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250 votes
4 answers

EPSG 3857 or 4326 for Web Mapping

The discussion at What is the difference between WGS84 and EPSG4326? shows that 4326 is just the EPSG identifier of WGS84.. Wikipedia entries for Google Maps and OpenStreetMap shows that they both ...
tmaj's user avatar
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55 votes
9 answers

Creating drive time polygons using Open Source tools?

Is anyone using open source tools and/or data to generate drive time polygons that radiate out from a given location? For example, I have used ESRI products like Network Analyst and Business Analyst ...
45 votes
9 answers

Downloading OpenStreetMap Data

Is there a straightforward way to download data from OpenStreetMap (OSM)? Using North America as an example, I realize Cloudmade (Cloudmade no longer provides downloads of OSM) and Geofabrik (http://...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
41 votes
4 answers

Loading OpenStreetMap data in QGIS?

In QGIS 1.8 I used the openstreetmap plugin to request data from the server, or open a .osm XML file, which produced 3 layers (polygons, polylines and points) in QGIS. This was great (give or take ...
Laurent S's user avatar
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41 votes
12 answers

How would I draw and visualize custom maps based on OSM data?

I would like to be able to use openstreetmap data for a specific region as a source and "draw" from that the map of infrastructure improvements - mostly roads. I want it to be self-hosted (not ...
arconaut's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

Select bounding box using postGIS?

I want to create a query to select all ways and their nodes that exist within a bounding box using postGIS. The bounding box shall includes all details as osmosis "--bounding-box" command will ...
uriel's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

How to Add OSM Layer to QGIS 2.X

How can i add OSM layer in QGIS? The help says there is an OSM plugin i can use. But i don't see it the list of plugins. Or maybe there is a WMS URL for OSM i can use? QGIS version 1.7.0-Wroclaw ...
CaptDragon's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

Loading .osm.pbf file in QGIS

.osm.pbf it`s the extension for OpenStreetMap extract that I get from a site that takes daily extracts from OSM: How to import these files in QGIS (on Linux or Window)?
Badita Florin's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Donating and volunteering geographical knowledge? [closed]

I know a lot about the places I visit, and I want to share it with everyone. I have been donating and volunteering at OpenStreetMap, and I am also aware of Google Maps. Where else can I help with ...
31 votes
3 answers

OpenStreetMap content in commercial applications

I was considering the use of the OpenStreetMap API to retrieve vector features and combine them with other source data through a commercial tool. However, OpenStreetMap uses the Creative Commons ...
Jaime Soto's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

Is there an opensource way of making 'streetview' panoramas?

I'm interested in making streetview panoramas and am curious if there are any opensource approaches that I should consider for both making and publishing these panoramas. I've been playing with the ...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
29 votes
7 answers

Are there open access terrain tiles with a permissive license like OSM?

Are there open access terrain pyramidal map tiles with a permissive usage license like OpenStreetMap's? I'm building aviation-related maps with Polymaps and need a good raster basemap. The Google ...
Nelson's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Seeking qml or sld file for QGIS + OpenStreetMap data? [closed]

I'm looking for a qml file (or equivalent e.g. sld) to allow me to use QGIS to take OpenStreetMap data and produce paper maps. I'm re-asking this question (it was asked once or twice over a couple of ...
Rostranimin's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Optimizing osm2pgsql imports for OSM data

I'm currently building an instance on EC2 on which to import the entire Planet.osm snapshot of the whole Earth's worth of data for some projects we're working on. I've spun up a large Ubuntu x64 ...
colemanm's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Getting Lat, Long of clicked location using Leaflet API?

I am using OSM with Leaflet API. Now I want to get the lat and long of a clicked location. I meant something similar to this. ex:"...
DomincJune's user avatar
26 votes
6 answers

Creating a small web-mapping/map-tiling service

I am looking for a small-scale and easy way to present one or more polygon shapefiles online (on a municipal website without any existing map-server infrastructure, to be precise). Right now, I'm ...
SAnderka's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Where to get street data in an importable format?

