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23 votes

Hillshading makes crater-like depressions look elevated?

It may surprise you to find that most people likely do perceive your hillshaded DEM as containing depressions, however, this is not an uncommon experience. Here is the reason why. Ever since the ...
WhiteboxDev's user avatar
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20 votes

Hillshade results look too grainy

I think you are using Geographic CRS not Projected CRS. Usually this hillshade output is due to you are not using a projected DEM such as UTM projection with a meter unit. You need first to reproject ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
15 votes

Remove border lines of SRTM tiles rendered as hillshade

SRTM tiles (3601 px * 3601 px in this case) have 1-pixel overlaps in between. When you apply transparency (or reduced opacity) to your hillshade layer, such overlapping pixels stand out. You may have ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
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13 votes

Hillshade shows grid texture artifacts

The problem is because the DTM has a high-resolution pixel size when data (in my opinion) doesn't have the same resolution is some areas. For example, direct hillshade raster: Check pixel values (...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I get a blurred Hillshade effect in QGIS?

You can find Hillshade in menu Raster --> Analysis --> DEM (Terrain models)... or in processing toolbox Hillshade. Blurry effect can be achieved by changing resample method in Style tab in ...
Oto Kaláb's user avatar
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10 votes

Using processing.runandload in QGIS 3

I think with the new QGIS 3.0, it is much easier to incorporate the input parameters of an algorithm into a dictionary which can then be called using: processing.runAndLoadResults() which is the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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10 votes

Blocky SRTM hillshade in QGIS

Your screenshot depicts the classic blocky "herringbone" pattern resulting from applying a Nearest Neighbor resampling to raster elevation data. The solution is to instead apply either a ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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9 votes

Using processing.runandload in QGIS 3

I followed @Joseph directions and it helps me to see another visions. I opened processing toolbox in QGIS and complete missing parameters. Here is the last version: import processing rasterLyr = ...
Mustafa Uçar's user avatar
9 votes

Merging hillshade / DEM data into color relief single geotiff with QGIS and GDAL is a good tool to perform mathematical operations and functions on raster images. The gamma and overlay functions are fairly simple to write and you can string together some temporary ...
Logan Byers's user avatar
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8 votes

Making elevation contours of raster smoother using QGIS

In my case, I have a DEM with continue values, going from 100 to 103 meters. The spatial resolution is 0.25 x 0.25 degrees, defined in EPSG:4326. The DEM is styled with a discrete color ramp with ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
7 votes

How can I get the original DEM from a hillshade raster (GeoTiff)?

There isn't. When one generates a hillshade raster, the height information is transformed into slope information, and that into a hypothetical illumination information. It is meant to mimick how the ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
7 votes

How to create an "arcgis-style" hillshade?

The key to the ESRI hillshade layer is the multidirectional hillshading, according to their blog:
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
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7 votes

How to colorize QGIS hillshades without including black tones?

You can't directly use the DEM + style options to generate hillshade + custom colour ramp as try to you do. You need to generate a hillshade raster (use raster tools >hillshade or the processing ...
Kasper's user avatar
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7 votes

Having layers on top of hillshade in QGIS

Lowering the opacity of your fill colour might be sufficient. Otherwise, you could try changing the layer blending mode to Overlay. With this method, you might need to experiment with the colour to ...
Matt's user avatar
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6 votes

Hillshade not displaying correctly in ArcGIS Pro?

You are probably generating your hillshade from a surface model that is referencing a geographic coordinate reference system like WGS84. Re-project your data into a Cartesian coordinate reference ...
GBG's user avatar
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6 votes

Making elevation contours of raster smoother using QGIS

There are several tools that exist in qgis to smooth contour lines as opposed to smoothing the raster itself , including vector->geometry->simplify, the vector geometry tool "smooth", and the GRASS ...
Kartograaf's user avatar
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6 votes

How to create an "arcgis-style" hillshade?

I highly recommend the Batch Hillshader plugin for QGIS by PANOImagen (GitHub). It generates a three light exposure composite using the methodology outlined in this paper: Ref.: Gantenbein, C. (2012):...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
6 votes

JPEG compress hillshade

It turns out you cant JPEG compress a raster which has data type Float32. It is working when I convert it to type Byte with the -ot flag: gdal_translate -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co TILED=YES /home/...
Bera's user avatar
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5 votes

How to create hillshade models every hour for a zone with GDAL

As a guide on how to start: This is a paper describing the Sun Position Algorithm, and this is a python module implementing the SPA for pretty much everything that you could do with it, including the ...
geozelot's user avatar
  • 30.9k
5 votes

QGIS Hillshade Too Dark

Your resulting images are the typical look of a vastly over-exaggerated Z factor. Your Z factor is way too high, what you are basically saying is "for 1 horizontal step, take 11000 steps in elevation"...
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.3k
5 votes

How to create an "arcgis-style" hillshade?

To complete other answers note that most very good hillshade seem to be created using a mix of of GIS and non GIS tool (ie. 3d rendering or image traitement tools) or some "hillshade only" specific ...
J.R's user avatar
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4 votes

How to convert 4band RGB/A GeoTiff to 1band Gray GeoTiif?

Given a grayscale conversion algorithm, gdal_calc is able to convert an RGB(A) GeoTIFF to a grayscale one (Credits to Jukka Rahkonen). For instance: -R input.tif --R_band=1 -G input.tif -...
Antonio Falciano's user avatar
4 votes

Should I use my DEM or ortho file to create my Hillshade layer?

Short answer would be : have a try, you'll see what happen ;) To be more explicit : you need to understand what is hillshading. Hillshading (as in shade from a hill) is a way to recreate some ...
gisnside's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Save as in 1 GeoTIFF file the hillshade raster and colored raster layer in QGIS 3.4.4?

If your purpose is for visualization as a rendered image, then you can use Export Map to Image from File -> Import/Export -> Export Map to Image Then, use Calculate from Layer and select the ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
4 votes

Remove border lines of SRTM tiles rendered as hillshade

As described by @Kazuhito, the tiles should be combined into a virtual raster. Their method is performed within QGIS. If you have a large number of tiles you may prefer to do this from the ...
Alex Hajnal's user avatar
4 votes

Hillshade function calculation: ValueError: Received a NULL pointer

The error message that you get indicates that there is something wrong with your input dataset. I think this is because there are formatting and syntax errors in your code. I have edited your script ...
Johan's user avatar
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4 votes

Displaying raster layer in QGIS without any formatting

Instead of using Photoshop, you can fix the problem directly on QGIS. Hillshade rendering (or any other raster rendering) happens individual layer by layer, as each layer know nothing about their ...
Alexandre Neto's user avatar
4 votes

Digital elevation model versus hillshade for creation of cross-section In ArcMap

If I understand you correctly, the DEM contains the values (elevation) that you want to use to create your cross sectional visualizations to show faults or fractures in the terrain. You may want to ...
Kartograaf's user avatar
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4 votes

SRTM hillshade looks weird in QGIS

.hgt SRTM files are in a geographic coordinate system (WGS84 EPSG:4326). Reproject them to an appropriate projected coordinate system that uses metres as the horizontal unit. Alternatively, if you ...
user2856's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS procedure for Multidirectional, oblique-weighted, shaded-relief?

QGIS3 has a plugin (Batch Hillshader) to generate a three light exposure hillshade. The webpage is here: It's in the official QGIS Plugins Repository.
bkepl's user avatar
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