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"Layers were not correctly generated" error when polygonizing raster in QGIS

I have the raster of a river product of an image classification with the SCP Plugin, and i need to divide the land and the water that resulted of said classification, so i am attempting to polygonize ...
Moroco.35's user avatar
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How to save a new raster with the projections of the previous raster

I tried to make an algorithm in Python where I entered a georeferenced raster (known coordinate system), all its negative values were transformed to zero, and then a new image was saved with the ...
Leonardo Moreira's user avatar
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Feature collection to binary image results in single value image in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to convert a feature collection to a binary image as described in Creating binary image from FeatureCollection in Google Earth Engine. However, the result is an image with only one value ...
OscarBau's user avatar
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What is the difference? : in xdg-open in linux and QGIS in window

I made a rgb raster image with using GDAL script in the Linux (Centos7) environment. When I open the rgb image with xdg-open, it's too dark, but when I open it in the QGIS, it is clear and more ...
Changwan Sun's user avatar
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Masked result from image expression

I am writing a code to calculate the Land Surface Temperature (LST), and one of the variables needed for this are the atmospheric factors w1, w2, w3. First, I added them as a property to each image in ...
Alaa's user avatar
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Extract percentile info from multi-polygon image

I'm trying to find the lowest 20th percentile figure and corresponding area across different geographies defined by an image. The image is obtained from the multiplication of 2 images, which has ...
GEEnewbie's user avatar
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How to download the aerial linescan images from open data cube?

Below code gives the metadata information, using matplotlib the data can be plotted, but how can I download all the 134 aerial images in jpg format. Is there an option to download the image files ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Count the polygons of the raster given by the kmeans algorithm

I am struggling with a Python problem. My plan is to compute the clustering of the kmeans algorithm for an image and to create polygons from this classification. My goal is to get the total number of ...
Gatsen's user avatar
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Converting RGB image to data values using existing palette in FME

I have image (RGBA) data that needs to convert values ​​using an existing palette. I have the palette available to get each RGB(A) -value translated to a correct value. I need to convert RGB value ...
Mickeler's user avatar
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6 votes
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Displaying multiple images from same point in QGIS

After the dead of eVis plugin I have troubles working on my project in QGIS 3.16: I have a shapefile with multiple row, each one with the same position: the content is data from archaeological sites ...
Enrico Croce's user avatar
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Merge raster in QGIS

I have a huge problem that I can't solve even after trying everything I can think of. I want to merge 4 rasters as you can see in this image I have Landsat 8 images, to not have a problem with bands, ...
Yassmine's user avatar
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Image size limitation in QGIS print layout using HTML code

I'm trying to make an atlas with QGIS, with one image per page. My goal is more complex so I have to use HTML widget in order to display the images. The below code works, but only if the picture is ...
samsam38's user avatar
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Is it possible to display a gray color GeoTIFF in ERDAS as it simply occurs in QGIS?

I have several GeoTIFFs (gray color) to be imported in ERDAS, however after googleing I could not find a way to display that color gradient as it occurs in QGIS. Below the GeoTIFF displayed in QGIS: ...
Gery's user avatar
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Do PNG files suffer performance for scaled read over ERDAS Imagine (.img) files?

So I have a 20 GB in size Raster Image in .img format. Though I will be examining the code, to find out why, I am AMAZED at how quickly QGIS renders the entire file in a scaled format, and prior to ...
John Sohn's user avatar
3 votes
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Water color significantly different from different relative orbits?

I've been examining satellite imagery (Sentinel-2) and noticed that water can look significantly different in images from different relative orbits (seems to happen consistently for the examples below)...
user3496060's user avatar
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QGIS image downloading

I want to download image from QGIS. What should i write in Resolution setting(2 dialog boxes horizontal and vertical)? What do they mean?
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Batch uploading images into Google Earth

I am looking to visualize images on Google Earth. I have a couple thousand images that I would like to batch upload in order to verify results from a field study. I have a KMZ file with placemarks ...
Christopher Rounds's user avatar
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TIFF image is black in ArcScene

.tiff image is black. I've opened it in QGIS without any problem but in ArcScene the image is black. The weight of image is 121gb(it is country .tiff image)
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Definitely delete more than 1000 images from an image collection in Google Earth Engine using the code editor!