I don't want to use WMS layers, but to actually store the data in my local server, where can I find street data from the world?
Vinko Vrsalovic's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

How do you convert OSM XML to geojson?

I want to take the XML output of a Xapi query and display it using leaflet or polymaps. How can I do that? Is there an easy way to convert XML to geojson
null_radix's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Standard SLDs for OpenStreetMaps?

We have downloaded OSM data for our region and loaded them into PostGIS using osm2pgsql. So far so good. On top we have GeoServer and we would like to expose the OSM data using WMS. We would as well ...
user4944's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

What GIS application can open and use .osm files?

A quick question that I don't see an answer to elsewhere: if I download a .osm dataset from Planet.osm (for example) which GIS applications could consume/display this data without translation? For ...
Mark Ireland's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Converting osm file to shapefile (or data frame) in R

I was looking for a road shapefile for Australia today. I ended up going to Geofabrik. Open Street Map has data in .osm format. But they do not have one in .shp for Australia. If possible, I want to ...
jazzurro's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Alternative basemaps for leaflet

I am interested in creating a web map application, that will display a map of my country and various files (.tif, shp) on top of it as layers and I decided to build it on top of Leaflet. So when I ...
G90DD's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Viewing or importing *.pbf file (OSM data, binary format) in ArcGIS Desktop or QGIS? [closed]

How to view or import a pbf file (OSM data,binary format) in ArcGIS Desktop or QGIS? Are any 3rd party applications needed? I would like to edit this file on any GIS Software.
Anand's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Free tile provider for Leaflet

I'm using Leaflet for the maps of my website. So far I was using maps of Mapbox (they're cool), but they obviously charge for them for website with 100,000+ maps per month. I'm trying to find a ...
Hookstark's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

In osm2pgsql how is the planet_osm_roads table populated?

I'm using osm2pgsql to populate a North America OSM database from planet.osm. I like how simple the resulting PostGIS schema is, but I'm a bit confused by its contents. I have the two tables ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Where can I download OpenStreetMap data by geographic region?

I want to use OpenStreetMap data for an ArcEngine application I'm working on, and I need the data to be stored locally. I don't want to download the entire planet.osm file, but rather by state, county,...
Tanner's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Are OSM ids unique over all Object types?

Are OSM IDs unique over all Object types? Meaning, can a way-ID occur as a relation-ID or a node-ID as a way-ID?
wutzebaer's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to calculate the optimal zoom-level to display two or more points on a map

We want to display several markers on a static map and want to calculate the optimal zoom-level like Google Maps does. We already calculated the bounding rectangle and the centerpoint of the map but ...
Tobias Schwarz's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How to detect roads from satellite images?

OpenStreetMap has announced a Bing API to detect roads. I want to know what is the theory behind road detection and if there is any open source tool that do that.
Pablo's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

What's the most promising application (use) of OpenStreetMap data? [closed]

In some areas OSM data is very complete and has a level of detail not seen in closed data sources. Another distinguishing factor is that it contains the knowledge of the people who live in that areas. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Projecting EPSG:4326 data in 2D map?

I like to think I'm relatively well-versed in datums, projections, and coordinate reference systems. OpenStreetMap data is stored in WGS84 Lat/Lon (EPSG:4326). This CRS is geographic and therefore ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How to overcome field truncation when converting OSM to shapefile with QGIS?

