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3 votes

What is the difference between CQL_FILTER and FILTER?

CQL (Common Query Language) is a query language created by the OGC for the Catalogue Web Services specification. Unlike the XML-based Filter Encoding language, CQL is written using a familiar text-...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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3 votes

Connection btw QGIS and GeoNetwork 3.6

GeoNetwork 3.6 uses GeoTools 16.0. This version of GeoTools doesn't support urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84 CRS. The support for this CRS was introduced in GeoTools 17.1. GeoNetwork 3.8 still uses the ...
juanluisrp's user avatar
2 votes

Publishing metadata (.xml) for every single row in table on GeoServer?

No, without code changes there is no way to publish metadata on a per record basis, only on a layer basis
Andrea Aime's user avatar
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2 votes

Making sense of coordinate systems in retrieved data from a CSW

OGC URNs are defined and described in OGC Document 07-092r1, the first one you have encountered is telling you that your data is in EPSG:4326 as defined in version 6.11 of the EPSG database (that is ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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2 votes

Building CSW query to discover available products in GeoNetwork

Typically you would use the CSW GetRecords operation, which allows to to filter on location, properties, and sorting/paging. You can find numerous examples (for any CSW) from the pycsw tests. In ...
tomkralidis's user avatar
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Use GeoNetwork CSW from Java

Recently, I feel, I had a similar problem, connecting to the GeoNetwork q-interface. The question is posted here. Maybe it helps to review this and my own answer about my findings. My problem was, ...
ulrich's user avatar
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2 votes

Geonetwork and CSW records hierachy

Maybe you want to check the OGC specification for the CSW protocol (version 2): Maybe you can query by creator, distributor or some other attribute that ...
María Arias de Reyna Domínguez's user avatar
1 vote

MetaSearch plugin with API key authenticaiton

The MetaSearch plugin uses the CatalogueServiceWeb class from the owslib.csw module to establish the connection to the CSW. CatalogueServiceWeb takes a 'headers' argument, which is not used in ...
juto96's user avatar
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How to build a GET request from a CSW POST request

Generally speaking, to find out what is possible in a specification in this case CSW, the starting point is the specification documentation. OGC Catalogue Service specifications are listed at: https:/...
nmtoken's user avatar
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1 vote

Upload resources to GeoNetwork filestore via CSW / API

You'd need two calls, one to the CSW-T service to create the metadata record and other to store the JSON file in the filestore using the GeoNetwork API: POST /{portal}/api/0.1/records/{metadataUuid}/...
juanluisrp's user avatar
1 vote

Clip (Data Management) tool with basemap

What are you looking to get as a result? ============================================================================If you want to clip data based on extents of features (i.e. clip drinking ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Clip (Data Management) tool with basemap

Click the View menu, choose Data Frame options. At the bottom of the Data Frame Tab are "Clip Options" Choose Clip to Shape then click the Specify Shape button. On the next screen you can choose the ...
lambertj's user avatar
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Metadata (CSW) server + editor alternative to GeoNetwork?

To update GeoNetwork you just have to deploy the new war with the same database and folder configurations. GeoNetwork takes care automatically of the upgrading. As an alternative, there is currently ...
María Arias de Reyna Domínguez's user avatar
1 vote

Use GeoNetwork CSW from Java

If you want to use Java in order to implement a CSW client use the following library
ilias ioannou's user avatar
1 vote

Difference between CSW 2.0 and CSW 3.0

From : CSW 3.0 provides major features and improvements over CSW 2.0.2 as part of the evolution of OGC Catalogue Services, including Open Search Geo and ...
tomkralidis's user avatar
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Seeking example or docs for geotk-client-csw package

Diving into the lib source code gives the following solution. Prepare factory and params (cache into fields assumably): CSWClientFactory cswClientFactory = new CSWClientFactory(); ...
no id's user avatar
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Is there an exhaustive, searchable catalog of all GIS web services (e.g. OGC WMS/WFS, REST, SOAP)?

GeoSeer seems to be exactly what you want. - at the time of writing it has over 750,000 distinct spatial layers indexed and searchable - WMS, WFS, WCS and WMTS. It only ...
GIS-Jonathan's user avatar
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Is there an exhaustive, searchable catalog of all GIS web services (e.g. OGC WMS/WFS, REST, SOAP)?

You can use Open Data Network (ODN) Catalog like VoyagerODN. It is a public open data portal which offer a single, searchable geospatial catalog of global content. VoyagerODN provides an online search ...
Ideagora Geomatics's user avatar

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