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Spatially merging NetCDF climate grids?

I did some reading around and came across obscure CDO documentation for the collgrid function. With that, I was able to finally perform this series of merges in python by walking through files and ...
Zeitsperre's user avatar
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3 votes

Convert NetCDF to GeoTIFF using GDAL upside down

I think gdalmdimtranslate is a perfect use case for your problem (New in version 3.1). Reposting what worked for you gdalmdimtranslate -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=1 ../...
Aman Bagrecha's user avatar
2 votes

Export hourly wind speed ERA5 data

If your aim is just to get the csv you mentioned, you don't need to map ERA5DOM to an ImageCollection and to make a chart. Instead, it is adequate to get a FeatureCollection from the function as shown ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
1 vote

Downloading daily precipitation and temperature data from ERA5 using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

You're using era5Land (the original image collection) instead of dailyEra5Land (the aggregated daily mean) when creating the time series chart. var admin2 = ee.FeatureCollection("FAO/...
Nil's user avatar
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"Geometry has too many edges" This is the which keeps on coming on GEE

I think this is a Google Earth Engine limitation that can be workaround by simplifying the geometry - the following function will remove non-significant edges:
Yas's user avatar
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How to find the mean of a given variable in NetCDF regardless of latitude and longitude?

I solved it by using cdo fldmean *.nc in ubuntu.
Thomas's user avatar
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Multiplying multiple specific areas in NetCDF file with constants

You could do it in python by opening the netcdf variables and making them numpy arrays. To multiply a constant by a numpy array from a netcdf is simple e.g. 1.5*array. It depends on your data and how ...
Beardsley's user avatar
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