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8 votes

Avoid OpenStreetMap loading shops, monuments, restaurants and any other POIs?

Simple answer: You can not. Unlike Google maps API, these icons are part of the pre-rendered tiles you get from, and there is nothing you can do about it. You may however look for ...
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
7 votes

Listing churches with their administrative location using Overpass

Similar to an example in the Overpass by Example library, I'd suggest to use the following query: [timeout:60]; area["name"="Mayenne"]->.boundaryarea; way(area.boundaryarea)[&...
mmd's user avatar
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7 votes

Convert Some unknown location format to Decimal format

The coordinates seem to be are in "Swiss grid" coordinate System. EPSG:21781 -> Copy paste the table to a Text file (it will be tab-separated CSV), remove the ' between the numbers. Replace the / ...
pLumo's user avatar
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7 votes

Detecting if GPS coordinates fall within polygon of points?

If you want a really simple algorithm how about this: Take your point and draw a straight line to the bounding box of your polygon. Count how many times it crosses the polygon boundary. If number is ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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5 votes

Finding all airports in given country or region using Overpass API?

The best starting point for overpass queries is the Openstreetmap wiki, follow the overpass-turbo link on the left. It generates the following query: [out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results ( // ...
AndreJ's user avatar
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5 votes

Seeking dataset locating points of interest such as fire stations in Canada?

You can use the data from openstreetmap. The data is free and can be obtained from overpass api. Here is a link to overpass turbo
byom's user avatar
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5 votes

Extracting POI from Openstreetmap (*.osm)

easy. 1. download *.osm.pbf 2. install osmosis 3. in the command window type osmosis --rbf INPUT.osm.pbf --nk keyList="amenity" --wx OUTPUT.osm
Pil Kwon's user avatar
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4 votes

Finding all the POIs in the world using OpenStreetMap?

Basically, you can just drop the area parts of your query to get what you want: ( node["aeroway"="aerodrome"]; way["aeroway"="aerodrome"];>; relation["aeroway"="aerodrome"];>>;); out ...
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
4 votes

Iterating over point layer and select another layer's points in radius using PyQGIS?

To select all points in the points layer which is within bufDist of the points in the itpoint layer, you can use the following: def selectPointsInRadius(bufDist): inputlayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry....
Chau's user avatar
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4 votes

Adding detailed Google Maps baselayer on Leaflet

You can't. Google does not let developers to control the amount of POIs being shown, and does not let developers download POI sets. Furthermore, each GMaps user will see more or less POIs depending on ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
  • 10.3k
4 votes

How to display in QGIS a mountain saddle with a symbol which indicates the orientation of the saddle?

You need the information on the orientation of the saddle clockwise in degree from North/0° as an attribute. Then use data defined override on the rotation of the symbol, handing it the field ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 17.1k
3 votes

OpenStreetMap (OSM) POI tools/API

Looks like you stumbled upon some dead project (POI tools). What are you really trying to achieve? Take a look Overpass API instead. The Overpass_API Language_Guide has lots of useful examples for ...
scai's user avatar
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3 votes

Iterating over point layer and select another layer's points in radius using PyQGIS?

I perform things like this with this code snippets: inputlayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName('pieces_sepc')[0] itlayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName('POINT')[0] ...
YoLecomte's user avatar
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3 votes

Get position in meters of POI on a polyline

That's a non-trivial thing to do without a broader set of trajectory analytics functionality at hand or in your own development. However, a natural concept for this and similar, more specific linear ...
geozelot's user avatar
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2 votes

POI database of tourist attractions, or POI database with popularity index

If you are still looking for a suitable data for this, try Sygic Travel Places API It provides a global POIs database tailored for travel industry - the places are ranked by popularity and you can ...
Barbora Nevosadova's user avatar
2 votes

Colliding labels for point features in QGIS

I feel your pain... However I was lucky enough to have only up to 10 labels on the same point feature. By increasing the distance value (in my case 30.0000) under the placement tab in layer ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Remove Sentinel 2 tiles with a given cloudy pixel - Google Earth Engine

Ok, @Mathieu's answer is heading in the right direction, but I'll expand it with the code: (I made some comments in the code) var point = ee.Geometry.Point([13.93, -14.51]); // function to extract ...
Rodrigo E. Principe's user avatar
2 votes

How to transfer POI layer from QGIS to OSMAnd?

Eventually, I was able to import the POIs into OSMAnd as GPX format. However, it was necessary to enable the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS when exporting it in QGIS in order to allow OSMAnd to import the string ...
fuggi's user avatar
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2 votes

List of commonly used categories in POIs

I don't know if there are any off-the-shelf solutions to do what you want (perhaps by interogating the taginfo api), but it is an active research topic. Several researchers have proposed ontologies (...
Atm's user avatar
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2 votes

Create New Feature_ID following Series of numbers

Select the new features. You can use Select by Expression with fid is NULL. Run Field calculator and check the box next to Only update [n] selected features. You could even update $id for all fid ...
Babel's user avatar
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2 votes

Create New Feature_ID following Series of numbers

I don't know how you created your data. However, the behaviour is not normal. Normally, you should not need to care about the id this way, as QGIS would handle this automatically the way you want. ...
Babel's user avatar
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1 vote

Extracting point data from EPSG 4326 image

EPSG 4326 is a coordinate system. Its units are degrees of latitude and longitude. If you define the lat/long of a point, then you know where that point is. There's nothing wrong with using EPSG 4326 ...
csk's user avatar
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1 vote

How to transfer POI layer from QGIS to OSMAnd?

I think you should try to export to GPX (GPS eXchange) Format. Check this: Importing GPX in OSMAnd.
Ruben FV's user avatar
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1 vote

Remove Sentinel 2 tiles with a given cloudy pixel - Google Earth Engine

keep all of them in the collection and then use the QA60 band to mask cloudy pixel out. It's not perfect but usually a good start. Whatever reduction you do later, a masked pixel would not affect the ...
Mathieu Gravey's user avatar
1 vote

Supplement Mapbox geocoder results with external geocoder API

What you're trying to do won't work since the localGeocoder option to mapbox-gl-geocoder is synchronous, so it can't be used to supplement results from a 3rd party API without
AndrewHarvey's user avatar
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1 vote

Detecting if GPS coordinates fall within polygon of points?

This video explains it very clear to understand.
Jacob's user avatar
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1 vote

Checking two different releases of POI Features for not only spatial differences using ArcPy?

Please try adding the following codes after your original code; # Analyse near featues using the Near_analysis tool arcpy.Near_analysis(old_diffs, new_layer, "5 METER") # assuming your tolorance is ...
GeoDev's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding all airports in given country or region using Overpass API?

You could try GeoNames API. I use it for a very similar purpose. See the documentation here. Note the documentation on searchLanguage and IATA codes! Alternatively you could look at OpenFlight ...
MappaGnosis's user avatar
1 vote

Finding all airports in given country or region using Overpass API?

National Transportation Atlas Database ICAO
Jay Johnson's user avatar
1 vote

Measuring positional accuracy of points in QGIS?

Depending on how your data is structured you can use the tool "Distance Matrix" from the menue "Vector-Analysis". It compares two point datasets point-by-point for their distances. Necessary is a key-...
Matte's user avatar
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