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Layout view graph display not filling frame in ArcMap

I'm using ArcMap 10.6.1 and when I create a graph and add it to Layout view it doesn't fill the frame, but only a portion of it. The rest of the graph frame is black, as in the screenshot below. Is ...
Euan_Mitchell's user avatar
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Analyze using world traffic service

I want to analyze using world traffic service. There are several points on the map. From these points, the process of determining the area that can go for 15 minutes by car will be made. How can I do ...
RSS's user avatar
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ArcMap annotation "disappears" when moved to the edge of the projection in map frame

I have feature-linked annotations in a file GDB for a world map in Plate Carree projection. When I edit annotations and move an annotation beyond the upper extent of the projection in the map frame (...
Jeff's user avatar
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Clipping shapefile with DEM using ArcMap

I have a layer with shapefiles that represent watersheds. I'd like to exclude watershed polygons (or sections of these polygons) that fall below 2500 meters. Is there a way to do this by clipping ...
G Henry's user avatar
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ArcMap stops displaying feature classes when zoomed to 1:846 or larger scale

There is a specific zoom-in point at which all of the layers in data view stop drawing and only the basemap is visible. This includes geodatabase feature classes, shapefiles, raster images, ...
Leigh's user avatar
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Seeking global projection suitable for raster preserving equal area

I have a global tif file in epsg:4326 and a shapefile of points distributed around the global. I want to retrieve the sum of the value of pixels around 10km of each point. One obvious thing to do is ...
GeoF's user avatar
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Layer stacking Multispectral reflectance imagery in ERDAS Imagine 2016

I have Green, red, Red edge and Near infra-red reflectance maps captured with a Parrot Sequoia camera and post processed with Pix4D. They are all Single Float Tiff files, around 500Mb in size. I ...
user89463's user avatar
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Locate features along routes: measurement unit output?

I am using ArcMap version 10.3.1: I have a polyline (also converted to a route feature) and points layer. All points lie on the line. I want to calculate the distance each point is from either the ...
J. Sefton's user avatar
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Changing icon of geodatabase?

Is there a way to change the icon of a geodatabase? I have a geodatabase from ArcMap 10.2 (have now upgraded to 10.7) and want to distinguish between the old and the newer geodatabases.
Patty Miller's user avatar
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Road overlapping - ModelBuilder

I have a road feature class (in illustrations shown in gray color), each object in the attribute table has a "road_width" field with a numeric value, what width the road is. This feature class has ...
ImHappy94's user avatar
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ArcGIS Network analyst - categories of facilities

Using the network analyst in ArcMap I am finding 5 closest facilities of each incident. Is there any chance to work with categories of facilities and find 5 closest facilities that are not in the ...
Filip's user avatar
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Turning off colliding keyboard shortcuts in ArcMap

While working in the table environment in ArcMap, I am not able to write several Polish characters without causing some action. Trying to write ą (AltGr+a) results in a Select All, ń (AltGr+n) ends up ...
Jakub's user avatar
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ArcMap replication tool does not synchronize changes made in versioned view from SQL Developer!

I am trying to replicate a feature class from Oracle to MSSQL Server using one-way replication(parent-child) replication. The replication works when edits are made from ArcMap,since I have to insert ...
Ayaz49's user avatar
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ArcMap - Blocky/Shattered Glass DEM Fix?

I am currently working with some data obtained from the Spanish Government to produce Digital Elevation Models for a site I am studying. I want to create a model that is essentially showing the ...
Connor Doyle's user avatar
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Iterator (Iterate Feature Selection) running loop in undesired path using ArcMap ModelBuilder?

I am building a model using Iterate Feature Selection. I want to run the Iterator -> select by location -> Calculate field, and after finishing this loop (#3 in the image below), I will continue to ...
user149087's user avatar
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Area Solar Radiation tool in ArcGIS - Outputs for all time intervals vs One Output

I aim to create output (solar map) every 15 minutes for the whole day and because I am not quite sure how it works, I wanted to validate the sum of radiation: I have created first output with 0.25h ...
kwak's user avatar
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Speed up ArcPy CopyRows_management process on large feature layer?

