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7 votes

Unable to georeference Arrowsmith's "The World, on Mercators Projection" historical map

Set your project CRS to a pacific centered CRS like EPSG:3832 or EPSG:8859. Your map canvas with basemap should than look like in screenshot 3 below. Than georeference your map using the same CRS for ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 74.9k
5 votes

How to print a big size using QGIS

The list of paper size is located under the 'Composition' tab. You can select the desired paper size from the 'Page size' drop-down menu, as you can see below:
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
3 votes

Adding folding marks to Print Layout in QGIS

You can't do folding marks automatically, sadly. My manual solution was laborous to create, but once saved to the templates, very helpful. I'll retrace the process for an A2 sheet (841 mm x 594 mm). ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 17.1k
2 votes

Size of the layout depending of the number of features

You can try the following (tested) with_variable('Année', '2019', aggregate( layer:='Observation', aggregate:='count', expression:="any_existing_field_name_from_observation_layer&...
ThomasG77's user avatar
  • 31.2k
2 votes

Plotting large map into several smaller A4

This seems to be common but need some steps to be done with QGIS. Here is one of the method to do it. It is based on the process used in the atlas documentation but updated as function used have been ...
Corentin Lemaitre's user avatar
1 vote

Cataloging small hardcopy map collections

Recently, we have been doing something similar, but for a larger collection of maps. We wanted something simple, but not fragile, mostly for our own use. A few passionate students helped with ...
Cezar B's user avatar
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