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Access to OpenStreetMap is "forbidden" on my work's internet connection

When I use QGIS at work and have an Open Street Map layer, I get the Layer Error "Access denied: Forbidden." The Layer actually works ok, until I zoom in enough, and the prompt "...
Kieran's user avatar
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How to query all the publicly accessible footways using Overpass API?

I'm working on an app which helps you meet other people. This app averages position between 2 people and then at that point in radius of 200 meters tries to find all cafes. But as a fallback if cafe ...
iljuhenson's user avatar
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Looking for Google Map or similar GIS alternative to impose my village map and track my live and land parcel location

I had a non Georeferenced shapefile of a village and then I Georeferenced it with Georeference tool of QGIS 3.32 by properly imposing it above Google Hybrid Base Layer. Then I exported to KML so that ...
HNA's user avatar
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https://vmap0.tiles not working

I am using vmap0.tiles with OpenLayers. Five months ago I could still access using https, but for two months it has not worked anymore. What is wrong?
AB Abram's user avatar
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OSMnx custom_filter - get all types of roads

I need to get all existing OSM types of roads from the area, and I'm searching for a simple way of doing this rather than specifying each type with "|" I've tried to write something like ...
Georgy's user avatar
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Difficulty reading standard OpenStreetMap labels in QGIS [duplicate]

Standard OpenStreetMap labels are too small to read. TIFF they are scaling with zoom, they become for a second large, then go back to tiny, less than 4 points size. What can be done? Is it a settings? ...
Ashot Shagirian's user avatar
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OpenLayers PROJ4JS projection of OSM layer is slightly translated?

I am new to OpenLayers and haven't been able to figure out this problem by searching online. I am using a custom projection in OpenLayers 7.4.0 with proj4 2.9.0 as demonstrated in this example. The ...
pklaassen's user avatar
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GADM 4.1 Sardinia administrative boundaries does not reflect changes that occur in 2016

I am working with GADM 4.1 administrative areas and then put them into Bing Maps. I have found that those for Sardinia, Italy are not in line with changes that happened in 2016. In GADM we have: ...
Bartek's user avatar
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Ways with certain number of Nodes

Need an overpass-turbo query to highlight on a map [highways] in a certain city with a certain number of nodes. Tried something like [out:json]; area[name="New York City"]->.ny; way(area....
user228267's user avatar
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Creating automatically shortest way network between given point objects via OSM roads (without overlaying line objects) in QGIS

I am trying to automatically generate a grid between point objects (buildings). The grid should be automatically laid over public roads. So far I use the QGIS Processing Tool "Shortest way (...
Daniel's user avatar
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Close polygons from OSM ways at border polygon edges

I am working on an application to highlight parks within a user-defined border polygon. I want to make sure the highlighted region of the park feature ends at the selected polygon. Therefore I expect ...
Peter Elmers's user avatar
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Problem calling Overpass API with convert statement

I try to make an Overpass API call with restricted number of tags, to achieve this I incorporated convert statement. Here is working overpass turbo example of query for data I would like to fetch: [...
Jakub Błażejczyk's user avatar
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Applying OSM styles to vector MBTILES on QGIS

I downloaded here the OpenStreetMap vector tiles (mbtiles format) from MapTiler. Now I uploaded the file to QGIS but I see it without styles. How can I apply the standard OSM styles to it?
Koba's user avatar
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OSM conversion to SQLite - "Non closed ring detected."

For years I have pulled Open StreetMap datasets from Geofabrik and converted them to SQLite for use within QGIS. Until now, I've had no problem using the following in the OSGeo4W Shell window: ogr2ogr ...
D. Waschow's user avatar
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Relations that don't belong to area are being added to the result set

I want to query all counties in Czech republic. I am using this query: [date:"2023-07-09T00:00:00Z"]; area["ISO3166-1"="CZ"]->.boundaryarea; ( rel(area.boundaryarea)...
Matt's user avatar
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Problem with OSM relation:restriction when mapping OSM data to GeoJSON

In OSM are mapped some restrictions, as for example turn restrictions. These are applied to specific node and to at least an origin linestring (from) and a destination linestring (to). I used ogr2ogr ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to create simple elevation map

I'm completely new to QGIS, and I would like to know if there is a quick way of creating an elevation map as in the following example. I would like to define 4-5 altitude intervals, and color them ...
user3685604's user avatar
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Need to draw exact polygon of political boundary

I have a map in Leaflet: <TileLayer attribution='&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors &copy; <a href="...
Seba's user avatar
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Why GADM state/county shapefile for Kenya does not line up with OpenStreetMap data?