I am attempting to automate an ArcMap process with Python and I am having difficulty with a particular part of a process taking too long when performed on larger datasets. The process is as follows: ...
user146631's user avatar
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Strip Map Index Feature cuts off map parts?

I am using ArcMap 10.2 on Win 7 SP1. When I use the SMIF-Tool for creating a mapbook at a fixed scale it seems to have an issue with overlapping the bounding areas correctly in order to get a proper ...
mapcat's user avatar
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Fixing ArcMap colour palette?

My ArcMap 10.2 colour palette seems to be glitching out. What I think are the 'base' colours (those which are always available even when you don't have any style references) keep getting added. I ...
scott_c's user avatar
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Describe FeatureClass shape type, can't get past error (object has no attribute 'shapeType')

My code: import arcpy, csv, os # Create a Describe object gdb = r"Database Connections\GISUSER.sde" desc = arcpy.Describe(gdb) full_path = False # Specify whether dataset name should be full or ...
Molly Vey E's user avatar
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Writing Raster Calculator Expression?

I use ArcMap 10.3. How do I create an expression in RasterCalculator that allows me to sum up 4 rasters (every pixel has an associated value) and the result to be 0 if any of the 4 values is 0? For ...
Dumi Sandru's user avatar
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Setting transparent to color for raster layer using ArcMap?

I'm working on a map where I'm overlaying a topographic map on a hillshade map (from ALS data). With the right levels of transparency, those maps tend to be the best base for all kinds of stuff. ...
JC_CL's user avatar
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Topoengine Error?

By using closest facility in ArcMap, I found closest path between 78 points. Now, I am trying to split this route at intersection points by using feature to line management tool. However, I have a ...
Ribella's user avatar
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Model only works one time and then fails, Error 000732, "Precondition fails"

I have a huge ol' model that's built to copy a bunch of data from one GDB into a different GDB and then delete two of the feature classes. If I build the model from scratch, it'll run fine the first ...
Shelby G.'s user avatar
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Batch converting .lyr to .qml?

I am looking for ways to make .lyr files usable in QGIS. It appears that they can be converted into an .sld file in ArcMap but according to one of the posts, they only store symbology and do not point ...
Phil 's user avatar
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ArcGIS freezes when opening most toolboxes

I'm using ArcGIS 10.6.1 on Windows 10. I work from home using a VPN to connect to my university's network. It's been nearly impossible to open any dialog boxes. For instance, I frequently use the ...
ale19's user avatar
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Exporting ArcGIS Metadata to HTML with thumbnail?

I’m trying to export metadata as a pdf using ArcMap v10.6.1, but am unable to export it with the thumbnail. The output has "Thumbnail is not available." (see screenshot below). Would you know how to ...
Jacob Helfman's user avatar
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ArcMap: compare overlapping partially transparent rasters using swipe tool?

I'd like two compare two rasters in ArcMap 10.4. I can do this using the Swipe tool on the Effects toolbar, however, this only allows me to interactively drag the top layer over the bottom one (top ...
Renée's user avatar
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Why are my polygon features area being calculated as zero?

I am trying to measure the area of polygons within a larger polygon. However some of them, seemingly without reason are being calculated as having zero area. The highlighted regions are calculated as ...
zeroes's user avatar
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Pan viewer window changes scale first time

I have written a simple tool to pan a viewer window (if present) to the centre of the map view, which reduces the number of clicks required and mouse travel to Pan Viewer to Map Location, it works ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
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Graduated color display of overlapping polygons in ArcMap

Is there a way to display overlapping polygons in a graduated color symbology based on the level of overlap within the same feature layer? For example, in one area of the map there are two polygons ...
blayne's user avatar
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Model Builder iteration process problem: could not create the output tables invalid extension

I encountered problems with my Model Builder in Arcmap 10.4: I want to perform some statistics on my rasters using the same polygon (buffer). I use the Raster Iteretor and I did check if the extent ...
Maxime Troiani's user avatar
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ArcMap Date values lose precision after copying feature class from fGDB to SDE GDB

I have some data in a file geodatabase feature class including some date fields. The precision on the date fields is to milliseconds and this is important. When I copythe feature class from the fGDB ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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Data Driven multiple photos from point layer

In Arcmap 10.5, I am trying to use data driven pages to display multiple pictures in a photo point layer based on an overlaying polygon index. I would like to use the yellow polygon layer as the ...
Evan Sweeney's user avatar
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Vector reprojected to the same projection in different GIS are not aligned

I have a vector file from the land use area around a river in South America. It was mapped originally in Datum SIRGAS2000 and Projection UTM, zone 23S - EPSG:31983. As the area of study is much ...
Bernardo Breno Pacas's user avatar
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ModelBuilder works in editor mode, not when opened?

