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Step-by-step guide to analyze solar potential in QGIS [closed]

I am looking for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to analyze the solar potential of urban rooftops using QGIS. The aim is to calculate solar insolation for individual rooftops and assess the ...
ved's user avatar
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How to find areas/relations inside a country, excluding certain places

Some time ago I asked this question to get an idea of how I could look for gated communities in a given country (e.g. Argentina). Now I would like to find the same, but excluding certain political ...
uvita's user avatar
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Overpass around query on bridge centers

I have a Gpx track and I want to find the bridges it crosses. I have try a simple request with my radius and coords: ( wr["name"]["wikidata"]["man_made"="bridge"...
JulesL's user avatar
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Divide Open Street Map elements to distinct categories/layers

I am using OSM (Open Street Map) turbo overpass api to get all the elements in a small bounding box and export it to a shapefile. Now, I would like to split the elements into layers where each layer ...
OMRY VOLK's user avatar
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Store in a table some tags in JSON while others in JSONB

I want to import a road network, and I tried to store the most used tags in JSON, while ONLY the least used in JSONB (if I use { column = 'tags', type = 'jsonb' }, I get all tags inside JSONB). I ...
Ale_Zena_IT's user avatar
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Overpass Turbo min/max coordinates

I can find examples for using Overpass min/max with tags in the evaluator, e.g. area[name="Baden-Württemberg"]; node(area)[natural=peak](if:number(t["ele"])>1000); node._(if:t[&...
BDH's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap admin_level relationships

I've been unable to develop the correct Overpass query to retrieve the parent admin_levels from a Wikidata id: Overpass query for admin_level parents for an area What I'd like is to start with a ...
Loren Maxwell's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OSM features in Overpass Turbo

I am using this overpass-turbo script to extract water polygons of the Saint Johns River in Northern Florida, but it is consistently excluding the entire portion north of the Buckman Bridge (see ...
mikeLdub's user avatar
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Extract road contours, not just lines

I have a result of CADMAPPER plugin for sketchup work: nice roads with thickness. As far as I know CADMAPPER uses OSM data like roads "width" for diferent types of highways. Can I use QGIS ...
Bicukow's user avatar
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Find all OpenStreetMap address points in a given area

How can I find ALL OpenStreetMap address points in a given area? Let's say around Manila, Philippines. OK, in I zoom into Manila. Then I enter addr:housenumber into the ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Default coordinate for OSM XYZ tiles Open Street Map

What is the syntax for the XYZ tiles url? I want to configure OSM tiles to always open at the same location and zoom. My attempt to edit the url is apparently not correct.
Steven Harrod's user avatar
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How to group nodes in Overpass API query that are near other nodes?

My goal is to fetch waste_basket nodes, where any nodes within 50m of other waste_basket nodes are grouped together into one. All other nodes are fetched as-is. I started attempting to find nodes ...
Paradox's user avatar
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Removing Parallel Footpaths and Pedestrian Paths from Residential Streets in QGIS

I’m working on a project in QGIS where I’m creating a map to help navigate neighborhoods. I’m using a shapefile from OpenStreetMap, and I’ve run into a problem with footpaths and pedestrian paths that ...
Mitchell Kunichoff's user avatar
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How does nominatim identify the center of a place?

In the following image, I've plotted the administrative boundaries of Albany NY. The yellow point is the centroid. The red point is the Geocoded location as identified by Nominatim. Are the points ...
Jred's user avatar
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Adding Stadia API Jey to QuickMapServices

I have an API key from Stadia Maps. I am trying to add the Stamen maps using QuickMapServices; the map layer appears in the Layer Panel but without any data in the display area. I tried this answer ...
Mohammed I. Mukhtar's user avatar
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How to set the CRS correctly PyQGIS to display points on top of OSM basemap

I want to load OSM as a background map and plot some points on top of it. And I want to use PyQGIS to write to a QGIS project file because that's the easiest way to share the data with my particular ...
Yohann Pitrey's user avatar
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Varying results between quickOSM QGIS plugin vs 'Download OSM data' QGIS processing tool

I am working with the graphic modeller in QGIS to query and process OSM data automatically. The script uses the processing tool 'Download OSM data from a query in an extent' to access the data. When ...
Mkn's user avatar
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How to generate contours in Maperitive (SRTM index is missing. Error downloading SRTM data)

Why does Maperitive always fail to generate contours with this error message? Error downloading SRTM data (reason: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.) I'm trying to create a ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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How to update layers produced by QuickOSM map preset?