I am trying to convert an OpenStreetMap file into a shapefile, but I am having problems with the "tags" field being cut-off after 80 characters. With QGIS 1.4, I use the OpenStreetMap plugin to 'Load ...
Joshua Galecki's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Getting polygons of all countries and ISO-3166-2 subdivisons

In order to do reverse geocoding lookups to find a country (as ISO-3166-1) and the subdivision (as ISO-3166-2) for given coordinates I am looking for a way to get all polygons of all countries and ...
iquito's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Adding OpenStreetMap WMS layer to QGIS

I'm trying to add Openstreet Map (OSM) to QGIS3 (Ubuntu 16.04) as a background WMS layer. I found a list of OSM WMS Servers, and a WMS tab in the new Data Source Manager (Ctrl+L). But after clicking ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Filtering Overpass-API by country

Does anyone know how to perform a overpass-api request like this? "Show me all banks in Germany"? I could just show all 'amenity = bank' in a specific bounding-box. But Germany (or most of all ...
Cem Özdemir's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Simple way to have an offline web based map? [closed]

My goal is to have a world map embedded in a web page, but without access to the internet. Preferrably only a set of tiles in combination with some slippy map js-lib. Storage space is not really an ...
tek's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Adding offsets to route using pgRouting

Suppose that you're in "Point A" and want to go to "Point B". This points wouldn't be in "at_2po_4pgr" table cause aren't source/targets nodes. Then, I would search for ...
Iñigo's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Combined Hstore key/value and spatial query too slow to handle bigger OSM extracts

I'm trying to compute some statistics for OSM data using PostgreSQL 9.3.5 and PostGIS 2.1.4. I started with a small bavaria extract which I downloaded from Geofabrik. The db schema is the normal API 0....
Alf Kortig's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Quality of free geodata compared to commercial sources

What are the sources of excellent geo-location data as possessed by Google Maps ? I am wondering that, even with large amount of volunteer work involved, why is OSM data not comparable to theirs in ...
Abhishek Mishra's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Add GeoJSON layer to OpenLayers 3

I have a GeoJSON file called mygeojson.json and I want to add it as a layer in OpenLayers 3 on top of an openstreetmap layer. So far I could display the openstreetmap world including zoom etc. but for ...
Selphiron's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Merging OSM PBF files?

I have a few (~50) PBF files came from SRTM conversion using phyghtmap. How to merge all of them before importing with osm2pgsql?
Magno C's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

OpenStreetMap Neighborhood Boundaries

Is it possible to download neighborhood boundaries from OpenStreetMap? I see on maps that they often indicate neighborhood names; is there a way to retrieve their coordinates and boundary polygon ...
Avishai's user avatar
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14 votes
0 answers

Implementing Snap to Road functionality [duplicate]

I am having a problem with a little application I'm trying to develop. What I do is take a phone with me and drive around the city on a bike. I collect all the Latitude/Longitude-pairs and at home I ...
scrrr's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Libraries to render vector-based maps in the browser

Is there a open source JavaScript library like Leaflet or OpenLayers which can be used in a web or mobile application and loads vector-based maps instead of images? I only need the road information ...
Karussell's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

PostGIS doesn't use spatial index with ST_Intersects

I imported the data from openstreetmap using osm2pgsql and copied it another table structure. If I made a query for containing rows using st_intersects, st_contain or someone else, postgis don't use ...
Christopher Lorenz's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Processing raw OSM data for

Can anyone provide insight into how OSM data is processed or rendered for A specific example is that I extracted data from a recent planet.osm PostGIS dataset for an area in ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Creating a custom OpenStreetMap tile server

I'd like to create a map tile server based on the entire OSM planet database for a project I'm working on. I've worked with a couple of guides to try getting something up and running, but haven't ...
colemanm's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Finding "terminal" cities on the map

I want to find villages/cities which are ends. That means: I need this villages which are linked to maximum one village on a distance of X km. I'm just wondering how is this algorithm is called (I ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Getting shapefile of river from OpenStreetMap?

I do not want to download the whole map of an area. I just want rivers and other waterbodies present in an area in shapefiles so that I can use them in QGIS. I tried geofabrik but it is giving whole ...
user30783's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Downloading historical OpenStreetMap data

Where can I download historical data from OpenStreetMap? I’m I am interested in downloading an OSM .pbf file of a particular city in previous years (say, from 2008 and 2010).
rafa.pereira's user avatar
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