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12 votes
4 answers

Simplify GeoServer WFS output

I am dealing with some large datasets and would like to minimise the amount of data sent over the network. I am using OpenLayers' BBox strategy to only transfer the data that is needed but I am ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

'Read Only' Exception - WFS

I am getting the below exception while editing and saving data in spatial table. Response <ows:ExceptionReport version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://x.x.x.x:80/...
user3474541's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to import GeoTIFF via postGIS into GeoServer?

As a simple test case, I'm trying to configure the software stack of OpenGeo such that I can display a GeoTIFF as an overlay to a normal map like OSM. So I perform the following steps: Create a ...
xandriksson's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Create subsetted multiband image from multiple files using gdal or python?

Given a time series of an area (single band), how you subset them and combine the subsets into a single multiband file (eg. vrt) using gdal or gdals' bindings for python?
nickves's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

GeoServer replies HTTP Error 503

I've seen this question was asked before but I couldn't find any solution to the problem. Since today, my GeoServer does not reply on any requests anymore, I can't even access the GeoServer UI. I ...
philippe's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to include streaming media into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals?

I am wondering how to include streaming media (video), or camera feeds, into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals. I am currently doing so with different applications, but I want to do ...
Fer's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Does OpenGeo Suite no longer exist? What is a good alternative?

I've been trying to get a copy of open geo suite to work through some tutorials and create a few things. From what I can tell, the most recent version is 4.8. Theres plenty of documentation out there ...
StupidQuestionGuy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can OpenGeo Community Edition be used in commercial project? [closed]

I would like to know if the Community edition of OpenGeo Suite can be used in a commercial project? And, if so, what are the conditions of use for the Community edition?
user18245's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Updating test GeoServer to production

I have GeoServer (v2.2 from OpenGeo Suite) running on a test server hosting many different WMS services sourcing many different PostGIS db tables. I want to push this setup onto a production server ...
artwork21's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Loading Shapefiles into PostGIS using shapefile import/export manager

I am a complete beginner with PostGIS. I've started learning it using the tutorials provided by Boundless. In section 4 of this tutorial where I want to import shapefile in PostGIS, I do not have the ...
Catlover's user avatar
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6 votes
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How does the QGIS in Boundless Desktop differ from standard QGIS?

Boundless Desktop seems to be a bundle of QGIS, PostGIS, QT Designer, a command shell, and maybe other bits. I can see that the QGIS is customised - it has some branding, and a Boundless login box. ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
6 votes
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OpenGeo/GeoServer WFS - getting only as much data as is needed

There's probably a term for this that I'm missing that would help me find the answer... My question is similar to a previous question of mine. I am using GeoServer (as part of the OpenGeo stack) as a ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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3 answers

Zoom to the extent of the WMS layer in GeoServer by OpenLayers 3?

I would like to use OpenLayers 3 (I saw similar question for OpenLayers 2) to display a GeoServer layer using WMS, and zoom to the extent of the layer automatically by getting the extent information ...
stevenhz's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Interactive geographic region definitions [closed]

Background An organization has regions within a province, but has no list of coordinates that define region boundaries. I would like to draw custom polygon areas on a map using a web-based and user-...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
5 votes
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Need File Geodatabase (*.gdb) read/write support in QGIS?

I have followed the instructions shown in this thread but still don't have the ESRI FileGDB option only the Open File GDB. In my case, I am in the most current QGIS version - Lyon (2.12.0). OSGeo4w ...
Ernesto CD's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to install multiple versions of PostgreSQL in same os Windows 7 64-bit?

I have already installed PostGIS along with OpenGeo suite and it is the latest version. Now I want to run pgrouting but the latest stable version is not compatible to the latest PostgreSQL versions. ...
GP92's user avatar
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PostGIS - Why are my ST_Union results (stored in a new table) outputting as points and not polygons?