I need to definitely delete more than 1000 images from an image collection in Google Earth Engine using the code editor. After some attempts I arrived to the following code: var deleteA = function(...
Cuerda Florencia's user avatar
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How rename each band of an Image Collection that I created in GEE?

I input each image and band and, created an Image Collection in GEE. However, each band is as "b1" and I want to rename in order that I created the Image Collection respectively as b1,b2,b3 ...
Nayara E.'s user avatar
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Need pros and cons of performing a GeoTIFF from ERDAS img conversion

I have a 20GB ERDAS IMG file that I need to incorporate into my project. It's data covers the entire USA, indicating the thickness of satellite sensed tree canopy. What image format would provide me ...
Loki the great's user avatar
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Filtering image collection - only one image from a certain date

My code generates an image collection. In the collection, there are multiple images from the same date (probably from different tiles). Is there a way to filter it and get only one image from a ...
user166621's user avatar
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Converting 4 Band RGBA to 2 Band LA (Gray + Alpha) mode while keeping georeferenced data in GeoTiff

I created some GOES-16 images where the dark/night side of the visible image is transparent (alpha channel). I used satpy's DayNight Compositor to make the night side of the image transparent, while ...
weather_sat's user avatar
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Converting 2D array image to table using Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to get a table from a 2d-array image. Basically, the Image (called segmentationInfo) looks like this: The 2-D ‘LandTrendr’ annual segmentation array looks like this: [ [1985, 1986, 1987, ...
Jecogeo's user avatar
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How to set image as background for a shapefile polygon using QGIS

I would like to change the background of a polygon to an image using QGIS. Under Symbology, there is an option for Raster Fill but the .jpg image is so zoomed in you cannot see it. Is there a way to ...
NikkiBeaudoin's user avatar
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Subtracting image value from corresponding month from image collection in Google Earth Engine

I have extracted sea surface temperature(SST) images from Google Earth Engine for a specific time period and region var start = ee.Date(2012-01-01); var end = ee.Date(start).advance(1,'month'); ...
mikejwilliamson's user avatar
3 votes
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Add image in popup from json Url or image folder?

Added individual url and image for 21 places in json file. Am trying to add image in my popup. Image shows up but broken in the popup. Not sure where in the code the error is?? (Same error for every ...
Liah Cheston's user avatar
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Georeferenced raster image not appearing on map in QGIS

I imported a PNG file into QGIS for georeferencing, and set it to add automatically to map after finishing the process. However, once its job was done and the new layer and joined my list panel on the ...
Anna's user avatar
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Export to drive only exports black and white images

I am generating a burn severity map for the assessment of the areas affected by wildfires in California and Australia.using this code:
bluesharxx's user avatar
12 votes
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Adding site photos to a print composer atlas in QGIS

This is the first time in over three decades of existence that I cannot find an answer and I actually have to ask one for myself, so please accept my apologies for any formatting issues or lack of ...
MattimusAurelius's user avatar
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Get image pixel centroids in Google Earth Engine

I would like to create a feature collection consisting of the centroid points of the pixels in an image. The question of how to do this has been asked before on Stack Exchange, but not actually ...
C. Ashley's user avatar
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Getting properties of random points in Google Earth Engine

I want to have random points across Peru and their properties (the band values of IMAGE) for statistical analysis in GEE. I found two options which are sampling and random points. I have tried the ...
youcodegirl's user avatar
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Strategies to convert scanned map to a proper raster format

So I scanned some maps looking like the one below. I georeferenced and rectified the image and stored it as a .tif. Now my goal is to get a raster with one band with a value for each of the classes in ...
sfetan's user avatar
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Leaflet control window - how to get image & text to appear together in the content of the modal window?

