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OSM base map is not showing up in QField app. In QGIS, layers CRS is EPSG 4326 and basemap CRS by default comes EPSG 3857. Is it the reason? [duplicate]

OSM base map is not showing up in QField app. Is this because of the following reason - Layers CRS is EPSG 4326 and OSM basemap CRS by default comes EPSG 3857, When CRS is set to EPSG 4326 basemap ...
ishteaque ali riyasat's user avatar
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Understanding Coordinate Reference System of QGIS Project and Layer

I do not understand why there can be in QGIS different CRS for project and for layers. I have worked previously with subsurface petroleum software and there CRS "stuff" was lot more strict ...
Marin Mirošević's user avatar
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QGIS 3 changing layer CRS for multiple layers simultaneously

I have about 30 layers. Each of them has project CRS EPSG:4326, which requires change to EPSG:3857. I know how to do it, which also has been explained here:
Geographos's user avatar
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How to define (not reproject) a CRS of a shapefile in QGIS?

I have a shapefile which comes with a wrong CRS and I would like to redefine the projection, so WITHOUT applying some transformation on the coordinates. In ArcMap you can do this with the 'Define ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Adjusting coordinates from whole vector layer in QGIS

I got a vector data layer that I need to project onto a map. When I import the layer, everything seems to work, but the layer ends up in the wrong place: The red dot in the bottom left corner is my ...'s user avatar
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QGIS > KML>Google Earth

I'm trying to export vector files from QGIS to KML. When I open the KML in Google Earth I get erratic lines all around the globe. All layers set to WGS84. I have read the other topics on KML export ...
BamaBob's user avatar
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Georeferenced raster image not appearing on map in QGIS

I imported a PNG file into QGIS for georeferencing, and set it to add automatically to map after finishing the process. However, once its job was done and the new layer and joined my list panel on the ...
Anna's user avatar
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Finding scale of map in QGIS

In QGIS I want to know how can I find the scale of a map. I have state boundaries with me, and when I calculate the length of the boundary, it comes out to be something like 245.854. This most ...
Varin Anand's user avatar
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QGIS layer not visible

I have the following issue: Project CRS is set to EPSG:9473 3 layers are loaded: 2 vector layers - one shapefile and one gpkg file Both have CRS assigned the same and listed in Layer Properties: EPSG:...
Sean's user avatar
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Imported CSV file with x/y coordinates shown on Null Island in QGIS

Basically, I have a CSV table with lat/long coordinates that I am trying to upload onto a map. However, when I "add text delimited layer" it puts the spots in the completely wrong location. ...
user15108227's user avatar
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Curved labels along parallels in different CRS / map projection (QGIS 3.4)

I'm trying to make curved labels based on map projection. As in these examples, I would like labels for point layers to follow parallels. Is that possible in QGIS 3? Or a labeling style like this: ...
Iven Pepa's user avatar
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Find unknown CRS of raster

I am working with an elevation raster from the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in Germany. Unfortunately, the CRS of the raster is unknown. Now I am trying to identify the correct CRS, so ...
eigenvector's user avatar
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The WGS Coordinates (lat,long) of the shapefile (ETRS89 UTM 33 N) are swapped?

i am relative new to the whole gis world. To display some statistics in Leaflet on my website i choosed to use some district zones provided by the regional government (Berlin / Germany) as Shapefile (...
black_hole_sun's user avatar
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Projection of map to WGS 84 3857 in QGIS ends up shapfile on 0.0 (near Africa) [closed]

I have a building shapefile in my country which, when imported is in CRS EPSG 4326 - WGS 84. I need to project this to typical latitude, longitude values (If my GIS knowledge is right, to EPSG 3857 - ...
Tharaka Devinda's user avatar
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How to get Amersfoort 28992 in QGIS?

