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Problem importing WFS layer into QGIS

According to this service description of the WFS the following rules apply to the usage of the service: Limitaciones del servicio WFS: Búsqueda por caja de 4km2 y 5.000 elementos […] ...
tallistroan's user avatar
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5 votes

Reading Inspire XML with GeoPandas

You can list all the layers using fiona.listlayers(datasource): import fiona as fio import geopandas as gpd gml = "/vsizip/" for layer in fio.listlayers(gml): ...
user2856's user avatar
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5 votes

Reading Inspire XML with GeoPandas

This is a GML file with layers. To read a layer, pass the layer name: In [6]: db = gpd.read_file("DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20200217.xml",layer="RailwayLine") /home/rowlings/.local/lib/...
Spacedman's user avatar
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3 votes

WMS service works with ArcGIS but doesn't load in QGIS

It seems to be a server side issue. By looking at the capabilities the group layers have both name and title, which means that selecting the ...
user30184's user avatar
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Reading composite types of PostgreSQL in GeoServer or MapServer?

GeoServer has not support for composite types. You can however publish data dataset in the classic relational way (separate table and foreign key) and use app-schema to explain GeoServer the ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
3 votes

INSPIRE Directive Land Cover

I am not best person to interpret the EU legislation but on the first pages of the INSPIRE directive you can read: ...
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

GeoServer 2.10.0 - How to use CreateStoredQuery

I modified your request a bit to use JQUERY and test with the data I had available, but this one seemed to work: <html> <head> <title>WFS Test</title> <script src="...
R.K.'s user avatar
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GeoServer 2.10.0 - How to use CreateStoredQuery

See the following post on INSPIRE Thematic Clusters: It seems that there is only one fully compliant solution to serve multiple harmonised datasets trough WFS 2.0 It appears that your problem is ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to serve Complex GML Features with Mapserver?

I think the simple answer here is no MapServer cannot though it's standard interface provide a Complex Feature WFS. You might though be able to write some MapScript to create such output.
nmtoken's user avatar
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Seeking Open source Tools for GML in ArcGIS and gvSIG?

as you say gvSIG writes GML, but on the Schema for Spanish Cadastre. At this video (in Spanish) you can see how to do it: I don't know if it will be ...
Mario's user avatar
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How to provide INSPIRE metadata from GeoServer

There are two ways to make a service INSPIRE compliant: Include the metadata in the capabilities document Link from the capabilities document to an external resource providing the metadata The ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Accessing INSPIRE cadastral data through QGIS

Using in QGIS WFS Note a large dataset (a strong/fast ...
Mapperz's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use WFS access point to create a GeoJSON of data displayed on QGIS canvas when ogr2ogr does not find schema?

You can get the required schema for the layer by using:
Ian Turton's user avatar
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How does QGIS extract features from the XML response of an INSPIRE WFS server?

I used your curl command for downloading test data. Then I checked the layers with ogrinfo ogrinfo GMLAS:inspire.xml One of the layers is this 8: cadastralparcel (Unknown (any), Point) It seems to ...
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

How does QGIS extract features from the XML response of an INSPIRE WFS server?

List layers ogrinfo WFS:"" Get infos on the layer you want to retrieve ogrinfo -so WFS:"
ThomasG77's user avatar
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2 votes

Accessing Spanish cadastral data via QGIS

There is a PDF document about the WFS service at The service has some restrictions Retricciones: • CP:CadastralParcel se ...
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

Accessing Spanish cadastral data via QGIS

Maybe the best that you can do is to collect the download links manually from the Atom feeds. There is one link per municipality but you must find them in two steps. First, read the source code of the ...
user30184's user avatar
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1 vote

Load polygons from INSPIRE XML to GeoPandas dataframe

I don't understand your problem, when I run your script, I get polygons: import fiona fiona.supported_drivers["NAS"] = "raw" import geopandas as gpd url = "https://service.gdi-...
gene's user avatar
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Accessing Spanish cadastral data via QGIS

You can achieve that in the command line using ogr2ogr that is part of gdal library as follows: Getting WFS service info ogrinfo WFS: -so Downloading ...
Pepe N O's user avatar
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Accessing INSPIRE cadastral data through QGIS

If you copy the link (
Ian Turton's user avatar
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Modify/replace GetCapabilities response (GeoServer INSPIRE extension WCS)

It's a problem of the INSPIRE validator. There's no requirement for a WCS to follow the INSPIRE WFS schema. WCS has it's own schema and own location for adding extended capabilities and metadata ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS INSPIRE validation

I made a test with GeoServer 2.16 that is installed from the bin-zip installer without changing the default settings by leaving out parameters from GetMap one by one. A standard-compliant request ...
user30184's user avatar
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Open with QGIS a GML file (INSPIRE schema) created with HALE studio

This is a bug see: for details. The issue is the use of a namespace prefix beginning with ns followed by an integer in the source ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to implement INSPIRE model in PostGIS?

As @nmtoken wrote, you don't need to write the SQL DDL by hand. With the OSGeo Project deegree a command line tool is provided, which can generate SQL DDL statements from INSPIRE data models (...
Torsten Friebe's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an easy way to implement INSPIRE model in PostGIS?

You don't say which INSPIRE data model you want to implement, but on a general note, yes it is possible. For example if you wanted to implement the Mineral Resources model you could use the SQL ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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Loading the Spanish Cadastre INSPIRE WFS into a leaflet in R

If you want to load WFS data in leaflet, you can follow these steps: Download WFS data in R (with sf) Transform data to WGS84 datum (if needed) Visualise in Leaflet # load libraries library(sf) ...
Lennert's user avatar
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PostgreSQL/PostGIS Metadata - with QGIS

Here is a solution to store some metadata, you can customize the metadata model to be complient with INSPIRE, ISO, etc The presentation
jlSta's user avatar
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Where to find a Placename ID for Tennengebirge for use in GML?

The basis for your IDs should be an identifier coming from the system where your original data is currently managed. This could be an ID assigned by a database or any other unique identifier that is ...
stempler's user avatar
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ArcGIS for INSPIRE - GetMap validation

The INSPIRE Geoportal Metadata Validator validates metadata. A WMS GetMap request is not a metadata request, and therefore it is correct that if you paste a GetMap request into the text field ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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1 vote

What is seamless spatial information?

If you look at the technical guidelines that accompany the directives, you'll see that the vision of 'seamless spatial information' means use of common standards, data models, and coordinate reference ...
nmtoken's user avatar
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