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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

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1 answer

Georeference raster in WGS84 and project in North azimuthal in QGIS

I have a raster (JEPG) image from a full planet surface (in this case Jupiter). I use QGIS and its plugin Georeferencer to add control points on the image. I use the four corners. Then I use Gdal to ...
Elendil's user avatar
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Can QGIS load a georeferenced (skewed) raster from PostGIS database?

Summary I can't load a georeferenced/skewed raster in QGIS if it is stored in a PostGIS database. Problem Details For some reasons, I need to create a skewed raster in a PostGIS database, and use it ...
Winfred Huang's user avatar
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Geo-referenced raster in QGIS does not align with shapefile

I am using georeferencer in QGIS to align a rater with a boundary shapefile, but after georeferencing, the resulting raster shifts a bit but does not shift completely to the GCP as it is supported to ...
Summer's user avatar
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Error with .jpeg in Georeferencer

QGIS error message when in Georeferencer: .jpg is not a supported raster data source. libjpeg: Bogus Huffman table definition How do I fix this? Tried different .jpeg and still doesn't work. Previous ...
ClearMappingCo's user avatar
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Is there a way to rasterize polygon with hatch pattern with GDAL CLI or in a Python script?

I am trying to automate some work previously done in QGIS. Target platform is AWS Lambda so there is no way to use QGIS or any other standalone GIS-specific application. QGIS provide a way to draw ...
walkingpendulum's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I set QGIS to not mess up my TIFF images when I geolocate them?

I am using QGIS 3.10.0-A I have some TIFF images of simple line maps. I worked on the TIFFs to reduce file size while retaining quality and got them to where I want (for example, I used Irfanview's ...
JJD's user avatar
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rasterio driver - weird bug that throws no error

I am using rasterio to convert some png files to geotiff files. My input is a geotiff and I do some processing to output a geotiff file using the following command: temp = cv2.imread(file) ...
snookrun's user avatar
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2 answers

Georeferencing imported DWG layer using QGIS

I would like to georeference a DWG layer using QGIS 3. I have imported the DWG layer saved by Microsoft Office Visio Professional. After import I have a nice lookup like below. The problem is, that I ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Entering UTM Map Coordinates when georeferencing is not working

I'm trying to enter UTM map coordinates from a scanned image (grid), and I'm entering the coordinates correctly X/Y, but when I click to process the georeferencing - the image does not overlay where ...
classics_geek's user avatar
2 votes
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Converting GRIB2 to GeoTIFF

I am trying to convert a GRIB2 file to a GeoTIFF file using gdal. My Commands: gdal_translate -b 1 -a_srs EPSG:3857 some.grib2 some.grib2.tif gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +...
arnpry's user avatar
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Why is scale of image different in QGIS 3.10 than created?. CAD import and twf world file seems correct

I created an image by taking a picture of a tape measure(ruler). I rotated this image to north and made a world file .tfw for the tiff image. to get the pixel width for the twf file, I divided the ...
Cary H's user avatar
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How do we georeference a toposheet using GCS or PCS?

I am new to the GIS domain. I need to georeference a toposheet, Datum - WGS84, 1:50,000 scale map. I have done the georeferencing using WGS for GCP's and then projected to WGS_94_UTM Zone 43N, using ...
Aavani Priya's user avatar
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Shapefile To svg to dxf and back to shapefile

I need to edit a complex vector polygon layer based on a raster layer. It will be a lot easier for me to do the drawings in an illustration software like Inkscape and then to import it back to QGIS. ...
Yonoson Josef's user avatar
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TIFF file issue [closed]

I started georeferencing an image. A TIFF file is saved in my desktop. But I couldn't view the image of the map ( while seeing the icon on desktop). I then add the raster layer in QGIS. But the map ...
Gowri Karthick's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Differences between different georeferencing transformation algorithms in QGIS

Expanding on Transformation types in geo-referencing of QGIS?, I'm trying to understand the exact transformations used by QGIS, and how they differ. The georeferencer documentation is of course a good ...
jfmoyen's user avatar
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I cannot find the Georeferencer GDAL on QGIS 3,14 Pi [closed]

I only have 7 plugins installed and Georeferencer GDAL is not one of them any ideas?
Matthew Winters's user avatar
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VIIRS products georeferencing

Can anyone tell how to reproject VIIRS products (interested VNP09 and VNP14IMG) into standard projection and reference system? I managed to process some of products like CLDMASK_L2 and even VNP14 (750 ...
Sergey Myshliakov's user avatar
-1 votes
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Georeferencing in ArcMap?