I am currently analysing landscape change in the Netherlands, for which I am using maps which have Amersfoort 28992 as their standard CRS. However the most recent map uses Amersfoort 4289 instead. For ...
Hartje's user avatar
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QGIS CRS WGS 84 problem with the scale and measurement

I have a problem with my map scale. It shows 0:1 instead of proper scale. I am not capable to make any measurements, as the values go wrong. When I click on the measurement tool I get an error: This ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Raster is in the wrong place, upon warping it dissappears in QGIS [duplicate]

I assigned a Raster image to its designated projection, it reappears 500 miles away. I tried to assign different projections, it goes off to another random place. I reproject it a variety of CRS's, ...
Bonk_duder's user avatar
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Coordinates showing up in wrong part of background map despite CRS matching

I cannot get my coordinates to match up correctly on the background layer. At first, I couldn't even get the QMS Google Satellite (CRS: WGS 84) to show up when combined with my data layer (same CRS). ...
Lily Maddox's user avatar
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Georeferencing using coordinates always corresponds to wrong location on reference map in QGIS

This is the map that I tried to georeference using its coordinates, e. g. -98.00 E and 16.00 N Both maps are on the same projection. However, no matter what coordinates I enter, they always ...
Miriam's user avatar
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Vector and Raster Layers not Overlapping when in same CRS

I am trying to create buffers around polygon centroids, and perform zonal statistics with an underlying raster layer, and the points are just not overlapping with the raster layer. I am using QGIS. I ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
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QGIS: Changing the CRS Coordinates on an XYZ Tile (Google Satellite Image)

Problem Firstly, I am a complete novice to QGIS and I have only been using this software for one week. Therefore, I apologise if I am not using the correct terminology. I have added vector layers (...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
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Wrong position when reprojecting layers from EPSG:32651 into EPSG:4326 [closed]

I have a vector layer on my project that I digitized from a geologic map. I originally projected it on WGS 84 UTM Zone 51 North (EPSG:32651) when I was digitizing. I tried reprojecting it to WGS 84 (...
Marc James's user avatar
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Changing CRS of layer after changing project CRS

This problem may sound trivial but I don't understand it. I changed my project's CRS from EPSG 31256 to 25833. When I change the layer' CRS it appears on a different location. So the changes are not ...
Markus's user avatar
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Making flattened shape of map right using QGIS

When I opened in QGIS the shapefile of Berlin, which I downloaded from the Berlin government website, the shape of map is flattened. I wonder how I can make this flattened map right? I attached the ...
H.Y. Cho's user avatar
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QGIS Line Buffer doesn't work

I want to do positional accuracy analysis by using QGIS 3.16, thus I need to do buffer zone around the vector layer (I am using buffer in geoprocessing tools). However, the result of buffer always ...
Rui's user avatar
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Two .asc in theory together, far away in QGIS

I am putting two .asc's into QGIS (DEM from Spain with resolution at 5m and DEM from France with resolution at 5m) and instead of putting them together (they are DEMs from different countries that ...
Ibai's user avatar
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QGIS - Does the Coordinate reference systems of two vectors/shapefiles matter if they are the same or not? [closed]

I have two polygon shapefiles. It says in the information properties that the CRS IS EPSG 4326 and the other one says the CRS is a custom one (I put this custom one). Since these are shapefiles, ...
AhmedTech's user avatar
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Different representations of decimal coordinates out there - how to unify?

I have discovered that there seem to be two different versions of decimal coordinate representations in use out there. Let's show an example: In QGIS the city of Vienna (Austria) is displayed as ...
Dave's user avatar
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Georeferenced image tilting

I need to Georeference a map which is given in .jpg format (Data source). I reference the map using QGIS Georeferencer. The Georeference was successful and coordinate system was saved to WGS 84/UTM ...
Walker's user avatar
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QGIS: Importing Data points from the same CSV-file puts them into different locations

I tried to import this CSV file into QGIS and generally it seems to work. However about half of the data points end up correct in German state of Brandenburg, the other half of the points ends up ...
shushu's user avatar
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