I have created an OpenStreetMap layer in QGIS by using the QuickOSM plugin like so: Vector > QuickOSM > QuickOSM... > Map preset > select Urban > *set filter to "In: " > ...
Paradox's user avatar
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Issues with Calculating Building Characteristics, Footprint, Roof, and Facade Areas using Overpass API and OSM Data

I’m working on a project using Overpass API and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to extract building characteristics such as footprint area, roof area, and facade areas in each direction. I'm also trying to ...
Hitendra Bhusare's user avatar
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Android Studio: App crashing when implementing OSM feature

Special features (pubs, bars) should be displayed on an OSM map. However, when I added the following code, without any error messages, the app crashed every time. Both on the emulator and on my mobile ...
Toth's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What is an overpass query to get OSM hiking trails in the US? [closed]

What is an overpass query to get OSM hiking trails in the US? I write "an overpass query" because I imagine that his can be done in multiple ways.
brendan8229's user avatar
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Does osm2po take into consideration one-ways, bridges, tunnels, underpasses and overpasses? [closed]

I've started with osm and pgrouting recently, and found osm2po to be a great tool, however I can't find any information about how it processes osm data. I use pgr_dijkstra to create a route and use ...
RandGenerator's user avatar
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How can I create a U-turn for routes in OSM?

I am facing a problem when mapping a route in which the bus should make a U-turn at Rua A (Recanto dos Lagos) at coordinates 21°42'34.6"S 43°19'49.7"W, but the route follows another street (...
Lara Dias's user avatar
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Querying for roads, highways, etc. (not including pedestrian paths, park trails, parking lots) on OSM overpass

I am trying to query for just motor roads, highways, streets, residential roads, etc. while filtering out things such as parking lots, pedestrian paths, and park trails on OSM overpass turbo. ...
Erich's user avatar
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7 votes
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Downloading administrative boundaries from OpenHistoricalMap

I found that someone already published administrative historical boundaries I'm interested in. It is available on the OpenHistoricalMap project, part of OpenStreetMap. Here is the link for one of the ...
Filip Frankopan's user avatar
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Obtaining rendered data (mapnik)

I want to extract data (city, town and village names) that will be visible when viewing at zoom levels 1 to 10. You can see that even at zoom level 8, only few city/town/village names are visible I ...
Ezhidze's user avatar
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Adding WaymarkedTrails maps (Lonvia Hiking Lonvia Cycling) into QGIS

I would really like to turn QGIS into an equivalent of Maperitive. Ideally I would like to import Web Maps (OSM Mapnik, Lonvia Hiking and Cycling), Geometry Data I downloaded from https://www....
Teg983APee's user avatar
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Maplibre render POI on self-hosted 3D OSM

I am trying to render POI on an OSM pbf extract, shown using maplibre. What I have tried so far hasn't worked. There is a live demo here. That demo doesn't have the latest PBF from GeoFabrik as that ...
essexboyracer's user avatar
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Locally render a tile exactly like mod_tile/renderd would

I'm slowly learning the machinery involved in running a custom tile server for openstreetmap. I have a fully functioning setup more or less straight from this switch2osm guide but I'm curious about ...
pipe's user avatar
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How to extract all fuel stations (points and ways) from OpenStreetMap using Osmosis?

Currently, I am using the following Osmosis-Code: osmosis --read-pbf europe-latest.osm.pbf --tf accept-nodes amenity=fuel --tf accept-ways amenity=fuel --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-pbf ...
Funkwecker's user avatar
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Water Layer - Lake - QuickOSM - missing

Use : Qgis - newest release OpenStreetMaps QuickOSM - newest release In the past when I was making maps I could find a layer called "(Key) Water" called "(Value) Lake", but I can't ...
stonefox's user avatar
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No border connections in OSM data

I used OSMNX to download States in Germany as well as surrounding States from other countries to do mobility-analyses. These States get merged back together in my GDB. However at borders (no matter if ...
RavenS's user avatar
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Free QGIS Retina/HiDPI map tiles still produce illegible text