I have implemented leaflet-control-window plugin into my map and it works. Modal opens on marker click and shows text. I need image to go below the text in the window but can't get it to work. When I ...
Ante's user avatar
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Radiance and Raw Image difference after Radiometric calibration

I have done Radiometric calibration on Envi 5.3 and got the output of my input Landsat 5 image. What is the difference between the raw image and the radiance image and why is this value of radiance ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Why does my Google Earth Engine code run on a polygon, but not an image if they are of the same area

I have an Image (TIFF) that I imported and would like to run this script over to calculate average NDVI over that region, but it does not work giving me an error message stating "ImageCollection (...
Shannon's user avatar
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Error parameter invalid in downloading using google earth engine

I am trying to download a soil moisture layer for a single day from google earth engine using the following code: var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP_soil_moisture') ...
Sss's user avatar
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Export NASA USDA HSL SMAP soil moisture TIFF from Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download soil moisture data from Google Earth Engine using the following code: var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP_soil_moisture') .filter(ee.Filter....
Sss's user avatar
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3 answers

Displaying images in QGIS - Actions - unable to run command

I was following the video below: In order to prepare the action in my QGIS project. I want to have my images popped-up instantly....
Geographos's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I constrain my plot to the extent of the raster image?

I am currently trying to create a multi-panel plot to display six raster images (3,2) using par() and plot(raster()). When I plot the rasters though, R is displaying the Y bounds far beyond what is ...
linsanity's user avatar
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Filtering across image collections based on a minimum pixel value

I am using the MODIS Terra Continuous Vegetation Fields Global Yearly 250m dataset to derive PTC values for forests. For this, I need to filter pixels that have PTC values that are at least 10%. While ...
Irfan Khan Surattee's user avatar
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PyQGIS image exporter adding scale

In QGIS I'd like to add scale to my PyQGIS image exporter. Similar to the Project -> Import/Export -> Export map to image where you can add the scale to the image as in the picture below. ...
GladH's user avatar
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Create one TIFF from several images [closed]

I have dataset with images Example image: All images have GPS coordinates. I need to stich this images in one TIFF using Python.
Guamokolatokint's user avatar
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Image dimensions in Google Earth Engine

How can one get image (band) width and height on the server side? On the user side you do it with image.getInfo().bands[0].dimensions, following Extracting information from Google Earth Engine image ...
Egor Prikaziuk's user avatar
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Export multiple Images from collection to Google Drive not working with Google Earth Engine Python API 0.1.238

I am struggling with Google Earth Engine Python API version 0.1.238 to export images from the Landsat EVI collection (from 2002 to 2020, but i started with a small sample) to my Google Drive, which ...
Livingstone's user avatar
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Getting image resolution in ERDAS

How can I know image resolution of an image in ERDAS?
Ahmed's user avatar
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Viewing images with relative path through Attributes Form in QGIS

I work with Sw maps (field data collector) that generates shapefiles in which a field links to images through relative path. Originally I had non problem using Evis plugin, now discontinued. Now I ...
Fabio Giacomazzi's user avatar
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WCS Unable to render RenderedOp

I have a GeoServer running with Tomcat, which serves GeoTIFF files as WMS, and it runs fine. Now I am trying to set WCS. It works with plain/text and application/gml-xml formats, but image/jpeg and ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
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Creating UI download button in Google Earth Engine APP

I want to create a button that download images without clicking the RUN button on the task tab. I want to do this for a GEE App, where is no possible for the user to go to the task tab and click Run. ...
Luis Lizcano's user avatar
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How to find top 10 greatest values in a GEE image collection?

I'm trying to categorize temperature extremes for a region. Using the Hycom GEE dataset, I know that using a Reducer I can find the maximum value for each pixel across the image collection (see code ...
confused_coder's user avatar

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