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Editing date in *.ssf files?

I finally found a solution : Open *.ssf files in office pathinder Menu tools> other > check *.ssf files Select the right files Options : check modify GPS week number manually Fill wiht the right GPS ...
Vincent Dulout's user avatar
3 votes

Any idea why my data is off by 5ft?

One thing to watch out for when doing any RTK or post-processing is what coordinate reference system is being used by the control network? The control network may return ITRF2008 (or another ITRFxx ...
mkennedy's user avatar
  • 19.1k
3 votes

Improving Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office and TerraSync coordinate systems workflow?

I am dealing with a similar issue. Luckily, I don't have multiple sites in different coordinate systems like you. But I think you are on the right track. Leaving PFO in lat/long (WGS84) seems to ...
Joe Bryant's user avatar
2 votes

Terrasync COM Port Unavailable

My GeoXT with Terrasync 2.53 did exactly the same thing. I began to suspect a "loose cable." Popped the yellow plastic back off (six screws around the perimeter) and reseated the end of the ribbon ...
Ned's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Splitting Trimble SSF file for post processing 2 days separately?

Aha; I assumed incorrectly! PFO's Differential Correction Wizard based the Start Time and End Time of the correction log on the positions in the SSF, not the header you cannot edit in SSF Record ...
Joe Bryant's user avatar
2 votes

Loading point shapefiles from Trimble GPS in QGIS

I see in your screenshots that QGIS show coordinates in Gaus Kruger 7 zone for Serbia (7 500 000, 4 900 000) and that is probably from your orthophoto background map. But you are trying to open ...
sys49152's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I transfer shape or database files to Terrasync without Pathfinder office?

There is, sort of. You can use the Trimble Data Transfer Utility (which is a free download) to transfer a shapefile to your GeoXT and use it as a "background" layer in Terrasync. That will allow you ...
Dan C's user avatar
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2 votes

GNSS accuracy, what is it?

The precision of GNSS devices is indeed usually given in RMS. Trimble is not an exception. In your case, you would have 63% of confidence that your point is located within an horizontal circle of ...
radouxju's user avatar
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2 votes

What is GNSS Accuracy on a GPS?

Yes, the Accuracy estimates which come out of a GNSS / GPS receiver are an estimate of the error, but it is important to know that this is statistical - if you look at the datasheet for a GNSS unit, ...
Trams's user avatar
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2 votes

Trimble RTX GPS NTRIP, DNS failed to resolve IP address

I had a similar issue on another RTX device, and I think there are a couple of important issues to comment on. First of all, you did not mention it, but you NEED to have internet on the receiver. RTX ...
Alejandro Barberia's user avatar
2 votes

GPS with external antenna. Which piece of hardware is the limiting factor for accuracy?

The accuracy you achieve with Geo 7x (CM) using Zephyr 3 antenna will be the Geo 7x figure, i.e. "1.5 cm + 2 ppm VRMS". Please refer to the the datasheet on The accuracy ...
Trams's user avatar
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1 vote

NTRIP RTCM 3.0 -3.1

You are right about RTCM format being the problem. According to the Geo2008 XH Datasheet, Geo2008 only supports RTCM 2.x, RTCM 3.0, CMR and CMR+. Support for RTCM 3.1 was introduced with Geo6000. I ...
Trams's user avatar
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1 vote

Adding a data dictionary to Trimble R1 reciever through ArcGIS Online

Check out this tech session from the user conference in 2018 talking about how to use ArcGIS Online, Collector and high accuracy GPS receivers:
Russ Roberts's user avatar
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Trimble external antenna settings

It’s unlikely to be the port setting - that would merely turn the connection on or off (so collection wouldn’t have been possible if it were the wrong port). That being said, you can check - if you ...
AlecZ's user avatar
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Trimble Geo 7x Data Transfer from Pathfinder Office

