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38 votes

numpy array to GTiff using rasterio without source raster

This ended up being more straightforward than I thought, with all of the capabilities lying in the function. Here is an example using a proj4 string instead of wkt. import rasterio ...
Bryce Frank's user avatar
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28 votes

Reading, modifying and writing a geotiff with GDAL in python

Your script is missing the ds.FlushCache method, that saves to disk what you have in memory at the end of the modifications. See below a corrected version of your example. Notice that I also added two ...
Andrea Massetti's user avatar
18 votes

How does QGIS open so large raster datasets (about 40GB)?

If QGIS is runnig in a 1000x1000 pixel sized window on your screen there is no need to read all 32000x32000 pixels for showing the map. GDAL tries to read data from the source image so that no data at ...
user30184's user avatar
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18 votes

Creating an in memory rasterio Dataset from numpy array

Note: You can use rasterio.features.geometry_mask to mask your numpy array without writing a dataset (example). Otherwise if you want to use rasterio.mask.mask, you can create a DatasetReader manually ...
user2856's user avatar
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14 votes

gdal_calc raster calculator syntax for logical operators and other functions

Following on from Benjamin's answer, you can use logical_or() or logical_and(). See The following example worked nicely for me. This ...
Tybion's user avatar
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14 votes

How to split multiband image into image tiles using Rasterio?

Below is a simple example (rasterio 1.0.0 or later, won't work in 0.3.6). There might be better/simpler ways (and there is an easier way if your raster is internally tiled and the tile block sizes ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.5k
14 votes

Creating an in memory rasterio Dataset from numpy array

I wrote a wrapper for rasterio.mask.mask that accepts numpy arrays as inputs. def mask_raster_with_geometry(raster, transform, shapes, **kwargs): """Wrapper for rasterio.mask.mask ...
Luna's user avatar
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13 votes

Shapely deprecation warning message when plotting GeoPandas geodataframe

( Answer for users who ended up here based on the title and just want to hide the error ) If you have acknowledged the error and do not want it to keep appearing, you can always ignore it using : ...
user2589273's user avatar
10 votes

How to use for multi-band images?

To calculate a grey-scale from the same input file using different bands u can open the file multiple times and define the band which you want to use with --A_band=n. See my example for calculating ...
Gert's user avatar
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9 votes

Writing numpy array to raster file

An alternative to the approach suggested in the other answers is to use the rasterio package. I had issues generating these using gdal and found this site to be useful. Assuming you have another tif ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
9 votes

Writing numpy array to raster file

There is also a nice solution in the official GDAL/OGR Cookbook for Python. This recipe creates a raster from an array import gdal, ogr, os, osr import numpy as np def array2raster(newRasterfn,...
Adam Erickson's user avatar
8 votes

Numpy is not setting properly nan values: arr[arr== 0] = np.nan

Your arrays are not all nan. It prints nan because that is how np.mean and np.std work, if the array contains any nans, the result will be nan. You can use nanmean and nanstd instead: import numpy as ...
Bera's user avatar
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7 votes

Looping through all raster cell values using GDAL via Python?

You may read it as array, using numpy: from osgeo import gdal import sys import numpy as np src_ds = gdal.Open( "INPUT.tif" ) print "[ RASTER BAND COUNT ]: ", src_ds.RasterCount for band in range( ...
mgri's user avatar
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7 votes

create a maximum raster using gdal_calc

you must use maximum instead of max --calc="maximum(A,B)"
radouxju's user avatar
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7 votes

Clip raster with another raster (by extent) in Python

Found the solution #IN ORDER TO CLIP BY EXTENT EVERY IMAGE gt1=IMG1.GetGeoTransform() gt2=IMG2.GetGeoTransform() if gt1[0] < gt2[0]: #CONDITIONAL TO SELECT THE CORRECT ORIGIN ...
Italo Moletto Lobos's user avatar
7 votes

How to create a TIFF file using GDAL from a numpy array and specifying NoData value

The two functions from the code snippet below, create_raster and numpy_array_to_raster should do the trick. In terms of maintaining the NoData value from the array in the output raster, that is set on ...
GeoSharp's user avatar
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6 votes

NumPyArrayToTable - RuntimeError: unsupported time units. use M8[us]

Playing around with dates using numpy, pandas, and arcpy tools for writing numpy arrays into geodatabase tables can be challenging. I usually use arcpy.da.InsertCursor in favor of arcpy.da....
Alex Tereshenkov's user avatar
6 votes

Buffering around raster using gdal and numpy?

