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7 votes

Open raster file with GDAL on google cloud storage bucket returns None

GCS buckets are implemented as a GDAL virtual filesystem, so you'll want to update the filepath to: gdal.Open('/vsigs/my-bucket/1.tif') But as @Kartograaf mentions, you may also need to set some ...
James's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it possible to install GeoServer On Google Cloud?

It can be done by using a pre-defined Geoserver Docker container. Investing the time to learn Docker is really worthwhile as it allows you to stand up and replace your cloud Geoserver instances very ...
minus34's user avatar
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4 votes

Downloading Sentinel-2 data from Google Cloud Storage with Python?

I was able to achieve it using the module google-cloud-bigquery. You need a Google Cloud BigQuery key-file for this, which you can create by following these instructions. You also need a project from ...
s6hebern's user avatar
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Deploy GeoServer inside Apache Tomcat in Google Cloud Platform

Edit the Tomcat webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml file, change the section like <multipart-config> <max-file-size>52428800</max-file-size> <max-request-size>52428800</...
nmtoken's user avatar
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4 votes

Google BigQuery error: "Invalid polygon: edge crosses edge"

BigQuery can now repair such polygons too, see make_valid argument to st_geogfromgeojson. And here ...
Michael Entin's user avatar
3 votes

Importing imagery from Google Cloud Buckets to Earth Engine

You can add them to a collection, but only by calling the createAsset endpoint yourself.
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
3 votes

Importing image into Google Colab as Earth Engine asset from Google cloud storage

You cannot access imagery from Cloud Storage directly, you have to upload them as assets first. This post show how you can do that from Colab: !earthengine --no-use_cloud_api upload image --asset_id={...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
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Getting CURL error when using rasterio on Google App Engine

rasterio 1.1.8 now depends on certifi: - If the certifi package can be imported, its certificate store location will be passed to GDAL during import of rasterio._env unless CURL_CA_BUNDLE is ...
user2856's user avatar
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Using Google BigQuery GIS table as a data source to QGIS

There were two solutions people described using in BQGIS group, One is import plugin for QGIS,
Michael Entin's user avatar
2 votes

Read files with Python GDAL using VSIGS

Rasterio added support for gcs urls in version 1.0.15. If you're working with a recent version you can now use the following: import rasterio import os #can also set these as a normal env var ...
mmidzik's user avatar
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2 votes

Where are the GeoServer HTTP logs on Jetty server?

Jetty does support logging http requests with the requestlog module since version 9.4.15 GeoServer 2.18 bin-zip ...
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get the bounding box (MultiPolygon) of a geographic region?

BigQuery has a few public datasets, including US counties, that you can directly use. SELECT geo_id, state_fips_code, county_name, county_geom FROM `bigquery-public-data.geo_us_boundaries.counties` ...
Michael Entin's user avatar
2 votes

Error in exporting table from Python API service account-- Asset does not exist or doesn't allow this operation

Because you are authenticated with a service account, you cannot export assets to a personal account. You need to authenticate with your personal account.
Sean Carter's user avatar
2 votes

Earth Engine: understanding the new "cloud project" feature

This is not a fair representation of the project feature. I'll reproduce the original announcement for reference: We are pleased to announce that you can now use Earth Engine with Google Cloud ...
Nicholas Clinton's user avatar
2 votes

Importing imagery from Google Cloud Buckets to Earth Engine

Six years later and Noel's answer is still true. See this link for an example: // All the GeoTiffs are in this folder. var uriBase = 'gs://...
intotecho's user avatar
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1 vote

Download images to Google Cloud Storage using geemap.download_ee_image_tiles

I believe you should be able to set out_dir to gs://bucket-name/path/on/gcs or possibly /vsigs/bucket-name/path/on/gcs that way GDAL will understand the destination is not a local file. Otherwise I ...
eseglem's user avatar
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Loading geospatial data from GCS to BQ - JSON parsing error

I think your BigQuery schema should have just one line, name - geometry, type - Geography. The value for geometry field is a string, note the value is quoted: "geometry": "{\"type\&...
Michael Entin's user avatar
1 vote

Issue using pyModis.createMosaicGDAL() on Debian

I managed to sort things out. As I suspected, the issue had to do with GCP. If it helps anyone else out there, the slowing was due to the slow IO on the GCP disks. The speed depends on the type of ...
Nart Barileva's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any STAC catalog available for Sentinel-2 data on Google Cloud?

Here you can find a list of public STAC Catalogs and there is the Google Earth Engine STAC Catalog here.
MaxDragonheart's user avatar
1 vote

How can filter low cloud coverange in a region with Sentinel-2 L2A in GEE?

I've been struggling with this too. What worked for me was doing the filtering on the s2SrWithCloudMask before you turn it into an imageCollection. I also made a filter function to map to the ...
Blue101black's user avatar
1 vote

Google BigQuery error: "Invalid polygon: edge crosses edge"

This kind of topological error can creep into a dataset depending upon how the data was created. A self intersection can be fixed using the Repair geometry tool in ArcMap. Here is a polygon with a ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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Unable to export Testing and Training data as TFRecord using Google Earth Engine

An out of memory error depends on how much data you're processing. If a lot of data and processing goes into creating cloudFree, you might want to export it as an asset before doing the sampling. That ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
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How can I export images with their metadata from Google Earth Engine to Google Cloud Storage?

you could for example export a CSV file. This gives a file with the properties of the image and their corresponding values? Export.table.toCloudStorage({ collection: ee.FeatureCollection([...
Kuik's user avatar
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Querying polygon data imported from Google BigQuery GIS within R

Looks like R package does not understand and fails when it sees Geography type. SELECT *, ST_ASTEXT(wkt) AS Geometry ... is good path, but you also need to exclude all Geography columns from query, ...
Michael Entin's user avatar
1 vote

Difference between Landsat-8 data in Earth Engine data catalog and Cloud collections?

The visualisation that you see in the code is so that it can better be represented on the map. However the data structure is still the same in both cases. Here is the structure of 'B4' data_type: ...
Sean Roulet's user avatar
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Manipulating polygon data imported from Google BigQuery GIS within R

If you row-bind together the list that you get when reading GeoJSON feature strings with read_sf together you get an sf data frame: >, lapply(d$geom,read_sf)) Simple feature ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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Downloading Sentinel-2 data from Google Cloud Storage with Python?

There are about two types of One is for online_path = line[7:line.find('><') - 2], the other is for online_path = line[7:line.find('><')]. For convenience, I get online_path ...
Edwah Za's user avatar
1 vote

Downloading Sentinel-2 data from Google Cloud Storage with Python?

This script worked for me after I removed "-2" in the line online_path within the function make_safe_dirs: online_path = line[7:line.find('><')]
thomas84's user avatar
1 vote

Read files with Python GDAL using VSIGS

Following @metasequoia's suggestion, I'm posting the workaround I found for this issue. This doesn't actually answer the question since it relies on rasterio instead of GDAL, but it might help other ...
ArMoraer's user avatar
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Integrating Vector/Raster in Google Cloud Storage in QGIS

The Google Cloud Storage stores an object of any file type, You store objects in containers called buckets that you've created, example: Bucket name - gs://mybucket Object name - gs://mybucker/...
Hutch's user avatar
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