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-1 votes
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Regular grid for whole planet

I`m trying to generate rectangular grid for whole world with fixed cell size in 350 meters (width and height are equals). What i tried to do: 1) in main loop iterate trough longitude in range [-180; ...
gorill's user avatar
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Geolocation using global map in ArcGIS Desktop? [closed]

I want to show my study sites (15 from different countries) using a global map in ArcGIS Desktop. I'd like to show latitudes and longitudes (perhaps with a map grid). Is there a way to drop pins ...
user18058's user avatar
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2 votes
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Setting up lat/long graticule with 1 min output in QGIS?

I would like to set up a lat/long graticule in QGIS with output being a line shapefile with values in Degrees and Minutes, and grid lines shown at every even 1 minute (e.g. 13°23' W, 13°24' W, 13°25' ...
Granko's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Setting grid in QGIS that automatically adjust its intervals?

I am setting a template for multiple maps in QGIS 3 Layout and i was wondering if there is a way of automatically adjusting the grid's interval as a function of the scale of the map? I did a bit of ...
Juan Ossa's user avatar
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Precision Ag and UTM declination

I've written an open source Precision Agriculture application called AgOpenGPS that does everything from auto steer, to mapping, implement and section turn on/off, auto headland turns and more. It's ...
Briantee's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you make QGIS decorations scale dependent?

I have a QGIS project that includes a grid decoration. Is it possible to display this decoration only when zoomed in? I.e. can decorations in QGIS have scale dependent visibility?
Silvern's user avatar
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Grid creation with specific rows and columns

I have a shapefile for a property boundary and i want to create a grid over this boundary. However I want to be able to specify the number of Rows and Columns, I would also like each individual grid ...
Sydney Dube 's user avatar
2 votes
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Issue with vector grid and calculating area QGIS

I'm trying to determine the area of occurence from a large polygon superimposed onto 2km x 2km grids. The goal is to have a slightly coarser answer then a straight area of the original polygon as the ...
Blyth J's user avatar
  • 21
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2 answers

Rotating labeling of grid in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a doubt I would like to know if you can rotate the labeling of the grid. Look at the image 1, the grid is rotated but the labeling is still perpendicular, I need the labeling to be parallel to ...
Pershu21's user avatar
1 vote
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Calculate Grid Convergence Angle within ModelBuilder Model

I am trying to use the 'Calculate Grid Convergence Angle" tool (from Cartography toolbox -> Data Driven Pages) into ModelBuilder. The tool is pretty simple - (1) import, (2) remove no data (3) ...
kdubz's user avatar
  • 11
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Listing features and their respective map grid in QGIS

I am trying to list map features and the Reference Grid they fall into. The grid is setup in the Print Composer as a 50mmx50mm grid over a 400mmx400mm map with Cells Labeled as 1A, 1B, etc.. I didn't ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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5 votes
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Local grids with rotated north in QGIS

Like many people in geology and archaeology I need to work with local grids that have eastings and northings from a specific reference point, and typically have a difference alignment/direction of ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Add gridlines to projected map in R

I am producing some maps to include in a publication. However, I am not able to include a graticule on my plot such that it resembles that in the image shown below. The image is projected but still ...
code123's user avatar
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Creating grid in ArcGIS Pro that looks exactly same as Corner Label Grid in ArcMap?

When creating a grid in ArcMap I would choose the Label Style Format of Corner label in the Grid Properties dialog box. I am attempting to create the same grid in ArcGIS Pro, I understand you have to ...
Jas's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Pro Graticule Ticks and Labels?