I've decided to move to PostGIS to merge polygons rather than spend hours doing in in QGIS. However, I'm hitting an issue where the results of an ST_Union query are being stored, or at least outputted ...
Robin Hawkes's user avatar
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Error Installing libgdal1 Package

I'm trying to install the libgdal1 package on Ubuntu 12.04, but the apt is returing this error: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgdal1_1.9.1-2~precise4_amd64.deb (--unpack): ...
user714157's user avatar
5 votes
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Running OpenGeoSuite on Openshift

Has anyone been able to run OpenGeoSuite on openshift using the free 3 gears? There is plenty of documentation on getting geoserver running on openshift there is even a GIT repo. However I have not ...
risail's user avatar
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4 votes
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Strange layers in GeoServer 2.8

We are using OpenGeo suite 4.6 (GeoServer ver. 2.8) using PostreSQL ver 9.6 on Windows Server 2012 R 2. We are publishing layers on GeoServer, while publishing layers found some strange layers (...
Sunil's user avatar
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How to install PostGIS correctly with OpenGeo Suite 4.0 community edition on Windows 7?

I have installed the OpenGeo Suite community edition, version 3, onto Windows 7 multiple times in the past, with virtually no problems. With the latest version of OpenGeo Suite (4.0.1) (which ...
geomonkey's user avatar
4 votes
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Lidar and Opengeo suite

Opengeo suite has provided a tutorial on how to manage LiDAR data using postgresql. I was trying to follow the tutorial in this link. I am new to Linux and using Ubuntu 12.04. I have successfully ...
Zaman's user avatar
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Template for Feature Edit Popup in GeoExplorer

I need to customize GeoExplorer (OpenGeoSuite). I have to create an input mask for a point layer in editing (create and modify tools). When I insert a point, GeoExplorer shows a popup with attributes ...
Annalisa's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Geoexplorer cannot Save and Publish maps

I installed Geoexplorer 3.0.2 according to instructions. I also setup GEOEXPLORER_DATA in web.xml file and it seems that it works fine because http://localhost:8080/geoexplorer/maps/? returns: {"maps"...
Leonidas's user avatar
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0 answers

Customizing 'Feature Edit Popup' in Community OpenGeo's GeoExplorer? [closed]

I am running with Boundless Opengeo Suite on Linux based server to create a WebGIS application in forestry management. Everything is working fine (at least to this step that I am being stuck here). ...
ThanhGIS's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Does OpenGeo Suite give their full capability for free?

Can you help me to decide if I should install Geoserver, PostgreSQL and OpenLayers by myself or should I use OpenGeo Suite as it involves all these? I would need full capability which all these ...
againstflow's user avatar
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Installation issue with OpenGeo-Suite

OK so last time had a big issue with running WFS. Seems the issue was neither with my OpenLayers code nor GeoServer. The issue was with the servers not able to communicate with each other. The tomcat ...
Sam007's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS Desktop 2.12.3 WebApp Builder

I want to use the WebApp Builder in QGIS 2.12.3 But I can not find the QGIS Web App Builder in my QGIS version 2.12.3 Like this one:
Edin's user avatar
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1 answer

Upload / Import to GeoServer

Can I upload a shapefile to the GeoServer Import Data page, or does it only import data locally on the server? When I click Browse to select the data to import, it seems to only browse the server ...
Nemo's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite PostGIS Data Location

I have OpenGeo Suite installed on a server. I want to have the PostGIS data stored on a different drive (D) on the server instead of on the C drive under my username. How do I do this?
bl8rchk's user avatar
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OpenGeo postgres installation not working from command line but works from PGadminIII on fresh install

Problem: I just did a default install of opengeo suite (4.1) on Ubuntu 12.04 and followed instructions exactly. The problem is that I can connect just fine to my postgresql through pgadminIII (1.18....
Nick's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Querying PostgreSQL tables directly from OpenLayers [closed]

I have a map that is being hosted with the components of OpenGeo. The map contains WMS layers of millions of parcels and some rail stops. All of our spatial data is on PostgresSQL. Right now the only ...
Jared's user avatar
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OpenGeo SDK modify the getfeatureinfo popup

I would like to modify the opengeo sdk gxp.FeatureEditPopup. I want to construct a clickable hyperlink, I would like to add a new field to the popup that would be "" followed by a ...
Bwyss's user avatar
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GeoServer: Link meta data to raster image?