I am new to ArcMap. I have bistatic MiniRF data. This data is not georeferenced. I want to make this georeference. Correspondence to each pixel, I have one latitude and longitude information in ...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
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Georeferencing bands at first then calculating NDWI, or, calculating NDWI at first and then georeferencing it

I want to get NDWI from MODIS mod021km as GeoTIFF files. As far as you know, MODIS images are not georeferenced and the point is georeferencing these imagages is a little bit inaccurate (because of ...
Mehrdad HMT's user avatar
3 votes
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How is GeoTIFF geographically referenced if it has no sidecar files?

I am currently downloading MODIS burned area fire products to use for a work project. One of these products is a GeoTIFF which indicates the day (Julian date) of the year when an area experienced fire....
apierce6's user avatar
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Create custom projections in QGIS 3.10?

QGIS does not have the coordinate reference system I need, So I decide to define a new custom Geographic coordinate system.To define a CRS, i have srs.db & .wkt file. I place these file as (a) ...
Rajendra's user avatar
2 votes
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Problems in changing projection using georeferencer in QGIS

I'm an amateur user and primarily use QGIS to change the projections of my fantasy maps, using the Georeferencer functon. Normally I enter non-equirectangular projections, plot the co-ordinates and ...
Nate Mangion's user avatar
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Georeferencing HiRISE images in QGIS 3.6 on Windows

I have a CTX mosaic for a base layer in my project. However, I am running into trouble overlaying HiRISE images over it. HiRISE final products should be georeferenced, but they just do not fall into ...
PlanetaryGeo's user avatar
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Extent of shapefile vs. extent of JPEG

I am having a problem. I follow the steps to try to georeferenced, but I see that the JPEG is much bigger than the shapefile when you add both to the table of contents. I try changing the extent on ...
EBee's user avatar
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Adding a new CRS to QGIS 3.10 with custom coordinate reference system

I am using a Shapefile of which the projection is not recognized by QGIS. The .prj file of the shapefile has the following information: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",...
Eline's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set the georeference of a layer

I can't find an answer and it's probably because I don't know the terminology, so if you could include terminology in the answer that would be swell. I have an image of some sort. I bring it into ...
MostHost LA's user avatar
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QGIS: How can I reproject multiple associated layers when improving the georeference of an ancient map?

If I add or move some georeferencing control points and re-georeference a map, then is there a way in which I can make the latest QGIS reproject the points/lines/polygons in associated layers ...
Louis Strous's user avatar
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is there a open source way to georeference a non geospatial vector (like eps, svg etc)?

Is it possible to reference a non geospatial vector file such as eps, pdf, svg, dxf etc.? The vectors I'm talking about are points and lines without any georeferences, but the size, the position and ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Fixing a raster with unknown spatial reference so other rasters show up

I am trying to create a dataset with data from different raster datasets in ArcMap. One of the raster datasets seems to have an "unknown spatial reference", and it shows "unknown" as XY coordinate ...
Oberberg's user avatar
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How does gdal.ReprojectImage() work?

I'm using gdal.ReprojectImage() to reproject mod021km bands to geotif data. it takes one of the modis multiband subdatasets (e.g. EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB with 5 bands) and saves it as a tif file with one ...
Mehrdad HMT's user avatar
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How to calculate corner(edge) coordinates for geo image

I want to add image layer to Azure map. To do that I need coordinates for the corners. With help of this site I am able to get center, rotation/angle and ...
shak imran's user avatar
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How to georeference a map using Python

Can somebody help me please to georeference a map with Python? Maybe I'm not setting right the row and column numbers? This is my code: import shutil from osgeo import gdal, osr orig_fn = 'G:/...
DanielKovacs's user avatar
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GeoServer - How to display Ortho ortho (JP2 file) when georeference of each file are located in jgw file

I wouldlike to create a layer with all my tiles of ortho (jpeg2000). The problem here is the georeference of each jpeg2000 file are in .jgw file. When I try to add this on geoserver, I have always the ...
programmation1994's user avatar
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What is the proper way to georeference an image based on GCP using GDAL tools

I am trying to do the Georeferencing using CLI provided by the GDAL as it is doing in the QGIS. Tools useful are gdal_traslate gdalwrap gdaltransform I have a gcps as below: -gcp 3.5665368079674 172....
rughimire's user avatar
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Correcting offset between LiDAR datasets

I am analyzing multiple LiDAR datasets looking at the changes between pre-wildfire and post-wildfire topography. The datatsets are of the same general location. I did not acquire the datasets on my ...
JamesS's user avatar
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How to georeference images with GCP's in straight line?

