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3 votes
2 answers

Setup QGIS Display name to return only unique values from a search

In QGIS I am trying to setup the Locator to return a matching Street Entry from the attribute table as opposed to all matching without creating a new merged layer. In the Display Expression, I tried ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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Select the bands which not start with 'B' using regex in GEE [closed]

The image has the band : ['B1', 'B2', ..., 'B11', 'NDVI', 'NDWI']. The goal is to select the bands which not start with 'B' using regex. In another words, ['NDVI', NDWI']. What I know is that using ...
Nick Carraway's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Extracting digits from string in QGIS

I have a string field that I want to extract only the digits example: 1,500 m2 -> 1500 I've tried with regexp_substr("location", '(\\d*)') to remove all after the blank space, but I need ...
Juan Millan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Rasterize: burning string values into raster (string to real) (QGIS)

I have to rasterize a polygon layer. Unfortunately the values of the field I have to burn into the raster has a variety of string entry's like "L239x" or "a403" (case sensitive!). RAT (Raster ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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2 answers

Select characters using regular expression in QGIS

I'm trying to seperate characters from database to seperate fields. Database is like: 999-10-1-1 999-10-11-111 999-10-111-1111 999-10-22-1 999-10-1111-2221 and I want something like in seperate ...
woundari's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Use field calculator QGIS: if value in one column, then value in new column

I am having troubles using the field calculator to get what I want. One column in my attribute table is named 'Taxa' and has a set of species in it. Species are separated by #. I want to make a new ...
Stevestingray's user avatar
4 votes
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Regular expression delimiter for text file in QGIS 3

I have a text file containing coordinates but also comment lines such as : #file description #description point 1 id1 X1 Y1 Z1 #description point 2 id2 X2 Y2 Z2 and I want to import this file in ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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QuickOSM using Wild Cards / RegEx

Can someone explain to me how to use wild cards with QuickOSM? I'm trying to match all shops with a name starting with a specific word (e.g. Costco).
David Galt's user avatar
4 votes
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Regex to get unique values in field using QGIS field calculator

I need to get the unique values from a field. (?<=,|^)([^,]*)(,\1)+(?=,|$) Works in an online test but I get invalid expression in QGIS Field Calculator. How can I rewrite this in QGIS Regex ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Replacing three parts string in FME? [closed]

How to replace three parts string with (like John Doe Street) to form where first word has only one letter like (J. Doe Street)? I am using FME (StringReplacer) so RegExp should be fine method for ...
Mickeler's user avatar
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Keeping only 7 digit number within field name using ArcGIS Pro field calculator and regex

I have a field titled GEOGRAPHY, which contains hundreds of records containing various strings of all similar format, for example: "Witless Bay (1001559) T 00000 ( 6.5%)" "Laniel (2485905) NO ...
hhart4's user avatar
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Limit FME regex to just the first match

In FME I have the following in the AttributeManager transformer to replace a value in a column @ReplaceRegEx(@Value(Street_Address),"^([UNITunit]*.?\d+[\/-]?\d*\w).*",\1) This should work as in the ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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PyQGIS search and replace text using regex

This is based on Run regexp in PyQGIS script? and Search and Replace text in All Fields in QGIS 3 I am trying to modify the code to allow more complex replacements using regex but am unsure how to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Get code to run on every column in a table -Error "Could not find a public static method named ..." -Mapbasic 17

I need to run a table update command on every column in a table. The code works fine when I manually define the column to work in but not when it is part of a for loop that gets all the column names I ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Can you auto-populate a field in Survey123 from another field by only pulling certain characters?