I am fairly new to QGIS and am using XYZ Tiles for OpenStreetMap and shapefile layers from GADM to see boundaries in Kenya (to start). I have an OpenStreetMap layer and gadm41_Ken_1.shp layer and the ...
Keshet21's user avatar
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How to find the coodinates of a new bounding box from four circles present with known radius around the vertices of an existing bounding box [closed]

I have a bounding box which I have created. I know the lat lon of the four vertices of the box. On these vertices I have created a buffer circle of radius 10m and now I want to calculate a new ...
sneha_jerin's user avatar
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QGIS small text with OSMon on a 4K laptop screen

With a 4K laptop display (Dell 9710) when bringing in OSM maps with OSM Standard, OpenStreet Map, with EPSG:3857, the text labels at any level of scale are tiny, almost impossible to read. The project ...
SocialEyes's user avatar
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How to produce XYZ folders from the OpenStreetMap PBF file

I downloaded the 72 GB OpenStreetMap PBF file (planet-230619.osm.pbf) at this link and I was trying to upload it to QGIS and use the Generate XYZ tiles (Directory). ...
Koba's user avatar
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ogr2ogr cannot open datasource ogrinfo can open

I've got a random .osm.pbf from Geofabrik which I'm trying to extract a small region of: $ ogr2ogr -f OSM -spat 7 48 8 49 data/osm/extract.osm.pbf data/osm/germany-latest.osm.pbf ERROR 1: OSM driver ...
TheEagle's user avatar
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Online database of OpenStreetMap data

For now, I have been working on a local PostgreSQL database built on my own machine with OpenStreetMap data that I downloaded and osm2pgsql. I would like to outsource the computing of my code, namely ...
DianeS's user avatar
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Does the center, or the tip, of the OpenStreetMap website teardrop icon, represent the coordinate point?

Does the center, or the tip, of the OpenStreetMap website teardrop icon, represent the coordinate point? I mean some websites, and Google Earth, use pushpins, but they also have cross hairs on the ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to only sum the bits of buildings that are actually in the given zone?

I have this query: select sum(way_area) from planet_osm_polygon where building<>'no' and building<>'' and way && st_transform( st_setsrid(st_makebox2d( ...
DianeS's user avatar
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Making sidewalk from street center lines

I have downloaded from OSM the cartography from a village in Germany and it doesn't have the sidewalk but instead the street center lines. Is there any way to make like in OSM? I mean, something like ...
Vent's user avatar
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Reverse geocoding API and the city labels with OpenStreetMaps

I have troubles to get the typically displayed city names in the maps with reverse geocoding API like OpenStreetMap. See for example Salisbury, UK:
L D's user avatar
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Calculate the surface having a natural tag different from null

I have a PostGIS database filled with OSM data. I would like to calculate the surface of impervious cover on a given subfraction of my database. I have tried a more complex version of this query : ...
DianeS's user avatar
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Converting OSM or PBF file to shapefile

I'm trying to get some OpenStreetMap data into the ESRI ecosystem. I've been using to download the data. I tried using QGIS to convert, but it must have a field or size limit, because it ...
aferguson22's user avatar
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Download multiple OSM data key and value pairs via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I want to download OSM data from a query in an extent via the Graphical Modeler in QGIS. Thereby I want to download multiple keys and values at once, but it somehow only takes the first one or none. ...
Lucas_Edenhofer's user avatar
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Query to find all buildings in area using PostGIS on OpenStreetMap database

I have a PostGIS database filled using OpenStreetMap (OSM) data of a French region. If I made no mistake, the zone I want to investigate is bounded to the zone of the data, so I should be able to ...
DianeS's user avatar
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Unable to load OpenStreetMap in EXE freeze application

After creating the EXE application via cx_Freze, everything works normally. Vector layers are displayed and all map viewer functions work, but OSM maps cannot be loaded. But I also run it through a ...
Stano's user avatar
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Display of region borders Admin_level 4 in MapTiler plugin for QGIS

