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5 votes

MariaDB vs Postgres (POSTGIS) perfomance difference?

MariaDB/MySQL have about 160 spatial operators: Whereas PostGIS adds about 600 to PostgreSQL:
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
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4 votes

ST_Within is only working on selective rows

This is not a definitive answer, but should help you narrow it down. You say in a comment that the point "isn't on the border [of the polygon], it's slightly inside the border when I do try to ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
2 votes

Data exchange QGIS SQL

Yes, data changes can be passed on both ways. If you have e.g. a PostGIS data source added to the canvas, changes in the data table will be shown on the map e.g. if you refresh the connection or pan ...
tinlyx's user avatar
  • 11.2k
2 votes

Need to connect to MySQL or MariaDB databases in QGIS 3.4+

I still see it as an option in QGIS 3.8 through the add vector layer tool:
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
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1 vote

MySQL, geoPHP, select sites near the current site

There are two ways to integrate a query into another query. One is by using a sub-select: SELECT siteid FROM aa_allstate_cty WHERE ST_Intersects(shape,ST_Buffer( (SELECT ST_Centroid(...
Vince's user avatar
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1 vote

MySQL, geoPHP, select sites near the current site

Thanks, I believe that I figured it out. I should be able to store the "Point(333...,466...)" that was returned in the first SELECT and then feed it to second SELECT. SELECT siteid FROM `...
vrteach's user avatar
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