I have a field where the user inputs text Aa1Bb2Cc3 Am I able to auto populate another field by only populating the field with Bb or 3. Auto populate the field with characters [4:6] or just [9] ...
M Reaume's user avatar
0 votes
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Run mapbasic 32 bit mbx from larger mapbasic 64bit project

I need to run a 32-bit mbx within a 64-bit mbx -is this possible? Basically within a larger 64bit mbx routine, I need to call a mapbasic 32 bit mbx so that I can apply some regex code to a table. ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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3 answers

Element Tree and Regex [closed]

I want to findall tags that match root.findall("{}FeatureDefinitions/{http//}PointFeatureDefinition") or "{}...
Gary Lester's user avatar
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regexp_split_to_table to split my column on 2 different levels

Hi Guys is it possible to use regexp_split_to_table to split my column on 2 different levels. AS in split by ';' and then split by ' '. I have this "-29.617356578819454 30.394328366965055 0.0 0.0;-29....
Senyo Aborgah's user avatar
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Changing certain attributes and creating a new field for combined data

I have this combined dataset with building heights divided up over several columns ''Height'' ''Building_h'' and ''Building_L. My end goal is to combine them all in one new column. There are however, ...
Demi Vonk's user avatar
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ArcGIS Data Reviewer Regular expression to limit the number of characters (Text Length) in a field

Using ArcGIS Data Reviewer on top of ArcMap 10.5, I am trying to write a regular expression in table checks that will only allow 5 characters or Less in a field otherwise the value should be ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Grouping and sorting a list of equipment using an aggregate function in the print composer

I'm using QGIS as a spatial database for a construction site and we are now checking the installed equipment. The inspection requires us to have a list of the equipment ID to inspect for each type of ...
N.McFadden's user avatar
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How to clean data in attribute table in QGIS 2.18.14?

I have a 'name' field with composite name; numbers and words e.g. "1237, Café" I managed extract the part number with Field Calculator and make a new field (see 1) with this expression left( "...
Carlos Pires's user avatar
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3 answers

Regular expression to extract road labels from OSM other_tags ref

Extended question to the issue: Regular expression substring for labelling The answers I've found on the link above were fine for "simple" road labels. Unfortunately, I don't have a big SQL-...
Filipe Taborda's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Using degree symbol in Label Expressions of ArcMap? [closed]

I am trying to use the labeling process to display latitude and longitudes for a set of data points. To make the labels appear formal, I wish to add the degree symbol (°) to the labels. My python ...
Natedawg5509's user avatar
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Extract filename from path in field calculator

I try to extract the filename from a path in my attribute table in QGIS. regex_substr should be the way to go I assume, but testing all kinds of example from the web did not work out. I have images ...
Bernd V.'s user avatar
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QGIS 2.18.12 REGEX Labelling Dilemma - Carriage Return

I'm having a drama labelling using RegEx in QGIS. Ideally, what I want is the lines labelled WITHOUT the 'Spec' in the middle. Which can be a variation of numbers and characters but I need to retain ...
Craig's user avatar
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Postgis Query to join based on two individual table to matching two individual table with value being seperated by 'comma" in both table

I have polygon(properties) in postgis table and have a info of excel which need to join on posting table property. But it's not simple join it based on two column with matching individual column with ...
GIS Data Butcher's user avatar
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Can't create time-series raster WMS with Geoserver due to time regex expression issue

I am attempting to create a raster time-series WMS server using GeoServer and have been working off this tutorial provided here:
Timbo284's user avatar
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Moving substring from end to beginning of string in QGIS Attribute table

I have a large data set that contains a time range in the format 00:00-00:00 and 1-6 three-day abbreviations of days of the week (MON, TUE, WED, etc.). I managed to get all the time ranges and day ...
S. Signs's user avatar
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Regular Points for interpolation

I want to create a windmap. So I created a csv with coordinates with values for wind speed and direction, these represent my weather stations. I loaded the csv up in QGIS and marked a station. Then I ...
Ma Fo's user avatar
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Removing Esri text formatting tags in QGIS?

I have got a shapefile that contains ESRI formatting tags in the column I want to use for labeling the layer in QGIS. The following is an example for a label of one feature (3 Labels in different ...
Thomas B's user avatar
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How can I convert a UNIX timestamp to a datetime format within the GeoEvent extension?

I assume that this can only be done with the use of a Field Calculator processor. However, there is little documentation about how to insert functions and about date- and time transformation in ...
Coopernicus's user avatar
12 votes
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What regular expression engine does QGIS use?