I want to use the OpenGeo Suite to publish different sets of raster imagery with associated data. Doing this with vectorial data works fine: Setup the data base in postGIS: import the vectorial data, ...
xandriksson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Uninstall opengeo suite in Ubuntu

How can I properly uninstall the complete opengeo suite in my Ubuntu 12.04? I had installed opengeo suite but it seems there was some error in the PostGIS extension to the Postgres of the OpenGeo ...
Sam007's user avatar
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How to connect and access Mapd Database by GeoServer

In my project requirement to access table data from Mapd Database on GeoServer Mapd(GPU Based database) Database documentation link:
user105183's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Get mouse position in OpenGeo

I'm using GeoExt as part of OpenGeo Suite using code generated by the Open Geo suite SDK. I would like to display the current mouse coordinate and don’t really know how to do it. As far as I know ...
gallysam's user avatar
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WMS Geoserver layer over OSM

I have a Geoserver with a layer in a EPSG:32632 projection. I want to display this layer over Open Street Map tiles. When I use the following html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head&...
Bulkilol's user avatar
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How to put data in remote geoserver?

I created some layers and upload it to PostGIS and then GeoServer and then styled it using GeoExplorer. I have done all this in localhost. I used the iframe generated in GeoExplorer and used it in my ...
GP92's user avatar
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Problems with gxp Print plugin via opengeosuite sdk

I am trying to import the print plugin within an application built using the Opengeo Suite sdk and I have run into issues as is described in the following thread
k9ty's user avatar
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Updating apps on OpenGeo suite Community Edition

I would like to update PostgreSQL and PostGIS on OpenGeo suite Community Edition to a newer version, maybe the other applications too (GeoServer, OpenLayers, etc.). Can it be done? Can someone point ...
Zery's user avatar
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Displaying WFS layer in OpenLayers 3?

I'm working with GeoServer and OpenLayers 3, I have a hosted layer in GeoServer that I want displayed using OpenLayers 3 as a WFS layer. It doesn't show any errors, but I don't get the map. It works ...
gis newbie's user avatar
3 votes
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Backing up database in PostgreSQL?

I need to create a backup from my database (in PostgreSQL 9.3). I have used the pg_dump tool, gives me an error. I have also used pgAdmin III for backing up which also gives me the following error: ...
Catlover's user avatar
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Error with GeoExplorer/GeoServer and Apache Proxy Authentication

I use a customized version of the OpenGeo Suite Community Edition. After everything was going well I now run into proxy timeouts. First some details about the application architectur. I work with the ...
Dominik's user avatar
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How to use OpenLayers Geolocate with the OpenGeo Suite Client SDK?

I’d like to have GPS functionality added to my OpenGeo Suite Client SDK application. From what I understand it should be possible to use the Geolocate control from OpenLayers. Preferably there ...
Markus's user avatar
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GeoServer Web Admin Interface: 404 error

I'm working through the OpenGeo workshop and I'm stuck with setting up a GeoServer. When I try to access the Web Admin Interface localhost:8080/geoserver/, Tomcat reports a "HTTP 404 Status" error ...
xandriksson's user avatar
3 votes
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Installing opengeo on Arch Linux

I am trying to install the opengeo suite (community) for a project I have. The thing is that my Linux distribution is Arch Linux, for which the package manager is pacman and not apt-get as it is the ...
Bulkilol's user avatar
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Set Up Geoserver with .sid Files

I was given a folder of .sid, .sdw, and .sid.aux.xml files to use as tiles on our map. I'm pretty sure I can use ImageMosaic for this and have followed the doc at
Bl8rchk's user avatar
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Add SLDs to GeoServer using REST API Fails [closed]

I have been writing some python code to automatically add data layers from PostGIS to GeoServer and attach a suitable SLD as default. I got this working using the following code: store=("<...
tjmgis's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to install PostGIS correctly with OpenGeo Suite 4.0 community edition on Ubuntu?

I have installed the OpenGeo Suite community edition, version 3 and 4, onto Ubuntu Server 10.04 and 12.04 multiple times in the past, with virtually no problems. With the latest version of OpenGeo ...
tinyplanet00's user avatar

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