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1 answer

Google Earth Engine finds Sentinel-3 images with no intersect with defined ROI

When I search for Sentinel-3 images that have been captured over a small lake, GEE returns images with no intersect with defined ROI. This behavior is just observed when searching for images captured ...
1 vote
0 answers

Showing image (photo) stored as PostGIS base64 in ArcGIS Desktop

I have a PostGIS table which stores point data with images as attribute (in base64 data type). I would like to show the pictures from the column "bild" of the attribute table which look like ...
0 votes
1 answer

Converting each image in image collection to separate bands with band names in Google Earth Engine

How do I create a stacked image from an image collection of Sentinel 1 images over a period? I am selecting only the ascending mode, and the VH polarization. If I use ".toBands()" at the end ...
2 votes
2 answers

Image size limitation in QGIS print layout using HTML code

I'm trying to make an atlas with QGIS, with one image per page. My goal is more complex so I have to use HTML widget in order to display the images. The below code works, but only if the picture is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mapped function's arguments cannot be used in client-side operations

I am trying the below code to perform spectral dilation in GEE but gives me an error: spectral dilation: Layer error: A mapped function's arguments cannot be used in client-side operations The code ...
0 votes
0 answers

Use of ratio in ImageWMS in OpenLayers

I am trying to understand the setting of ratio in ol.source.ImageWMS but I am not succeeding. I already understand the ratio: 1, as there is not much to understand there. ratio: 1 = browser viewbox. I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Radiance and Raw Image difference after Radiometric calibration

I have done Radiometric calibration on Envi 5.3 and got the output of my input Landsat 5 image. What is the difference between the raw image and the radiance image and why is this value of radiance ...
1 vote
1 answer

Combining GEE layers to create a global categorical raster with class values?

I've been making a climate map of the world and each climate zone is stored in a different variable (i.e. warmtemperatedry, cooltemperatemoist, cooltemperatedry as you can see in the picture). I'd ...
2 votes
3 answers

View image file from hyperlink in Arcmap identify tool result

I have a file path to an image file in an attribute table, eg; C:\GIS\ScannedMaps\Map1.png When I use the identify tool on the feature I can see the file path with the hyperlink lightening symbol ...
1 vote
1 answer

Downloading all images in an ImageCollection to my local computer from Google Earth Engine

Based on Filter Sentinel-3 data based on cloud cover over a region of interest, I managed to get an ImageColection containing the name of hundreds of Sentinel-3 images with specific cloud cover over a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Use high precision to convert image from one EPSG defined CRS to another

This question is based on another question: I'm converting multiple images (.jpg or .png) from one EPSG defined CRS system to another, e.g. from EPSG:31255 to EPSG:25833 (on a server within a Java app)...
4 votes
1 answer

Get rid of no-data part of raster in Python

I have a raster that, for the most part, contains no-data values. Only on the right side there is data: I would like to get rid of the left part and have a new raster. The extent of the new raster ...
3 votes
1 answer

<geotools/HeatmapProcess> convert GridCoverage2d to BufferedImage

I got the heatmapprocessTest code from geotools github However, I can't confirm that the heat map is coming out well. Ultimately I want to create and save the heatmap as a BufferedImage. (png) For ...
0 votes
1 answer

Extracting metadata from Google Earth

How do I extract metadata from Google Earth? I downloaded the satellite image from Google Earth Pro. The data I want to know is that the date, resolution, and the server from which the image was taken ...
5 votes
3 answers

Create kmz with coordinates from images and thumbnails for symbols

I have about 110 geotagged images and am looking for an effective way to create a .kmz which contains for each image a point based on its geotag and uses a thumbnail of the picture as symbol. Clicking ...
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0 answers

Using Landsat MSS Collection 1

When I use Landsat MSS Collection 1 dataset in my roi, I can't get any images from Tier1, but Tier2 I can. This is code from someone to count the number of image, each year. When I switch to Tier2 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Use ostu to count water, but export image is all black

When I run my code, it can be print image in map. But when I export to the Drive, it becomes all black image. Like this: There is my code, it will be a few long. Most part of them is OSTU code which ...
1 vote
0 answers

Getting Rid of Black Boundaries from Tiff Image using Google Earth Engine

I'm getting a tiff image from earth engine using the code below, but the image I get is rectangular and surrounded by a black box. How can I get rid of the black boundaries on the corners and get a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Make IPictureMarkerSymbol file path accessible to all users?