I have made a pretty simple model. I can run it in the edit mode within ModelBuilder, and it works perfectly. As you can see, I have set some parameters, so I do not need to run it in ModelBuilder. ...
N.Juul's user avatar
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Doing automatic vectorization in ArcMap?

I'm using ArcMap 10.6; ArcScan. I am trying to run an automatic vectorization on my .tif file. I've cleaned up my raster, and am doing Start Editing - Vectorization - Show Preview (looks good) - ...
opensunflowers's user avatar
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Replacing Multiple Polygon Geometry

I am carrying out a piece of work in ArcGIS 10.4.1 that involves realigning polygons to an updated vector map. The polygons in question are planning permission boundaries that are created showing the ...
BenC's user avatar
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Using Python nested if statement for labels in ArcMap?

I am trying to use python to write a label expression that will display a specific set of labels based on nested if statments. The expression should result in a 4 line label if the value is greater ...
Daniel's user avatar
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TIFF image from R displaying only white in ArcMap?

I cannot get this TIFF image, which was exported from R to display in ArcMap 10.5. I would like to georeference the nodes, but the image only displays as all white. Can someone help me with this? ...
Wendy C's user avatar
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Extremely Laggy whenever I start georeferencing TIFF Image on ArcMap 10.6

I have been running my ArcMap on my new work computer for a month or so, it went fine. But since last week, ArcMap becomes slower whenever I load the map/georeferencing, these days when I georeference ...
Dixbe's user avatar
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Reprojecting raster file with unknown datum using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am new to GIS. I had a grib format data file and it's coordinate system shown below. I want to project it to WGS84, however, the datum of original file is unknown. I know I need to provide the datum ...
Krystal's user avatar
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Shape Count vs. Record Count Mismatch

First of all, I really could not think of a good title for this question, so feel free to modify it. I keep encountering an error using ArcMap 10.5.1. I'll have a table open, to which I add a field. ...
user109434's user avatar
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ArcMap 10.3 Attribute Table Showing Wrong Information?

I have some parcel data with addresses that I am trying to export as a selection. Every time I open the attribute table with a new selection of parcels, the information is incorrect after a certain ...
Joshua Canter's user avatar
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ArcGIS PostgreSQL Trigger

I currently have a trigger defined in my database which executes when my edits in ArcMap are saved using the AFTER INSERT ON method. Is there anyway to execute this trigger without having to select ...
WhaleShark's user avatar
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Exporting Map with Table - formatting disappears?

I'm working in ArcMap 10.3. I have a table that I've copied directly from Excel into ArcMap. In the layout view, all the formatting (highlighting and cell borders) have been properly imported. However,...
user123872's user avatar
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Editing Spatial View in ArcMap?

Can spatial views be edited via ArcMap and, if it is possible, then how do I do it? I do have my Enterprise Geodatabase on Oracle.
Eslam Helmy's user avatar
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Different angle of the same Data set in different map layouts

I am trying to create a new layout - to get the bigger area of the map. I used the same data: raster, vector. Even if north arrow showing on the north in both cases: there is a difference: The ...
asdqwery's user avatar
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Model builder generating empty output

In the model below, I get an empty output if I run it from start to finish. It works though if I first individually run the project and create fishnet tools, then run the entire model. Something is ...
S. Price's user avatar
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Symbology of Outlines are Overlapping Instead of Layers

I have three layers, three symbologies. If I create a group layer, the symbols are rendered differently than if I create a merged layer of all three layers. Group layer: Merged Layer: Is there a ...
Dave's user avatar
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