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7 votes

Append element to an array in Google Earth Engine

Your code is returning "unexpected" results because you are mixing client-side Javascript control structures with server-side Earth Engine methods. In general, you should avoid doing this. Review the ...
Tyler Erickson's user avatar
2 votes

Use GeoNetwork CSW from Java

Recently, I feel, I had a similar problem, connecting to the GeoNetwork q-interface. The question is posted here. Maybe it helps to review this and my own answer about my findings. My problem was, ...
ulrich's user avatar
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2 votes

Geoserver - Kerberos authentication

As far as I'm aware, yes this is possible. According to this post How to secure WFS services? The refer to - General HTTP request rules The use of HTTPS does not affect the description of the ...
whyzar's user avatar
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1 vote

GEE type casting / list creation and access to list-of-lists

You could cast the list of lists in the paired object to List object using ee.List() and access the list elements print(ee.List(paired.get(2)).get(0)) // prints 39a8a7
aeaturu's user avatar
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1 vote

Selecting the SHAPE column in Toad

TOAD writes out the meta data of Oracles ST_GEOMETRY UDT implementation for ESRIs SDE; it's essentially a list of geometric predicates describing the geometry, and the vertex array that builds the ...
geozelot's user avatar
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1 vote

API for getting only "essential" OSM source data for large zoom levels?

If you absolutely want an API, then Overpass is probably your best bet: . There are various instances of it around (read down that page for details) ...
SomeoneElse's user avatar
1 vote

Use GeoNetwork CSW from Java

If you want to use Java in order to implement a CSW client use the following library
ilias ioannou's user avatar
1 vote

Seeking example or docs for geotk-client-csw package

Diving into the lib source code gives the following solution. Prepare factory and params (cache into fields assumably): CSWClientFactory cswClientFactory = new CSWClientFactory(); ...
no id's user avatar
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