I want to make a map using QGIS where the administrative boundaries of the regions will be displayed. Not all, but only the ones I need. They may change from time to time. Therefore, I think that it ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Convert OSM XML file to GeoJSON yields nothing

I am very new to the map making world and I am trying to extract a body of water using OpenStreetMap, convert the XML file to a GeoJSON file so that I can upload it to Datawrapper. This is the file I ...
meg's user avatar
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Adding polygon geometry to numpy array to plot it with background

I'm trying to plot image I treated in dataframes. I need to add geometry to it in order to plot it with a background. I should have used GeoPandas and geodataframes in the first place. I have arrays ...
sam's user avatar
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How to find objects by a couple of tags and names in a small area specifying the coordinate only once?

I want to use overpass to search for a couple of tags and names in a small area, e.g. 50 meter around a geocoordinate: nwr(around:50,51.477,0.0); ( nwr[building=industrial][name~"Chemi|chemi&...
Tobias's user avatar
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QGIS, trying to load / implement JSON file/data

I tried to implement data about power lines etc. derived from open infrastructure map in my own QGIS project. The projected data appears in a completely different style and verbosity The JSON metadata ...
bongoonko's user avatar
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Geometry extraction from osm.pbf file using relation id with ogr2ogr

What works If I need a GeoJSON file with the OpenStreetMap borders of Liechtenstein, I download liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf from GeoFabrik: curl
zabop's user avatar
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Displaying outline of municipalities where wind turbines are located

With this query, I get the outline of the department of Yonne in France and the points representing the wind turbines. I would also like to obtain the outline of the municipalities where the wind ...
opeet20's user avatar
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Show country specific borders from OSM in OpenLayers

I use OpenStreetMap layer in OpenLayers for my ionic application. In it the country borders are not shown properly according to our countries claim. How to show map borders specific to a country? In ...
sujith1406's user avatar
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DXF to PostGIS to OpenStreetMap: coordinates are still in AutoCAD Cartesian coordinate system, not lat/long

I'm trying to take a survey site created in AutoCAD Civil 3D and export the drawing to a DXF which I then load into postgres/postgis with GDAL ogr2ogr ( I then ...
Ben and stuff's user avatar
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How receive one-piece polygon from OSM Relation with overpass API

How I can receive Polygon one-piece from OSM using Overpass API. When I used simple query like a: [out:json]; rel['ISO3166-1'='PL']; out geom; I got on map polygon of country Poland, but when I ...
JuniorLittle's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap basemap in QGIS that shows the Pacific in the middle

I have a researcher looking for a basemap like OpenStreetMap, but showing the Pacific at the center. They want to overlay the Ring of Fire, and then show the Out-of-Africa migration. The migration ...
user224027's user avatar
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Setting custom root TLS certificates for QGIS

I use QGIS on Linux in an enterprise setting, where the IT department runs a MitM firewall which puts in its own root certificate on all HTTPS traffic. This made using the OSM basemaps in QGIS ...
arnsholt's user avatar
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Extracting elements plotted on OpenStreetMap canvas

I found a very nice website with eclipse maps, which example can be found here:
Geographos's user avatar
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Osmnx.plot_graph_folium() not working; folium is not recognized

I'm trying to display a osmnx map like: graph_map = ox.plot_graph_folium(coordinates, popup_attribute ="name", edge_width=2) but I get an error: Cell In[40], line 1 ----> 1 graph_map = ...
simonericmoon's user avatar
4 votes
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Retrieve map matched ways (and not just nodes) using OSRM and Overpass API

For my question I have prepared a jsFiddle demo requiring you to click at the map 5 times: If I understand this correctly, the OSRM does not care about ways. It only cares about nodes and their ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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Why doesn't OSM render playground elements?

I've decided to start mapping playground equipment in my city for OSM, so I went to gather data, mapped the first one - and it turns out that OSM does not render the playground=* elements: https://www....
niedakh's user avatar
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Import all nodes that don't have tags into a PostGIS database using osm2pgsql

I want to import an OSM file into my PostGIS database using osm2pqsql. My input .osm file has around 300,000 nodes, but the planet_osm_point table ends up with only around 50,000 records. On closer ...
Butts Carlton's user avatar

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