I want to display my Latitude ticks and labels along the left and right of my data frame and the longitudinal ticks and labels along the top and bottom of the data frame. In ArcGIS Desktop this has ...
JamesW's user avatar
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use custom grids in leaflet

is there a way to use/transform from the custom grid in this WMTS Capabilities to the osm grid to use the wmts with leaflet ? I'm using the leaflet-tilelayer-wmts plugin and i cannot display any tile ...
Trevirius's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Avoid scientific notation in custom grid labels in QGIS 3

In previous versions of QGIS I used this expression to make 3-figure coordinates for my maps: substr( @grid_number , length( @grid_number ) -4,3) At the 4000000 mark this used to give me a value ...
Keith's user avatar
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5 votes
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Custom format for a grid with degrees, minutes, seconds with suffix using letter from another language

I am designing a map in French where West is "Ouest", and thus the map should read 45°23′67′′O instead of 45°23′67′′W. I am using a version of QGIS in English (update: in the French version of QGIS, ...
kl-higgins's user avatar
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Creating a Grid in WGS 84 in Feet

I am using Using QGIS 18.16 to try and create a grid measured in feet. I am having some issues with the best way to create a accurate grid in a project projected in WGS 84. I know that it uses ...
lowsparked's user avatar
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Problem with grid labels in grid composer

I am having some trouble with the print composer. First I set a fixed scale the proper scale for my map. Second, I set the width and height. Third I set the fixed X and Y minimum for my map. For ...
Gerardo Jimenez's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS 2.18 - how to plot a new point a certain distance and az from another point

I'm trying to figure out a way to plot a new point (or series of points) along a given az and a fixed interval. Essentially, I'm trying to build a grid for soil sampling. ty
Mark Ralph's user avatar
1 vote
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How to choose the grid node that falls in Germany from gridded estimated climate data in R? [duplicate]

I am newbie to deal with climate data, so let me go straight with my question. I downloaded data from climate data which asked me to register first before accessing their dataset, and those data are ...
Hamilton's user avatar
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Raster from grid shape

I have a .shp file from a grid. I read it and calculate the centroids. This data.frame has the latitude, longitude and some numbers in order making reference to the id of the grid's square. Something ...
user113261's user avatar
5 votes
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Adding lon/lat grid on map in QGIS 3.0?

I am working through this tutorial that I think was intended for 2.8x - Step 24 advises on how to add a grid on a map in Layout view. But ...
Regulus's user avatar
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Offline MGRS Nearby [closed]

Is there anyone of us here experienced to use the Mgrs Nearby in googleEarth Pro? It is a helpful .kml specially to navigators because it ...
GridZone's user avatar
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Merging two point data sets with artificial grid cells in QGIS

I have two datasets. The SCAD has conflict data with the exact latitude and longitude, the other one has the exact coordinates for foreign aid. My research question is, whether foreign aid decreases ...
Amelio Tornincasa's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating fishnet using Python? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a fishnet of x by x miles for all USA, same as this basically: However, I want to do this with python. My ...
Dnaiel's user avatar
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Intersects without clipping input vector layer

I have two layers, one with a fishnet grid of a country, and then the borders of the country. I would like to get a shapefile with all the features of this grid that intersect with the borders of the ...
B.Quaink's user avatar
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Getting statistics in cross sections at varying heights in LAS files?

I am looking to cross section my forest at varying heights. I have high return LAS data (8 points/m2 and average point spacing of 0.2m) and I am looking to do more than the simple 1, 2, 3 approach of ...
D_C's user avatar
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Creating a Grid on a polygon and find number of points in each grid

How can I create a grid on top of a polygon and then insert the points onto the grid? As far as i know, i am using How to create a regular polygon grid in PostGIS? guide to created the grid. However,...
Derek's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Displaying map labels over coordinate grid in QGIS?

My grid overlaps labels placed on a map. Is there a way of forcing the labels to be displayed in front/on top and the grid placed behind the text? Despite looking I cannot find a solution. Using ...
Beaver's user avatar
  • 367
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1 answer

breaking road segments based on another shapefile in QGIS [duplicate]

I am using QGIS 2.18 and have a road celterline and a grid shapefile which I am using to create an atlas book. What I want to do is break each road at the edge of each grid that it crosses but I have ...
Ed Hawkins's user avatar
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Mapping bigger grid attributes to overlapping smaller overlapping grids

We have following grid structure. There are certain attributes attached to the Bigger grid (80m). However we want to map all those attributes to smaller grids as it also contains some other ...
user8303581's user avatar
-1 votes
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create dem from contours for use in another program