Where can I find the documentation about QGIS regular expression engine and how to craft a pattern with it. I see the following regex functions documented regexp_replace regexp_substr regexp_matches ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Why do regular expressions that work on not work in qgis?

I'm having trouble getting the qgis field calculator to validate regular expressions that work on and also getting the same results between the two. I'm trying to extract the digits and ...
jamierob's user avatar
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Regex expression in mapinfo sql to remove special character

Is there a way to clean the values in the column to just have A-Z 0-9 and _ ? In python/regex I run def Alphanumeric(string): import re clean_string=re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9‌​_]', '', string) return ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Regular expression substring for labelling

I downloaded OSM .pbf raw data for Germany. Right now I'm trying to create label badges for german highways. German highways have names starting with the letter 'A' followed by a number with up to ...
Erik's user avatar
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How to select features where column matches a regex and save them in a new shapefile?

I want to select features from a shapefile where the value of column matches a regex then save only the selected features in a new shapefile.(I used to write the regex and check if it's ...
GeoSal's user avatar
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Data Reviewer Regular Expression for HHMM time format

I am using Data Reviewer to check to see if a string field is in the time format HHMM using the regular expression check. I think I have the correct logic with this: ^([0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])[0-5][0-9]...
JS24's user avatar
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5 votes
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Replace non-ASCII characters in QGIS Field Calculator

I want to replace all non-standard characters from fields in a dbf table in QGIS. From I see we can use ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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MapServer runtime execution: Cannot evaluate expression, no item index defined error

I'm trying MapServer's run-time substitution to dynamically set my Mapfile's CLASS EXPRESSION values. The expressions take the form of: CLASS EXPRESSION (([my_attr_col] >= num_1) && ([...
songololo's user avatar
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PostGIS: floating point representation problem with ST_AsText

I have a table with geometries, all with about 13 digits of accuracy. While trying to represent them with ST_AsText though, most vertices come out in decimal notation, but some come out in scientific ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
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How to populate one column of a table by extracting the match of a Regular Expression?

I Have a CSV table where one of the columns has names of the post offices with the type given in brackets like this: Sri venkateswara puram (Sub Office) I want to extract the post office type, by ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Change case of Acronyms in PostGres

I have a table containing almost 1 million points (POIs). I want to change the case of all the acronyms in the display name column I have, currently I am identifying the acronyms as any 3 letter words ...
Hasan Mustafa's user avatar
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How to use regular expressions within QGIS Actions

I have stored html links in a column of a postgis layer. There are a few entries which have multiple links stored in one cell (blank separated). I have to use the firefox.exe to open the links in ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Regular expression to match all numbers in comma-separated list in FME

In FME, I have a Feature Type with municipalities and their IDs, and a string attribute made of an unknown number of these IDs, separated by commas, like for example: 5586,5587,3468,9942 The goal is ...
Voxem's user avatar
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Using regex to find an attribute with no letters in FME Workbench

I need to divide address elements to lines. I am using 'TestFilter' transformator in FME Workbench to separate attributes with no letters. For this purpose I am using IF statement and regular ...
MetalMuzu's user avatar
9 votes
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Extracting text before first slash "/" in QGIS

I have a database of motorway junctions which are named like this: M90 J8/A91/B996 M90 J1/A90/A921/A985(T) M9 J1A There is significant variability in the length of the strings but they all follow ...
Ed Rollason's user avatar
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Extracting text within parenthesis in a QGIS attribute table

I have a shapefile of data for Japan, and I need to extract the English character names in my "name" field in order to label the layer. Much of the data is all in Japanese, but some of the names have ...
Christy Heaton's user avatar
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Installing mapserver in cygwin with regex.c

This is my first time installing mapserver in cygwin, but I am an experienced user of both cygwin and mapserver. The thing is that I'm getting a regex issue after doing cmake in the build directory ...
Gery's user avatar
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How can I use regex in the AttributeCreator Advanced Editor in FME 2014?

I want to use regex to simply distinquish between POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON using the regex term "\bPOLYGON" Apparently I can use the Advanced Editor and use @FindRegEx(<STRING>,<STRING>)...
Robert Buckley's user avatar