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16 votes

Difference between LAStools, libLAS and PDAL?

The answer by Howard Butler pretty much sums it up. Some more background. When I created the first LAStools and the LASlib library that the tools are build upon I was a postdoc at UC Berkeley and ...
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15 votes

LAStools plugin in QGIS: ''The system cannot find the path specified."

Be aware one needs to have the LAStools plugin installed, but also the software per se. The LAStools plugin description says: ... . You also need to download the LAStools software from http://...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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13 votes

Difference between LAStools, libLAS and PDAL?

libLAS was developed to provide read/write support for LAS and it was modeled on LAStools which at the time was not released under an open source license. In the subsequent years, many parts of ...
Howard Butler's user avatar
9 votes

Installing LAStools in QGIS 3.0?

Install QGIS 3.2 and goto the plugin manager. A brand-spanking new set of LAStools toolboxes can be found by searching for LAStools in the Plugin repository or download the latest version here: http:/...
LAStools's user avatar
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7 votes

QGIS 2.14.1 LAStools install error: "wrong value for parameter 'Msys folder'..."

2.18 user here - After many hours of trying to get the LAStools product functional I finally found this solution to the \msys error - namely to simply add the folder as suggested here - works BUT I ...
user88851's user avatar
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6 votes

Installing LAStools in QGIS 3.0?

The Lidartools provider was removed from QGIS 3.0. See the QGIS 3.0.0 changelog: As long as nobody ...
Michel Stuyts's user avatar
5 votes

QGIS 2.14.1 LAStools install error: "wrong value for parameter 'Msys folder'..."

It's 2018 with the new QGIS 3 I had this issue with GRASS Folder. I just had to repoint the GRASS folder and GRASS Docs folder to the right directories as shown in the screenshot.
Steve Omondi's user avatar
3 votes

Creating DEM from multiple .las files using LAStools in ArcMap?

Create a LAS dataset. You can add files to this dataset by folder, so you don't have to manually add all 500 files. Use the "LAS Dataset to Raster" tool. It will give you a raster from the input.
MoreMeowbell's user avatar
3 votes

LAStools menu seems to be incomplete in QGIS?

One needs the program called "Wine" in order to have all the geoalgorithms of LAStools available to QGIS on the Mac OS X. In accordance with information gleaned from the discussion threads at ...
Catlike's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any documentation on how to change the user interface of Potree?

The first one is from Potree 1.3, where all the available stuff fit into a dat.gui panel (top-right), whereas the second link is from Potree 1.5RC, where everything has been stacked into the sidebar ...
Markus's user avatar
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3 votes

Different results in metrics calculated with LAStools and lidR

Regarding the number of voxel this may be explained by the alignment of the voxels. lidR centers the voxel at res/2 meaning that the bottom of the ground voxel is at 0 not the center. If LAStools has ...
JRR's user avatar
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3 votes

In which step should we reproject a LiDAR Dataset using LAStools when extracting DSM and DTM?

I had never before used lastools to reproject, so I was going by This when I said las2las wouldn't re-project. But I tried just now to use las2las to re-project a EPSG:6578 NAD83(2011)/Texas Central(...
Pointdump's user avatar
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2 votes

QGIS 2.14.1 LAStools install error: "wrong value for parameter 'Msys folder'..."

Hopefully this may be of some value to QGIS 2.14+ users trying to install LAStools. The "Processing > Options > Providers > Tools for LiDAR data" dialog does work, but it takes a bit of a kabuki dance ...
Rudy Stricklan's user avatar
2 votes

Converting LiDAR .las to .xyz with LAStools outputs incorrect projected coordinates?

I didn't expect that this would be the answer, but it turns out that las2las uses the UTM latitude band letters rather than the hemisphere 'N' (North) or 'S' (South) letters with the zone number. ...
mkennedy's user avatar
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2 votes

Classifying LiDAR data to mid vegetation using LAStools?

You can use lasheight to classify points at different intervals above ground, assuming you have already classified ground points. For example 0-1 meter above ground -> low veg, and 1-6 meter above ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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2 votes

Using Python to send arguments to LAStools basics

Now that your question is open again I can provide some code. In your linked answer I wrote a batch file then called the batch file, that works, but to call directly from python: lasheight = r"c:\...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
2 votes

Difference between LAStools, libLAS and PDAL?

libLAS is deprecated and not maintained. It has been replaced by PDAL. LAStools is not fully open source and (mostly) supports only the LAS format. For the most part it has been created and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

access through pyGIS console

You might miss it in the installation. I noticed it in my installation and I asked about: Which QGIS installation for Windows comes with
Marco's user avatar
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Manually editing a LiDAR cloud to remove non ground points

You want to remove non ground points in the scene, but your LiDAR cloud is unclassified. Therefore, instead of doing this manually, use some customized tools for such tasks. For classifying the point ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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2 votes

Failed to install Potree on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic

There is an issue at the Github Repository that threats the same problem. The person solved the issue by running the make and make install separated without the && (AND_IF) operator: sudo ...
zwnk's user avatar
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2 votes

Maximum number of returns per laser pulse in airborne LiDAR?

Found the reference below that some LiDAR instruments can record up to six returns depending on the discretization settings: Modern instruments can process the energy-backscatter pertaining to a ...
Rose's user avatar
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2 votes

Maximum number of returns per laser pulse in airborne LiDAR?

There is a maximum of 5 and it depends on the software. There can be 3–5 returns possible per laser pulse. Discrete return lidar can record multiple measurements within a single laser pulse. If ...
Mapperz's user avatar
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2 votes

Using LAStools to repair headers for several LiDAR files?

Have a look at the documentation here: This suggests that simply using the -repair option will be enough and that the operation ...
mikewatt's user avatar
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2 votes

Using LAStools to repair headers for several LiDAR files?

First, as mentioned in JRR's answer to your previous post File header incorrectly reporting 0 point records in R?, check which version the .las files are. If it is 1.4, there is a chance the files (...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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2 votes

Extracting (big) rocks from LiDAR data

I tried naively to use nearest neighbors to separate the ground and the trees. I iteratively set a point to be a tree, ground, or other type of point. A point is a tree or ground point if a percentage ...
YellowBird's user avatar
2 votes

Laspy - Laszip & TypeError

There is some kind of a recession with the latest numpy. See for details.
Howard Butler's user avatar
2 votes

Shift or replace_z values from ALS LiDAR scans

In lidR you can simply substract the minimum value of Z las$Z = las$Z - min(las$Z) In LAStools you have an option -translate_xyz. Something like that should work (not tested) las2las -translate_xyz 0 ...
JRR's user avatar
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2 votes

Failed to install Potree on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

I was missing tbb. This solved my problem: sudo apt update ; sudo apt install libtbb-dev
Jose Luis Landivar S's user avatar
2 votes

Extracting a DEM without low vegetation cover in a flooding area using LiDAR data

You can extract bare ground with lastools. On the newly created las file, you have to run lasground => it will find the ground points. You might need to play with the parameters of lasground (see ...
Marcel's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do lidR and LAStools report different point densities?

Your point cloud is likely to have a shape that is complex and not square, rectangular or convex (hard to say in your image). Below a point-cloud of mine seen from above. I don't know how lastools ...
JRR's user avatar
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