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7 votes

Is raster lossy and vector not lossy?

These definitions you're using are not accurate: not lossy (scale up or down, doesn't matter) lossy (or have the potential for being lossy if attempted to scale up) "Scale up or down, ...
Dan C's user avatar
  • 12.3k
6 votes

Is raster lossy and vector not lossy?

You shouldn't think in term of lossy or not to differentiate the two format but rather in term of different use for each format. Also as long as you are not modifying your data neither format is lossy....
J.R's user avatar
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5 votes

Is raster lossy and vector not lossy?

That person was correct. Just as with photos, rasters are only lossy in the traditional sense if you compress them. Vector data can be lossy--in the spatial sense--due to low precision of the data ...
Tom's user avatar
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5 votes

Disable storage of passwords in QGIS

Not a off-the-shelf solution, but a hint for a workaround: You could edit the script to remove connection passwords each time QGIS is launched by a user. A good starting point could be ...
RafDouglas C. Tommasi's user avatar
4 votes

Disable storage of passwords in QGIS

You can create a button (in a toolbar or here in the code in the messageBar) to create a new WMS connection without this basic tab : DLG_WMS_CONNECTION = None def update_browsers(): ""&...
J. Monticolo's user avatar
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3 votes

Cloud storage options for vector data in Geoserver

Yes, but it will be very slow. A better solution would be to use a cloud based PostGIS datastore (such as RDS on AWS or similar on Azure etc).
Ian Turton's user avatar
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3 votes

Hosting webmap on Google CLoud Storage without compromising data

If you only use Leaflet to serve your content, the source data will have to be public. Javascript runs clientside on users' web browsers, and everything it retrieves will have to be open to the ...
Senshi's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating permanent vector layer in QGIS

As Joseph suggested in the comments, the solution is to add the following line to your python script: _writer = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(outLayer ,r"C:/Users/yourUser/yourPath/...
applebrown's user avatar
2 votes

Export map from Google Earth

If you do not specify region, the current view in the code editor will be exported. In other words, set an argument 'region' which is a geometry you would like to export. region (Geometry.LinearRing|...
Kuik's user avatar
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2 votes

Geodatabase archival storage

There seems to be a misunderstanding. With archiving in ArcGIS there are no separate tables that hold the history or anything. History is determined by a FromDate and a ToDate field that are set ...
Berend's user avatar
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1 vote

Disable storage of passwords in QGIS

As a workaround, I suggest deleting the credentials in the existing *.qgs file. Here is the python code that does this: import os def delete_properties(qgs_file, properties): """...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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1 vote

Cataloging small hardcopy map collections

Recently, we have been doing something similar, but for a larger collection of maps. We wanted something simple, but not fragile, mostly for our own use. A few passionate students helped with ...
Cezar B's user avatar
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1 vote

Accessing Microsoft Azure File Storage from ArcMap?

I'm going to assume you are using the most current version because you did not state the version you are working with. This ESRI document outlines how you can connect with either an azure storage or ...
risail's user avatar
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1 vote

Managing large amounts of geospatial data?

Storage pattern for geospatial data depends on how you want to query it / what you want to do with it. Following are some tools that you can consider: Postgres+PostGIS: Supports geospatial indexes ...

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