I need a dem or asc file, not a raster in a gdb, for another program to use. I have contours, I can make a tin, a tif, but I need the .asc
rkeaten's user avatar
1 vote
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Cluster points of a layer into a grid [duplicate]

I have a layer with many points on a country, for example, Peru, and I have done a grid grouping all the country. Each hole of the grid has an ID so it's easy to differentiate them. My idea is to set ...
Victor's user avatar
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Non-geographic grids on maps

There are plenty of maps around, printed and otherwise, with numbered grids that do not directly equate to real-world coordinate systems. Typically these grids will have 0,0 in the bottom-left corner ...
CJM's user avatar
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Facing interior label of grid?

The grid labeling is not going on the border, it always marked on the boundary of vector dataset?
Harish Chand's user avatar
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Import grid into Diva

I am new DIVA - GIS user. I want to import country .grd file from diva - gis website. I tried with Bolivia, and it works fine, but it doesn't work with Bosnia (which actually is my subject of analysis)...
Amra's user avatar
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Centroids of each grid cell

I have a grid created by mean the following script: # My grid [using package 'sf'] worldGrid <- st_make_grid(x = worldMap, what = "polygons", cellsize = 10) worldGrid <- st_sf(idcell = ...
Marco's user avatar
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2 votes
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From a Grid map to a dataframe of presence/absence of each cell

Working in R, I have a grid map of the world (as SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object). I have also many indipendent shapefiles (formed by several polygons) expressing species ranges. I grouped all these ...
Marco's user avatar
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Split a vector into parallel grids [duplicate]

I have a piece of land (vector) with, for example, potatoes and I want to make a grid for spraying. That means i need a grid with size 45mx10m with different values per box. Important is that the grid ...
user avatar
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Closest Point Pairs to determine grid resolution

I'm reading Hengl's (2006) Finding the Right Pixel Size. In it, among many different suggested approaches, he suggests using a grid resolution where > 95% of the closest point pairs do no fall into ...
JKiss's user avatar
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Grid convergence

I was trying to overlay the British National Grid (OSGB 1936 UTM projection) onto the Eurostat grid (ETRS 1989 LAEA Europe) and realized that they do not perfectly overlay (after projecting the ...
rshaav's user avatar
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Looking for tile-grid polygon layer

I'm looking for a vector-grid that has grid-cell boundaries for every tile/zoom-level in the standard x/y/z web-map tiling scheme. Googling has done me no good...anyone know of a source?
rgwozdz's user avatar
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Vector Grid Creates just one grid

Im trying to create a vector grid for my shapefile. I want it to be in meters so I set my CRS to EPSG:32650 UTM 50N. This is what I do exactly I set the layers CRS to that one above, then click on ...
Jake's user avatar
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Set Grid Composer Unit in UTM for QGIS 2.18.14

I was very confused with my QGIS 2.18.14, i'm pretty sure that i used correct coordinate system, WGS84/UTM 48N, and the coordinate also said so. But why when i set the grid. The grid coordinate is ...
Hafizh A Permana's user avatar
3 votes
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ArcMap Data Driven Pages Display Error - Grids Display Incorrectly

I am running ArcMap 10.4.1 with an Advanced Licence on Windows 7. I have created a mapbook in ArcMap. The mapbook consists of a mask, data-driven page grid (generated from a Fishnet). The mask is a ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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QGIS - Calculate Highest Elevation within 1 degree grid

I have downloaded country raster elevation data from Diva-GIS and added 1 degree grid from "View >> Decorations >> Grid" as seen in the image below. Now, I want to know the highest elevation within ...
userPyGeo's user avatar
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"Grid" menu is missing from SAGA on my QGIS 2.18 setup

I am just a learner and learning through internet tutorials. I tried to learn about SAGA tools specially for "Grid" options, but I am unable to see any menu icon of Grid on SAGA toolbar. I am ...
basant kumar's user avatar
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Turning off grid using ArcPy?

I work with 72 MXD's files, and i need to turn off the grid in order to export it without the grid. I don't want to do it manually, neither using the "Tinytask" software, as mentioned in Changing ...
newGIS's user avatar
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