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Set multiple values to nodata - Erdas Imagine 2015

I am having trouble with the data ranges in the Landsat 8 surface reflectance product which I downloaded from USGS. The Lansat 8 surface reflectance handbook says the valid range is 0 - 10,000 range ...
lyseng's user avatar
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Workpath for Tiled GeoTIFF Warp and Worldfile

I am attempting to identify a workpath (or script) for warping TIFFs (and TFWs) and saving them out. Have tried diff methods "batch mode" and pointed it to the relevant folder etc. But I just get an ...
ensta's user avatar
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Grey Lines when batch processing a self build arcmap tool with model builder

I've used ArcMap 10.3 ModelBuilder for a simple model that iterates the raster data in a folder and writes the result of raster calculation to another specified folder. Instead of the specified input ...
Ayda Aktas's user avatar
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Quick methods to make a shapefile/feature not m-aware?

Just wondering if anyone knows of a quick method to disable m-aware shapefiles/features? Searching Geonet, ArcDesktop help documents have proved unfruitful. I'm currently doing copy features and ...
zemken12's user avatar
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What Geometric model can I use for the old black and white aerial imagery?

I am working a lot of aerial photos that are very old and were scanned by a contractor. The flight were taken and snapshot over the national forest. The aerial photos are not georeference. I am going ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Skipping outputs from the QGIS Batch Processing?

I am doing a lot of processing in batch with the r.sun model from GRASS 7.2.1 in QGIS 2.18.9. I am using the r.sun model with intention to reuse for further raster calculations the Irradiation raster ...
mazinga's user avatar
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Batch process doesn't work with multiple files

I'm attempting to determine land surface temperature from Landsat 5 in ArcMap 10.2.2. I created a model to generate land surface temperature. The model works correctly when I run any single landsat ...
user5858's user avatar
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d.rast multiple times

I am using GRASS 7.2.0 on Windows 8.1 and I have 107 raster files, converted from which I want to display all at once. I put in Python console (2.7.5) every name of rasters into variable d ...
Peter Štec's user avatar
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How to call a Windows Batch Script (BAT file) with Python in QGIS

I have a windows batch file (.bat) which executes some Oracle Queries. I want to integrate this Batch Script in a QGIS Plugin. How can I do this with Python? The cx_Oracle Python extension module ...
Stefan's user avatar
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ORFEO vs ERDAS: How to extract a good DSM with ORFEO

I'm trying to use ORFEO to check is it suitable to replace ERDAS to perform DSM extraction from stereo pairs. First thing, I can't use ORFEO for complete Pleiades images, it always crashes (my machine ...
lcoandrade's user avatar
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Derive individual land cover classes from .jpg map

I have a .jpg image which is land cover classification image with 9 classes. I want to extract raster image (.img file) which contains the same classes as .jpg image (9 classes too). Is there any tool ...
user3063's user avatar
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Shell/GRASS: Exit loop upon raster value

I am running a loop from a shell script in GRASS GIS 7. Basically, values are subtracted from a raster in each step. I want the script to stop/exit if any of the raster values is 0 or less. Is there a ...
Peter's user avatar
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AVHRR Max NDVI product

I'm trying to take a max annual NDVI product derived from AVHRR and relate it to a specific area that I'm examining.This requires me to identify the region of interest based on Landsat scenes, and ...
Thommy's user avatar
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Script to batch export pdf causing incorrect inset map [closed]

I have written a python script to batch export several pdfs from a single mxd, switching layers on/off and naming the output pdf based on values supplied by the user in a csv file. We import the ...
davehughes87's user avatar
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How to fix problem with ModelBuilder batch processing raster output names

I am using ModelBuilder in ArcCatalog 10.3 to automate a large workflow. As part of this process I am running my inputs as a list (batch processing) and using in-line variable substitution so that I ...
rhg9's user avatar
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batch buffer with different distances with python 2.7 in arcgis 10.1

I am trying to write a "smart" way in Python to process multiple buffer to lines, polygons and points with different distances. I use Python and ArcMap 10.1. I can figure out to separate lines, ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Question about ERDAS TOC

On occasionally when I open a raster in ERDAS 2013, I get white or yellow circle icons on my ERDAS Contents and tried to find information on ERDAS. I want to know what does the icon mean ? Thanks ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Raster Calculator in Model Builder

I am trying to calculate a con function for a couple hundred rasters (Meridional and Zonal raster data for wind, each being their own raster file). Is there a way to use model builder with the raster ...
Katelyn's user avatar
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How do I classify or spot a pixel, based on a specific reflectance values of the six Landsat Bands using Erdas?

