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10 votes

Choosing CRS for area of interest of my project

Go to and define your region of interest, e.g. using box and drawing a rectangular polygon: You get a (long) list of CRS valid in the defined region. Decide what kind of projection ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 75k
7 votes

Seeking Free Shapefile of European Countries?

A GRASS-GIS way: get the NUTS 2013 ESRI Shapefile wget unzip unzip and, if not existing, create a ...
Nikos Alexandris's user avatar
5 votes

Appropriate CRS for land-use change within EU?

ETRS 89 refers to a Geographic Coordinate System, while UTM 32 is a Projected Coordinate System. I would discard both because UTM only cover approximately 6 degrees of longitude before you start to ...
radouxju's user avatar
  • 49.9k
3 votes

Seeking Europe shapefile with boundaries

Here you will find data in SHP, GEOJSON, GDB, TOPOJSON and SVG
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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3 votes

Looking for a shapefile for Europe on 4-digit postal code

You (incorrectly) assume that all postal codes in Europe have the same format. Although 4-digit postal codes are common, there are also a lot of countries that use 5 (Germany, France, Italy, etc.). ...
RJJoling's user avatar
  • 352
3 votes

Seeking DEM data to make hillshade and contours?

Today LiDAR data are quite often used in different research fields. In some country, that type of dataset is freely accessible. Given the extent of the area you are interested in, I think you may want ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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3 votes

Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

Searching for a similar set, I stumbled across this resource: However there's no projection info or .prj files, so it doesnt seem usable?
Mike Honey's user avatar
2 votes

Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

Direct link to the ThinkQuest downloads mentioned in other answers:
brncsk's user avatar
  • 29
2 votes

Seeking European Mountains Shapefile

There is a dataset available for all European mountain ranges on
ebcs's user avatar
  • 49
2 votes

Crop data for Europe / Germany

You should almost certainly start your research by looking at the INSPIRE geoportal ~ Any public body in German that has any data that falls under the ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
2 votes

Seeking Free Shapefile of European Countries?

Your shapefile is not easy to reproduce. Eurostat's GISCO service has a weird concept of Europe, it excludes Ukraine but includes Turkey. The best option that I found is clipping the natural earth ...
jgc's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Any way to extract NUTS-3 shapefile of Germany from Eurostat' shapefile in R (updated)?

Quick solution? Check if filename exists! library(rgdal) library(sp) library(maptools) url = "" ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
2 votes

How to get city boundaries of Europe?

You have many global datasets on this site: You can try the urban areas dataset.
Vincent Bré's user avatar
  • 4,120
2 votes

Accessing INSPIRE cadastral data through QGIS

Using in QGIS WFS Note a large dataset (a strong/fast ...
Mapperz's user avatar
  • 50.2k
1 vote

Correcting negative longitudes after incorrect rendering of vector layer in QGIS

When one opens the 'sgdbe4_0' shapefile taken from the European Soil Database v2.0 in QGIS using the EPSG:4326 the Project CRS, the same visualization problem will pop up: As I wrote before the ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 34.1k
1 vote

Accessing INSPIRE cadastral data through QGIS

If you copy the link (
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

GeoNetwork address format

In the metadata itself its address is defined with its components separated individually, for example <gmd:address> <gmd:CI_Address> <gmd:deliveryPoint> <gco:...
juanluisrp's user avatar
1 vote

Appropriate CRS for land-use change within EU?

Perhaps EPSG:25832 is the best for you, as it's both ETRS89 and UTM zone 32N ref:
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
1 vote

Choosing coordinate reference system (CRS) for the European Alps

Go to EPSG registry ( Do a map search by drawing a polygon around the area of interest, and you will have a selection of CRS to choose from that match your criteria
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
1 vote

How much disk space is expected to take an osm2pgsql import of Europe in 2021?

The osm2pgsql import of Europe took ~500GB disk space running it with --flat-nodes flag. But I believe it's too much and I do something wrong.
0xC0DEGURU's user avatar
1 vote

Identifying Europe's major road exits using QGIS

[This answer is not a direct answer to the question, but a path to a solution] Openstreetmap has this data. has various regional downloads; the continental ones are rather huge, so I ...
Jerome's user avatar
  • 277
1 vote

How to get Netherlands neighborhood names based on Addresses?

There is a downloadable pdok gis dataset for CBS "wijken en buurten" You can then perform a spatial join between your latlong ...
Hans Erren's user avatar
  • 1,170
1 vote

Merge multiple buffer files to already available shapefile in QGIS 2.18.2

I faced with this problem. First of all you should be sure that layers for merging must save in the same projection. Then to merge layers you have to use Qgis plugin Merge Shapes. It more flexible ...
krvrd's user avatar
  • 184
1 vote

Creating shape around Europe especially France using QGIS?

The simplest solution would be to just download the country boundaries. They are freely available from many sources. For example: It's ...
lambertj's user avatar
  • 3,112
1 vote

Need help creating Europe reference grid map using EEA shape and spatialite files

I'm afraid you are looking at the wrong datasource. The linked files only contain square grids in resolution of 1, 10 and 100km, and no boundaries as shown in the picture. Maybe NUTS regions are what ...
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

What is seamless spatial information?

If you look at the technical guidelines that accompany the directives, you'll see that the vision of 'seamless spatial information' means use of common standards, data models, and coordinate reference ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
1 vote

Where do I get data for density per city in the USA or Europe?

Have a look at Gridded population of the World from SEDAC/NASA. They have grids for population and population density, historical and forecast versions too. It has global coverage and comes as ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
  • 20.6k
1 vote

Where do I get data for density per city in the USA or Europe?

You can get the US census data here: Get the TIGER data (blocks, tracts etc.) here:
cl3's user avatar
  • 1,956
1 vote

Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

I recently found this website, though unfortunately the data is not free. It is also available from Stanford University, on the off-chance you're in some way affiliated with them or know someone who ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 415

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