I'm using QGIS 3.34.1-Prizren on macOS 14. When I use the default XYZ OSM basemap in QGIS on my Retina screen, the roads and labels are all extremely small and pixelated: URL: https://tile....
Nick K9's user avatar
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Map-matching on table of geometries

I have a table that represents an OSM map. Each row representes an edge of the graph. It has the following attributes: road_id, start_node, end_node, direction, linestring I want to mapmatch a trace ...
Rodrigo Sasse's user avatar
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Convert ~14500 features into ~500 bounding boxes covering at least the same area in QGIS

I downloaded a shapefile from OpenStreetMap that covers all ocean and coastline. This consists of around 14500 features. What I am trying to do is generate a number of bounding boxes (say 300-1000) ...
Michael's user avatar
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"addr:street" seems to be missing after using osm2pgsql to load data into postGIS

I have some geographic usecases for a personal usage (i.e. real-estate price forecast), and after digging through different tools, I wanted to learn more about PostGIS. osm2pgsql seemed like a great ...
Volantis's user avatar
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Query to extract addresses in several parts of Germany is not working via QuickOSM

I a trying to extract addresses from the OpenStreetMap as polygons via QuickOSM using the keys: addr:street, addr:housenumber and addr:city. That works quite well, but not in every part of Germany. ...
Arne Kagermeier's user avatar
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Downloading OSM data for whole of Netherlands via Geofabrik

I need shapefile data for roads and railways in the Netherlands. I can use to download several files. However I can only data for each province (...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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osm2pgsql error: Connecting to database failed (context=check)

I got this error while importing an osm file to PostgreSQL directly. My code is: osm2pgsql –c –d highway -U postgres –P postgres –W postgres -H localhost "D:\data\highway.osm" The result ...
Yến Giang's user avatar
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How to merge OSM and Microsoft/Google building footprint data

How can I successfully combine Open Street Map vector data with the latest building footprint data from Google/Microsoft or Overture Maps, and convert the result to a PMTiles file successfully? The ...
Sidders's user avatar
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Storing OSM relations correctly as geometry in BQ

I am looking at the best/efficient way to decompose OSM relations and store as geography, currently I am using: to ...
ebad malik's user avatar
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Overpass-turbo query to retrieve polygon river features

I tried to extract the polygon features for the Kuskokwim River in Alaska, since it's a main-stem and wide river and, thus, represented by polygons at larger scales. But no matter what, I cannot get ...
mikeLdub's user avatar
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How do I show the right grid projection on my EPSG:4289 map/print layout?

I am trying to show the coordinates of my map (print layout) via a grid. However, I can not get it to work. I have tried multiple things: changing CRS, changing interval units, trial and error with X/...
Sem20112001's user avatar
2 votes
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Query for areas/relations containing private ways in OSM

I would like to find gated communities in Argentina. Thus far, I have been able to filter the ones which are explicitly tagged as such, i.e. those with the tag residential=gated. This is the query I ...
uvita's user avatar
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Does PostgreSQL function concat_ws works as expected?

You find the documentation of the concat_ws PostgreSQL function here. It says this request concat_ws(',', 'abcde', 2, NULL, 22) results in this reply abcde,2,22. This example does not proves the ...
dancesWithCycles's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap Polygon data accuracy checking

I was wondering whether there is a method or exercise I can do to check the accuracy of building polygons sourced from OpenStreetMap ( Of course when I layer the ...
Izzy's user avatar
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Where can I find the metadata of Sub-regions OSM shapefiles via geofabrik?

Currently I am using data for some regions (provinces) of the Netherlands via this link: However, when I download the shape files ( I ...
Sem20112001's user avatar
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Getting all node coordinates of ways of one relation with Overpass

With overpass, I use CSV to create individual formatted output. All ways of a relation are determined. Here is the code: [out:csv("print1";false)]; ( relation(id:15596842); way(r); ) -> ....
gotwo's user avatar
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Why can't we zoom more on OSM?

On OpenStreetMap's default viewer, we are limited in zooming, and we cannot zoom more than this. Why? How to change this, for example, to see the detail of the geometry of some buildings? Example: ...
Basj's user avatar
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