I have converted the DN values to the reflectance of a Landsat image to classify the rice field by its stages. To specify the reflectance values of each stages, I have sampled the reflectance values ...
Kwanmok Kim's user avatar
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"Display Background value "0" raster"

While publish raster layer in geoserver it shows background as black. How to remove the black color. if there is any options to permanently remove the black color.
vibin's user avatar
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Aligning imagery in ERDAS Imagine?

I have two Imagine files that I need to mosaic. When I added these two in Erdas Imagine, there is a black gap between them, for example, they are not properly aligned. I know very little bit about ...
chenzero's user avatar
-1 votes
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Creating composite band image with Sentinel 2 data using ArcPy

As we know sentinel satellite data have many sub folder. I want to create composite band of each datasets with the band 2, band 3, band 4, band 8 which are located in one folder(10m) and band 11, band ...
siddhartha dhara's user avatar
-1 votes
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Generating buffers in a automate way

I would like to creat buffers in a automate form and no matter the way (e.g. script, batches and etc) I am asking if anybody here knows how to do it or if are there scripts ready to do it. My ...
Paulo Pimenta's user avatar
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Setting up batch file for fragstats using 1000s of landscapes (tif) in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have 1000s of tif rasters of land cover (at the county level) that I would like to process in fragstats, and would like to use batch processing. The Fragstats help file is basically useless. Is ...
Joanne's user avatar
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How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Performing image rectification to a jpeg using ERDAS Imagine [closed]

I am trying to rectify some images on ERDAS Imagine. These images are jpegs. They have no projection data. How do I do this?
Sam Lyles's user avatar
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Batch change attributes in template properties in ArcGIS Pro

I am using a number of feature templates for mapping and would like to change a specific attribute in all templates with the same value without going through the list and change every single feature ...
mati's user avatar
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Can't find event layers from batch XY process

I have 327 text files that contain xyz data from LiDAR. I need to make them into a giant point shapefile to interpolate into a DEM. I'm guessing the number of points I have is in the range of half a ...
Michael Adler's user avatar
-2 votes
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MODIS MOD13Q1 ndvi calculation

i have downloaded the modis MOD13Q1 from usgs glovis in hdf format. how i will convert it into original ndvi value by multiplying scale factor of 0.0001. I am using ERDAS 9.1 & ENVI 4.7. Can you ...
user33232's user avatar
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Creating model to batch select polygons by attribute and merge them together

Is there is a way to create a ArcGIS 10 MODEL to: batch select polygons from the same layer by attribute merge these polygons into one repeat this for all polygons shearing the same attributes ...
user17080's user avatar
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ArcMap geoprocessing tools/field calculator for batch assignment of line segments

What method works best to batch-assign line segment records falling on polygon boundaries, where one side of the street (line) is one city (polygon) value and the other side is a different value?
Ms05's user avatar
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Using Mosaicking Images in Erdas software [closed]

Do you know any dissertation which has written about Mosaic briefly? I did the Mosaic for my Landsat images and I want to explain and write about it.
bnar's user avatar
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Installing Google Earth ribbon tab in Erdas?

I have Erdas Imagine 11 and Google Earth installed, however the Erdas interface does not show the Google Earth ribbon tab. I've tried re-installing both software packages, but the toolbox does not ...
user63761's user avatar
-3 votes
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what is the basic programming language or code language for raster swipe tool? [closed]

How to develop a Swipe tool for rasters or vectors (Spatial layer) like openlayers or ErdasImagine. Can any one give me the references please
Satya Chandra's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to calculate cumulative mean in ArcGIS, ERDAS and ENVI? [closed]

I'd like to get cumulative mean value from a multiband image (4 bands). How can I do it in ArcGIS, ERDAS and ENVI?
Bandrush Barda's user avatar

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