given user work. Pushing it a bit further, you could create a version per task. For instance if your ...
JGH's user avatar
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2 votes

Sharing map markup using ArcGIS Portal?

Yes. Think of markup as simply another hosted feature layer. You can create a 'Map Notes' layer from a default template within My Content. Add the editing tool to AppBuilder. You can also make use ...
jakc's user avatar
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2 votes

Add Bing basemap to ArcMap with ArcGIS Portal

This question could be interpreted in three ways. If you are trying to add a Bing Maps Basemap to your Portal installation and to any of your Web AppBuilder apps, follow the first set of instructions....
Zachary Ordo - GISP's user avatar
2 votes

Using ArcPy to retrieve maps posted on an ArcGIS portal?

With the ArcGIS Python API from the help The output of this is a dictionary of all items (source_items_by_id). Do with them as you wish: from arcgis.gis import GIS source = GIS("https://host.esri....
Ben S Nadler's user avatar
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