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GeoServer cluster - shared disk considerations

Depending on the architectural needs, the amount of data and format there are several that will work. Probably the easiest would be if you have NAS storage devices in your datacenter that can present ...
Andy C's user avatar
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Managing photo storage in QField

In case somebody else bumps into that problem: After more research, I found that the problem is the phone itself (more precisely the cache management system). I had basically this problem: https://...
Horizen's user avatar
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Open Source GIS tools for using LiDAR to estimate storage behind dams/culvert

You could also consider using GRASS-GIS to import and process your LiDAR data. There is detailed information provided on the GRASS Wiki and an example of a DEM created and visualised included below. ...
dmci's user avatar
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Open Source GIS tools for using LiDAR to estimate storage behind dams/culvert

You have a LiDAR derived surface model and you want to calculate the volume of water that would be behind a theoretical dam? If so, have a look at this link
GBG's user avatar
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QField - Can't access local storage on iPhone

Currently iPhone Files app allows you to access QField folder. You can search for "QField" inside your mobile storage and you will get a folder that has a logo for QField. Open that folder ...
Baptenda's user avatar
1 vote

Sharing data in small remote organization

My recommendation is migrate to Geopackage instead of shapefiles and stored them inside a cloud service. That's the easiest way to work on my opinion, plus Geopackage works with SQLite so the ...
SbasGM's user avatar
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How do you store/organize/manage your own data?

Better be fast for closers are closing the question. I have been in the GIS / spatial database business for many years and have never really had my own data. Data I found useful - or work on - some of ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Capturing photos in QField

The pattern: QFIELD Could not save changes. Rolling back brought me here. I do Qfield 1.5.3 - Piz Palü on a S8 with LinageOS (dreamlte 9 PQ3A). Out of storage reasons i put the project on the SD card....
nick's user avatar
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Capturing photos in QField

The solution is to change the layer type to Shapefile. Don't ask me why... I also tried using the Spatialite driver without success. Prior to trying Shapefile I did notice that I was receiving an ...
marcp's user avatar
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What alternatives are there for hosting shapefiles too large for GeoCommons?

You can use NextGIS cloud ( for publishing your files. After publishing the file can be shared as: GeoJSON REST API WFS-T service And also you can create a numerous web maps using this ...
Dmitry Baryshnikov's user avatar

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