I was able to build my own algorithm for this and it's working like a charm. Since I didn't find this anywhere when I googled it, I'm posting my code here in case someone needs it. from osgeo ...
Aakash Bikram Rana's user avatar
6 votes

converting a list of shapely geometry to numpy array

I created a shapefile with your point coordinates and the following code produces those numpy arrays: import fiona from shapely.geometry import shape import numpy as np path = '/home/zeito/...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30.2k
6 votes

How to filter no data value with GDAL?

If you want to filter no data and get raw values you need following code: import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array dataset = gdal.Open("path/to/file.tif") array = dataset.ReadAsArray() ...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30.2k
6 votes

NumPy array to Raster file (GeoTIFF)

By using a raster with integer values (1, 100) and one equivalent condition (myarray >= 35, myarray <= 7), following code would work as expected: from osgeo import gdal, osr import numpy ds = ...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30.2k
6 votes

How to change a numpy array's dimensions

numpy.transpose is one way of doing this. import numpy as np zyx = np.ones((1, 2, 3)) # 1 band, 2 rows, 3 cols yxz = np.transpose(zyx, (1,2,0)) print(yxz.shape) # (2, 3, 1)
user2856's user avatar
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6 votes

Create pandas DataFrame from raster image - one row per pixel with bands as columns

Quick solution pd.DataFrame(array.reshape([3,-1]).T) Explanation Take array of shape (3, x, y) and flatten out the 2nd and 3rd dimension. From the numpy docs: One shape dimension can be -1. In this ...
StefanBrand_EOX's user avatar
6 votes

Issue in calculating NDVI using Rasterio Python

In order to solve your problem, you need to ensure the grids cover the same area and have the same dimensions. One method to achieve this is with the reproject_match method in rioxarray (geospatial ...
snowman2's user avatar
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6 votes

Strange warning/error when working with polygons

This is not an error on user side. It is the result of a recent change in Numpy 1.21 coupled with a way shapely implements (rather not implements) __array_interface__. There is nothing the user should ...
martinfleis's user avatar
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6 votes

Adding CSV file by Python to QGIS throws #Line20 got ...columns instead of... error

The problem is caused by the comma in lat/long values. In your previous question, lat/long contains dot instead of comma for decimal (this is the main reason why you get the error) and lat/long ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
5 votes

Fully load raster into a numpy array?

My solution using gdal looks like this. I think it is very reusable. import gdal import osgeo.gdalnumeric as gdn def img_to_array(input_file, dim_ordering="channels_last", dtype='float32'): file ...
MonsterMax's user avatar
5 votes

Reconstructing MODIS time-series applying Savitzky-Golay Filter with Python/Numpy

Based on the SG filter from scipy.signal I built the NDVI timeseries smoothing algorithm proposed in: A simple method for reconstructing a high quality NDVI time-series data set based on the ...
Pateheo's user avatar
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5 votes

Inserting LiDAR points (from laspy) in GeoDataFrame without using a numpy array?

So, is there a better way, more efficient, more pythonesque way of injecting the .las file points (from laspy) to the GeoPandas dataframe without passing through a numpy array? No, and I'm not sure ...
Howard Butler's user avatar
5 votes

Classifying LiDAR ground points using laspy?

I was able to come up with a solution. The following code works, but it feels like there is a much simpler way to do this operation. If anyone has a cleaner or more efficiect way to filter and ...
rosswin's user avatar
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