Using Terrasync? If you're positive your DDF file is OK and you're just having trouble with PFO seeing your GPS, you can use Windows file explorer to try to copy/paste it to the "...My Documents\...
Zipper1365's user avatar
1 vote

How Does the Trimble Catalyst Work

It uses GNSS and carrier phase DGPS to get centimeter level accuracy. You do not need to setup base stations with this method as you would with RTK. From there spec sheet in the link the OP provided ...
risail's user avatar
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1 vote

Trimble feature locations converted to individual points in Arcmap

I think this may do what you are asking, but its hard to say for sure without seeing the data. It says it splits multipart features into single features, which sounds like what you need. http://...
Dylan Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote

Working with a Trimble GPS Pathfinder Pro XH and Juno SB to collect high quality GIS point data

I would just contact Trimble or a Trimble rep with the question to see if it is supported. They will likely answer the question even if you aren't a current customer. I don't know how old yours is ...
MapHound's user avatar
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Locating unknown destination with Trimble?

Anything's possible. It just depends how much you are prepared to pay. The quick answer is that Geo 7x does not come as standard with any software which would let you do this. If you have Trimble ...
Trams's user avatar
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Connecting Trimble Geo7x to ArcCollector

As the previous replies have said, the Geo 7x does not have an iOS-supported Bluetooth module. R2 and PG200 / R1 are iOS-compatible. But you can use Geo 7x with applications on Windows 10, assuming ...
Trams's user avatar
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Connecting Trimble Geo7x to ArcCollector

The Geo 7X does not have a bluetooth module that is supported by Apple iOS. You would not be able to connect the two and have the Geo 7X send NMEA data to the iPad.
Johnson5144's user avatar
1 vote

Connecting Trimble Geo7x to ArcCollector

The Trimble Geo7x is not listed on the supported equipment list:
Richard Morgan's user avatar
1 vote

Addin Not working in ArcMap

It seems to me that you are trying to load an AddIn compiled for ArcGIS 10.5 in ArcGIS 10.4. This is not supported. You'll need to update your ArcGIS version to ArcGIS 10.5 or higher. Higher ArcGIS ...
Propper's user avatar
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1 vote

Sending Trimble GeoXH GPS data to an Android Tablet using Bluetooth

There's a simple reason that you are not receiving GPS data from the Geo6000 - the Geo doesn't output GPS data on Bluetooth by default. The Geo 6000 provides Trimble-proprietary GPS data on Com 3 and ...
Trams's user avatar
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1 vote

Any idea why my data is off by 5ft?

This happend to me when exporting to State Plane NAD83 FT (w/ no .prj file).... Turns out my selected export units were "Feet", but I was viewing it in a projected coordinate system that assumed the ...
Zipper1365's user avatar
1 vote

Pathfinder Post-processing incorrectly- Data severely shifted

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "set a projection to create the .prj file but I did solve my problem. After reading your comment I looked around for the .prj file I followed the steps I ...
Hannah Emouna's user avatar
1 vote

Not received signal to GPS

If TerraSync does not run, you may have deleted some critical file from File Manager. Or your unit may have spontaneously corrupted the install - that does happen, hopefully only occasionally. In ...
Trams's user avatar
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1 vote

Background Files disabled in Trimble GeoXT

According to the documentation for Terrasync v3.0, Background files are only available in Terrasync Professional. If you have the Standard version, you can't use Background files. The GeoXT probably ...
Dan C's user avatar
  • 12.3k
1 vote

Matching Trimble Data Dictionary File (.DDF) to File Geodatabase?

If you have or get the ArcGIS add-in from Trimble called "Trimble Positions Desktop" you can create a .ddf file based on the feature classes you have in the mxd you base the project on.
Homrich24's user avatar
  • 291
1 vote

Differential correction wizard doesn't pop up?

I realise you have solved the problem by updating PFO, but in case anyone else has the same problem, I can answer the second part of the question. It is not necessary to uninstall the single-use ...
Trams's user avatar
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