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2 votes

Is it possible to design a soil investigation borehole grid and apply this for location and attribute collection in the field with QGIS & QField?

QGIS and QField are highly configurable tools that can be adjusted for many different possibilities. The attribute types you describe here normally fall into the currently available possibilities. ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
1 vote

Selecting data with Symbology

You can try rule based symbology: and use operators to build your query: ...
Xeppit's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you create a borehole log with QGIS

To import text data into Midvatten you choose Midvatten > Import data to database > Import data using general csv format. You will get a dialog box pops up and it lets you choose the file then coding ...
S. OConnor's user avatar
1 vote

3D ground model with open source software?

QGIS has NVis (via GRASS) and ArcGIS has ArcScene. Both of these are 3D visualisation tools. Failing that, you can use QGIS to create a 3D vector file and import that into a modelling program such ...
MappaGnosis's user avatar

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