I've written a little java add-in button for ArcDesktop 10.4, in eclipse, which makes a new ArcMap layer with some points. (NOT Runtime) My goal is to assign a picture as the symbol for each of these ...
1 vote
1 answer

Adding picture linked to feature in QGIS report layout

I'm trying to make a report in QGIS, in the attribute table of my layer, I have a column named "picture1" filled with the relative path of a picture, that illustrate the feature. In the ...
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0 answers

How can I match the colors between the subset and the original image?

I have test subset using an AOI, and I have unchecked the "Ignore zeros in stats." option in the subset dialogue box. The difference in colors may have been cause by the histogram re-...
1 vote
1 answer

Generating feature collection from image band statistics

I'm trying to calculate the percent forest cover for 125 basins using the MapBiomas 30m land cover product for Brazil. The data is provided as an image with band values for each year. When I try to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do you check the attribute information of the tif image in QGIS?

Where can I check the brightness value (DN) of the image stored as 'tif format' in QGIS? What is the way to add it to the attribute table? Current progress: Coordinates are assigned to each pixel of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is the position coordinate of a pixel the center coordinate of that pixel?

Is the position coordinate of a pixel the center coordinate of that pixel? For example, in an image composed of 4 pixels as shown in the figure below, the coordinate values of 150 and 150 are put in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Brush up satellite image coloring

I have received the following satellite image. Unfortunately, the color grading is really poor and makes working with this image very tedious (see screenshot below). I am rather new to QGIS. How can ...
3 votes
1 answer

Export atlas PDF failed to print images item on template

I create a template on QGIS which contains some text and images. I render the image using HTML with code: <style> .cropped { position: absolute; width: 27mm; /* width of container */ ...
2 votes
1 answer

GetMap Request WMS

I formulate a GetFeatureInfo request that returns the feature information of the centre point of the map. The GetFeatureInfo request for WMS is:
0 votes
1 answer

Running ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap on same machine [closed]

ArcMap 10 and ERDAS 8.7 were already installed in my computer. But I want to open both programs at the same time. If ArcMap can open properly, ERDAS cann't open and vice versa, showed that following ...
1 vote
0 answers

Count the polygons of the raster given by the kmeans algorithm

I am struggling with a Python problem. My plan is to compute the clustering of the kmeans algorithm for an image and to create polygons from this classification. My goal is to get the total number of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Noisy lines in all scenes for Landsat 7?

I'm seeing patterned lines in all Landsat 7 images that clearly are image artifacts. There are lines that jet in from the edges (the center looks better) Does anyone know what it is and if there are ...
8 votes
8 answers

Automatically download and merge webmap tiles into one big image?

Is there an easy way to download a bunch of web map tiles (in /z/x/y.png format) and stitch them together into a single large image? I could probably script this using ImageMagick, but would prefer ...
0 votes
0 answers

Exporting grouped item as image using ArcGIS Pro

I have imported an image and added text surrounding this image into a layout through ArcGIS Pro. I intend on using this as a logo for other maps produced by my team. How do I export this grouped item ...
3 votes
2 answers

Calculate an equation from two collection image

I've got stuck when I'm trying to calculate MNDISI with MODIS. FYI, to calculate MNDISI, that should use LST collection image and SR collection image, so I'm trying to combine MODIS Surface ...
1 vote
2 answers

