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16 votes

Changing language settings on QGIS 3?

On the same dialog, go to the first tab on the top with the screw driver and the hammer called General. Then, it's the first box. Toggle the first checkbox and choose your flag. You need to restart ...
etrimaille's user avatar
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12 votes

Empty vector menu in QGIS on PC with French as default language

I'm teaching qgis right now and several student have the same problem. The processing plugin deactivate by their self in several laptops. Just go to plugins/manage and install plugins and reactivate ...
Julio Lucio Lancelotti's user avatar
11 votes

Empty vector menu in QGIS on PC with French as default language

There is already a bug reported for this problem. In the meantime you can click "Reset to defaults" under Settings > Options > Processing and then restart QGIS. This removes the empty vector/raster ...
tallistroan's user avatar
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10 votes

English translations of QGIS commands, algorithms and menu items

You can use a search within You can also use (you need to create an account) to ease ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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7 votes

Setting Google street basemap language in QGIS?

Add &hl=en to your URL. So it looks like{x}&y={y}&z={z}&hl=en. Instead of en you can also use any other language code. Note that most names ...
MrXsquared's user avatar
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6 votes

Changing data display language on QGIS?

You would need to change the column used for labeling. The NaturalEarth dataset contains the NAME column, with the town name in its original language, as well as several translations. You might be ...
JGH's user avatar
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5 votes

Custom format for a grid with degrees, minutes, seconds with suffix using letter from another language

Transforming decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds requires some intermediate variables, so you would need to create a custom function to achieve what you want. The way to do the conversion is ...
JGH's user avatar
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5 votes

Changing language from Persian to English in QGIS

You can read this part of the official QGIS documentation. Settings menu > Options > General tab Override System Locale By default, QGIS relies on your Operating System configuration to set ...
J. Monticolo's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting QGIS interface in French on Mac

The following instruction is in French so that a non-English-speaking user can set QGIS to French. Pour avoir QGIS en français, tu dois avoir les paramètres suivants dans l'onglet Préférences. ...
Vincent Bré's user avatar
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4 votes

How to translate a QGIS project using a *.qm file? / my QGIS project is not translated?

The general workflow and technical details are well explained here: Create a .qgs project file in a base language (e.g. English) Create a .ts translation file for language(s) in QGIS: Project > ...
tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting output in different language in GeoPy

As per the doc, you can specify the language as a str type in the parameters of the reverse() method. By default it is language=False, that matches the language of the country for which the geocoder ...
JGH's user avatar
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3 votes

Different languages via command line paramaters

Yes, that's possible, just run QGIS from the command line in this way: qgis --lang en Then, from another console: qgis --lang es However, be aware that using QGIS in one instance might store ...
Germán Carrillo's user avatar
3 votes

QGIS : how to do elegant multiple replace string?

It looks like this has been done successfully in Python. Have a look at this post on Stack Overflow. In order to replicate this in QGIS, you'll need to create a function to use in the Field ...
Fezter's user avatar
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3 votes

Accentuated characters not displaying well in Arcpy Toolbox in ArcMap

ArcMap uses the following encoding cp1252 In order to make accentuated characters well displayed in ArcMap UI. First add the following import and set encoding to utf-8 at the beginning of your .pyt ...
Marc_Alx's user avatar
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3 votes

Changing language keyboard OSGeo Live

Have you tried running the following command in a terminal setxkbmap de Change de to the language that you want. If you want to make the changes persistent, then add the above command to your bashrc ...
dmci's user avatar
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3 votes

Implementing French language in PyQGIS Plugin

It depends on the creator of the plugin. The localization is available: If there is an i18n (short for internationalization) sub-directory in the plugins directory All messages in the plugin are used ...
Zoltan's user avatar
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3 votes

Identify and split data in other languages using QGIS

You can use regular expressions. I dont know how to in Field Calculator so I use Python. This doesnt identify language, just the characters a-Z. See Extracting only characters from a string in Python ...
Bera's user avatar
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3 votes

Identify and split data in other languages using QGIS

Use regular expressions with Field Calculator. Based on regular expressions \\p{Latin} (to match all latin characters) and \\s (to match whitespaces), use regex_replace() function to delete everything ...
Babel's user avatar
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2 votes

UnicodeEncodeError in QGIS when setting a path

As @Joseph suggested, the problem was due to the bug in the code of the processing sub-module (maybe it exists in other modules, though I have not tested it yet). As ...
Basile's user avatar
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2 votes

How to set default language in GeoNetwork 3.0?

I was looking at CatController.js and the Spring MVC but couldnt do much. I managed to set everything in english (one language only) by manipulating the HTTP headers passed from Nginx to geonetwork ...
Jorge Mendes's user avatar
2 votes

Change Dynamic Text language in ArcGIS

As far as I can see, dynamic labels do not support different cultures, nor is there any support for logic to replace e.g. the month number with a text. The only workaround I can think of is an ugly ...
Berend's user avatar
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2 votes

Changing ArcGIS map service language?

You can't change that basemap, but there are localized alternatives. See this blog for a list of localized basemaps. You'll notice in the blog, Brazilian Portuguese is available, with the Light Grey ...
KHibma's user avatar
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2 votes

Umlaute not displayed correctly when loading .mdb MS Access into QGIS with eVis

I would do it in this way : Layer Properties (Eigenschaften)> General (Allgemein) > Data source coding (Datenquellenkodierung) There choose UTF-8
A.Sarh's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a standard vernacular for levels of political boundaries (specifically city, county, state, nation)

ISO currently doesn't standardize the hierarchical structure of administrative/statistical units. But, there is an EU directive called INSPIRE that specifies data models for 34 data themes in order to ...
Saša Vranić's user avatar
1 vote

Geonetworks Languages

If you are building your own GeoNetwork from the sources you can modify the language.default and the language.forceDefault properties in pom.xml: <!-- Default catalog language when accessing the ...
juanluisrp's user avatar
1 vote

Using CARTO in a different language (multilanguage)?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to set CARTO Builder and dashboard to a different language than English (disclaimer: I work at CARTO).
ramiroaznar's user avatar
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1 vote

Google maps address translation

If there is no language exists for the address except the English language, then there is no translation of the address. You get only the address in English language. Some addresses were filled up ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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1 vote

Changing data display language on QGIS?

In QGIS 3 under Project|Project Properties|Variables you find a Global called qgis_locale wich you can use to automatically determine the column used for labeling. Use the following expression for ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
1 vote

How to change the OpenStreetMap language (or at least the alphabet)

While it's been a while since the question has been asked, it might be worth adding this information. This page shows how to set the Map Language. Any language can be chosen, together with the ...
Alen Siljak's user avatar
1 vote

How to change the OpenStreetMap language (or at least the alphabet)

Most objects have name in cyrillic but they also have name:en tag in english. so my suggestion is to download the data in josm. select all and delete name tag and rename name:en to name. Then you can ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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