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21 votes

Using R to extract data from WorldClim?

You can use raster package to download WorldClim data, see ?getdata to know about resolution, variables and coordinates. As example: library(raster) library(sp) r <- getData("worldclim",var="bio"...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
10 votes

Seeking shapefiles of global climate/climatic zones

A respected source of global climate classification information can be found here: The data are in KMZ rather than shapefile format, but should be easy ...
malizia's user avatar
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6 votes

Defining a color ramp for temperature range & applying it to different rasters?

An approach would be creating a style for each raster, ranging from -40°C to +20°C (or whatever you want). Firstly, right-click on the layer and, from Properties >> Style, try to set it ...
mgri's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes

Reading d NetCDF4 format climate data observation in R?

These data are not in a netcdf format but, rather a space delimited ASCII format. This data is a bit difficult to deal with because of the lack of headers and any type of unique station identifier. ...
Jeffrey Evans's user avatar
4 votes

Spatially merging NetCDF climate grids?

I did some reading around and came across obscure CDO documentation for the collgrid function. With that, I was able to finally perform this series of merges in python by walking through files and ...
Zeitsperre's user avatar
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4 votes

retrieving all coordinates of gridded temperature data with its metadata that falls in Germany' polygon?

Following your question on reading and formatting this specific climate data: First, add libraries and country boundaries. library(sp) library(raster) library(maptools) data(wrld_simpl) germany&...
Jeffrey Evans's user avatar
4 votes

incomplete netcdf files from OpenNex PlanetOS web

The short answer is that the docker-based command doesn't output any netCDF data into the shell pipeline. It does launch local docker instance with the configuration you've created via the Web UI. ...
dobrych's user avatar
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4 votes

Extracting Netcdf climate data for multiple locations at different times using R?

Here is some example code for R. I think there are many examples out there. library(raster) b <- brick("") points <- shapefile("ptsfile.shp") d <- extract(b, points) write.csv(d,...
Robert Hijmans's user avatar
4 votes

Opening .clim file with QGIS

The file is just a zipped text file without headers. First you need to unzip the file, I would suggest 7-zip if on Windows. If you open it up in notepad you would see: -179.750 89.750 -32.2 -34....
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
  • 16.9k
4 votes

How many bands can single NetCDF file contain?

NetCDF 4 datasets can have many dimensions of unlimted size. Dimensions are used to define the shape of data in netCDF. Dimensions for a netCDF dataset are defined when it is created, while ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
4 votes

Reduce image collection to annual maximum in GEE

The error does not occur in the part of the code you present here. Later, you try to retrieve the system:time_start property with getNumber(), while you have set it as an ee.Date() in line 12. ...
Kuik's user avatar
  • 10.1k
4 votes

Extracting ERA5 daily temperature and precipitation for different points using Google Earth Engine

With your two links code, I got an asset error so, I assumed only one arbitrary point in Italy (13.797235003125458, 41.65261836389952) for testing my code. It calculates for this point '...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30.2k
3 votes

worldclim: "Current conditions (interpolations of observed data, representative of 1960-1990)"

The methods in the 3rd paragraph of your link state: The data layers were generated through interpolation of average monthly climate data from weather stations on a 30 arc-second resolution ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k
3 votes

Acquiring global wind data?

For Global Wind data I would recommend the Global Wind Atlas by the World Bank Group. The tool contains data on wind speed, capacity factor and much more all in GIS format and free of charge.
Wind Fan's user avatar
3 votes

Converting units of m day-1 (ERA5) to mm (CRU)

CRU is mm/month, ERA is m/day. So it depends on the number of days in the month. But for January you could divide CRU by 31000 or multiply ERA with 31000 Say you had an mean rainfall of 10 mm/day, ERA ...
Robert Hijmans's user avatar
3 votes

Using conditional statements on raster not working in R

An if clause in R is not the way to conditionally replace values in a vector. What you want to do is set the values in clim that match the condition to "2". For the simple case with just ...
Spacedman's user avatar
  • 66.5k
2 votes

Interpolating Daily Values from Monthly Grids using QGIS?

In 2017, SAGA GIS (GUI) has now Growing Degree Days Tool - by Dr. Dirk N. Karger (under Tool Libraries | Climate | Tools | Growing Degree Days). Tool Growing Degree Days (linked to SAGA 6.0 but I ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
  • 31.2k
2 votes

Source for wind energy potential for India in GIS format

The Global Wind Atlas by DTU Energy and the World Bank Group is definitely worth checking out. It contains GIS data on wind speed, capacity factor and direction (and much more) at 50, 100 and 200m hub ...
Wind Fan's user avatar
2 votes

Error coercing raster to SpatialPixelsDataFrame in R

Since you don't give the data, I can only guess, but my guess is that your raster contains missing values; SpatialPixelDataFrame objects ignore raster cells with missing values for all attributes/...
Edzer Pebesma's user avatar
2 votes

Same extent and resolution of rasters, but different number of cells

It looks like the issue is related to the asc2dataframe function and not the raster class objects. I am wondering if the function is dropping NA values when reading to a data.frame. I would highly ...
Jeffrey Evans's user avatar
2 votes

Defining a color ramp for temperature range & applying it to different rasters?

Yes, you can do that of course! All you have to do is define the min and max values for the "Color gradient" once as you like them. Then either save and load the style per layer or copy/paste it by ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.3k
2 votes

WorldClim 2.0 Solar Radiation data

getData() only downloads tmean, tmin, tmax, prec, bio and alt from WorldClim v1.4. Check lines 252 to 325. You can download files with utils::download.file() function using WorlClim data URLs, but it ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
2 votes

Interpreting GLDAS 2.1 precipitation data

The metadata says the following: "The GPCP 1-degree Daily (1DD) dataset is used and disaggregated to 3-hourly interval" From that, and since the timestamps in the filenames run from *0000* to *...
s6hebern's user avatar
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2 votes

Seeking shapefiles of global climate/climatic zones

I have generated a shapefile from the raster mentioned above. I simply used the "Raster to Vector" tool in QGIS. You may decide to create the shapefile by yourself or simply download it from my ...
SpatialNasir's user avatar
2 votes

How to choose the grid node that falls in Germany from gridded estimated climate data in R?

Outline: Get a Germany boundary polygon data set in lat-long coordinates - try getData from the raster package using the GADM data source. This can give you an sp class object. library(sp) ...
Spacedman's user avatar
  • 66.5k
2 votes

Any workaround to extract plain text data in ASCII from `netCDF` file in R

Are you going to work with these data in R? Then only do the resetting of values with the a slice at a time. See how mydat[[1]] compares to mydat. Are you going to work with it as a NetCDF elsewhere?...
mdsumner's user avatar
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2 votes

Specifying which point buffers fall within a particualar land type (polygon)

You can use Add Polygon Attributes to points tool under SAGA which will transfer the land cover field from the polygon attribute table to the points attribute table. The tool is located under ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
2 votes

Cannot extract data from raster in QGIS

For me, the clue/solution was in the metadata linked here: Coordinate Systems ------------------ X,Y: ...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
2 votes

Exporting ERA5 Image Collection data from Google Earth Engine

you will find documentation on this page : I propose you to go through the native export tool of Earth Engine instead of geetools. import ...
Interceptor's user avatar
2 votes

Exporting ERA5 Image Collection data from Google Earth Engine

Two things: Firstly you can get the native scale of an ImageCollection at the equator using scale = collection.first().projection().nominalScale(); However since what you are saying is Basically ...
JonasV's user avatar
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