Earth engine error: Number (Error) Image.subtract, argument 'image1': Invalid type. Expected type: Image<unknown bands>. Actual type: ImageCollection

I have some problem with my script, I'm trying to calculate MNDISI, and I've got some issues with errors: Number (Error) Image.subtract, argument 'image1': Invalid type. Expected type: Image. Actual ...
2 votes
1 answer

Unable to load raster image in QGIS 3.20 Print composer

I have loaded QGIS 3.20, and in print composer, I have tried to load a gif image I have used a lot in other versions, and it fails to load, just the red X through the box. I have checked 3.18 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Need pros and cons of performing a GeoTIFF from ERDAS img conversion

I have a 20GB ERDAS IMG file that I need to incorporate into my project. It's data covers the entire USA, indicating the thickness of satellite sensed tree canopy. What image format would provide me ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to keep the image of a collection that are integrally contained in a geometry boundary in Google Earth Engine?

I have an image collection and a geometry ROI var ROI = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-78.20688664502586, 34.67650023609108, -77.65207707471336, 35.216816430066366); var l5 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/...
2 votes
1 answer

NAIP image convolution using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I am new to image processing and coding and I am having trouble applying a lowpass and highpass filter to a NAIP image. I have practiced with Landsat 8 images with a successful output but I am getting ...
1 vote
0 answers

QGIS Problem with displaying web-based images by Action attribute

I have the .csv file, which includes the direct URLs to the images in the columns. Unfortunately, I can't open them at some point. Following this video:
0 votes
2 answers

Mapping image from drone in QGIS

Is it possible to map a drone image JPEG directly over a QGIS project as a layer or is it necessary to make some post processing, because it's not rendered on it's correct position?
0 votes
0 answers

Only one image is showing up on OpenLayers map

I can only get one of the following DEM_image PNGs to show up on my map. Its always the first one "DSS.layer.DEM.image0" that shows up, the rest do not render. I can see in the console ...
5 votes
3 answers

ArcMap Image Analysis Window - functionality is grayed out

In ArcMap's Image Analysis Window, none of the tools are available even though I have a raster selected in the window. I do not have Editor turned on. I can't identify why the Processing tools are ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why does my Google Earth Engine code run on a polygon, but not an image if they are of the same area

I have an Image (TIFF) that I imported and would like to run this script over to calculate average NDVI over that region, but it does not work giving me an error message stating "ImageCollection (...
10 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to query/download satellite images with Python?

I was wondering if there exists a Python library/API for downloading satellite images. Ideally, I would want to enter the latitude and longitude of a bounding box and get a high resolution image ...
0 votes
0 answers

Symbol recognition on a scanned image (map)

I have a specific task and I'm looking for possible approaches. What I'm trying to do is this: I have a high resolution (600dpi) scanned, and georeferenced image of a map, and I need to be able to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to export selected bands from an image using GDAL [closed]

I have a multi-band GeoTIFF (with 8 bands), and I want to extract first 3 band and 7th band from that image and export them as TIFF image using GDAL. Bands details given by dataset is shown in ...
4 votes
1 answer

Seeking GIS tool to automatically extract polygon geometries from images

Let's say I have multiple png images like the following one: I'd like to find a way where I can automatically draw polygon geometries on this image. Something like the following: My expectation is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Difference between mosaicking two images and blending two images

Let's say I have two 1-band images image1 and image2. Is there a difference between ee.ImageCollection([image1, image2]).mosaic() and image1.blend(image2)
1 vote
1 answer

Creating images by calculating other images

I have some categorical images (Y, T, Max, Min, MaxUp, MaxLo). Each image has integer values in different ranges. I want to create an image MinUp that MinUp = T when Max = MaxUp ...
2 votes
1 answer

Overlaying image with polygon shapefile in QGIS

I am using QGIS and I'd like to know how I can make this kind of image overlay using as base a polygon shapefile of my city's blocks, just like in the following images.

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