I would like to use the Thin Plate Spline tranformation type in the QGIS georeferencer plugin. The image I'm trying to georeference is a sequence of aerial images which have been merged manually. I ...
Jan-Pieter's user avatar
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QGIS Twisting a Shapefile

I have a georeferenced raster in QGIS and a shapefile of the same area. Both files are in the same projection, but they do have different extents. For some reason on the left side the shapefile ...
Binx's user avatar
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Is there a way to save the georeferencing residuals table in ArcGIS Pro?

I am conducting a georeferencing task for which I need to calculate statistics on the x and y residuals. I note that these are helpfully calculated in the control point table both before and after ...
SHV_la's user avatar
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GDAL Georeference Script Not Working

I have two GDAL scripts provided to me by a Developer for my app. Their purpose is to Georeference a large PNG used in the app. For that reason I am reluctant to try and Georeference the image in any ...
TomH's user avatar
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Finding rotation/heading of JPEG image

I have a series of JPEG images taken from a UAV that have geospatial info associated with them. I'm trying to pull out that info in python but I'm having some trouble. In the past when I've done this ...
nrc's user avatar
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Export map from QGIS as georeferenced map to be used in Avenza Maps [duplicate]

I am familiar with ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, but I am extremely green when it comes to QGIS. The version I am using is QGIS 3.10.2 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. I have created a map using Google Maps ...
Fusion 55's user avatar
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Using QGIS to convert collection of map rasters in various projections to simple latlong

I am currently building a global database of sutures, major faults and thrusts, orogenic events, magmatic episodes and plate boundaries with the goal of building a framework of Earth's tectonic ...
Samuel Philippian's user avatar
5 votes
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Setting proj parameters for Second World War military grid systems

I'm trying to georeference some WWII maps available at the University of Texas repository (e.g., example map). The problem is that these maps refer to an unknown proj system (at least for me) and I ...
Pankus's user avatar
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GeoTIFF projections with Python GDAL

I have a GeoTIFF I imported into Python environment with GDAL. The image has spatial reference data, which are the parameters describing the geo model: (-104.31292762744124, 0.00030593847623094916, 0....
Rebecca Brown's user avatar
6 votes
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Re-scaling and moving vector layer manually in QGIS

I have imported a DXF file (site layout drawings for proposed development), but its scaling is too small and it does not line up with the Google street maps. I want to re-scale the layer manually ...
Reinier's user avatar
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Automatically georeference non-intersecting UAS photos based on contained EXIF metadata

I need to know how to automatically create georeferenced rasters from multiple non-intersecting photos taken by UAS DJI Phantom 4 Pro. All EXIF metadata is present in every photo - coordinates, ...
Vladimir Sviridov's user avatar
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QGIS Georeferencer--result raster far away and distorted

I've been trying to georeference a raster.The ground control points I choose using 'from map canvas' are quite close to the original points, but the results are far far away and distorted. Could ...
Summer's user avatar
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3 votes
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Georeferencing raster with unknown highly non-rectilinear CRS in QGIS

In QGIS, I'm trying to georeference an image where lines of latitude and longitude are curved / non-parallel (see below) and I have no information about the projection used. Can anyone recommend the ...
Jared M's user avatar
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Problem updating Georeferencing for TIFF

When I update georeferencing for TIFFs, the map disappears and doesn't save. Auto adjust is off, rectify wont save, control points I can save seperately. Settings are set to documentation suggestions. ...
leddyoneill's user avatar
4 votes
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Digitizing historical Brazilian map in QGIS3.4

I am trying to overlay a map of a historical boundary (in .tif format) onto a Brazilian shapefile with subnational administrative boundaries. My general question is: what is the most direct (and ...
Henrique Veras de Paiva Fonsec's user avatar

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