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2 answers

Using sieve filter in ERDAS Imagine and/or ArcGIS for Desktop?

Where can i use a sieve filter for my supervised classification? Can i do it in Erdas Imagine or in ArcGIS? I can't find it anywhere.
user28704's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Load a raster file directly in Leaflet

Is it possible to load a raster file (e.g. GeoTIFF or Erdas img) directly into a Leaflet map? If so, can you guide me to the correct documentation or method to do this? I am trying to do this with the ...
geo derek's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Open Source Alternatives to ERDAS IMAGINE ATCOR?

I have been using ERDAS IMAGINE's ATCOR extension for ATmospheric CORrection of ASTER imagery. What opensource options exist for atmospheric correction of ASTER Level 1B products? I'm primarily ...
Aaron's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Creating shapefile of satellite image footprints?

I'm looking for a tool or a workflow to compute satellite image footprints, for a large number of images across directories, and produce a shapefile. Ideal work flow would be: fire up tool point to a ...
GuillaumeC's user avatar
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3 answers

Calculating area of vegetation in raster file?

How do I calculate area of several vegetation types in a raster (.img file type) image. They are color coded. Am using QGIS (1.8.0) and ERDAS 9.2.
Infinity's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Replacing Raster Values in Ras1 with Ras2

I have two rasters Ras1 and Ras2. I want to change the Ras1. In Ras1, there are few areas, lines, points I am interested having nodata cells and wrong data cells.(limited to interested areas only ...
Dr. A.D.Prasad's user avatar
3 votes
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MOD 35 Cloud Mask HDF in ENVI

I am having difficulty getting ERDAS or ENVI to correctly read and display cloud mask attributes from MOD 35 HDF files. They files are displayed as 0-255, whereas I expected some kind of code 0, 1, ...
OCD's user avatar
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2 answers

NoData Value = 0, problem when creating NDVI, Erdas

I try to create an NDVI from Landsat and ASTER satellite images using Erdas Imagine. In Erdas, the satellite images have a nodata value of 0. After creating an NDVI, the nodata value is still 0, but ...
Elena Wimmerwuchs's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Black edge (NoData pixels) in Landsat 8 color correction in ERDAS

My boss asked me to mosaic and color-balance multiple Landsat 8 tiles for presentation. I tried to do that in ERDAS but it returned weird result as below: Obviously it's the black edges or nodata ...
PacmanKX's user avatar
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1 answer

Imagine files between ERDAS and ENVI

I have ENVI 5.0 , ERDAS 2013 SP2, and ArcGIS 10.1 SP1. Every time I save an Imagine file from ENVI 5.0 and open in ERDAS 2013 and it seems like ERDAS does not like it and it would not open and would ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Converting tif to format for TIMESAT using BEAM VISAT or ERDAS IMAGINE?

How can I convert tif image into a format for TIMESAT software to create a time series? I am using BEAM VISAT or ERDAS IMAGINE program.
kate's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Remove clumps of pixels in R

I would like to remove isolated pixels (or clumps of pixels <9) from my raster image. library(raster) # create some raster data r <- raster(ncols=12, nrows=12) set.seed(0) r[] <- round(runif(...
maycca's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How to workaround large mosaic process which is failing?

I need to mosaic about 550Gb of tif imagery together and the software I have tried keeps failing. The area has been split into zones so that the smallest has approx 200 tiles. I have used the latest ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Georeferencing aerial photos when only centroid is known using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS Imagine?

I have heaps of aerial photos that need to be georeferenced. I have access to ArcMap and ERDAS. All I am given is an excel sheet with the centroid coordinates of each image. Each photo covers ...
Kate's user avatar
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4 answers

Determining which "color" each image band represents?

I have a satellite image that has a few bands in it. But I don't know what colors they are supposed to represent, nor do I know where to look for this information--the file's metadata say nothing ...
user32162's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

1m cell size equivalent value in decimal degree

I'm doing re-sampling pixel size in ERDAS 2014,I'm using input image(Indian terrain) in GCS_WGS_84 projection. Now I have to keep out put cell size as 1m,what is the 1m equvivalent value in Decimal ...
Satya Chandra's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Matching colours in already mosaiced single image? [closed]

I have an already mosaiced image for a large area. I need to match colours in this single image. I do not have each image separately. I just have this large single image downloaded from GLS. How can I ...
Lakhwinder's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Batch process to get single band image from stacked image using ArcGIS, ERDAS or ENVI?

Can you help me to extract a single band image from stacked multiband image. Totally, 260 image has been stacked. When I do to this, it will take a long time. So I'd like to know there is any batch ...
Kanopatira's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

NDVI image value changes from -1 to 1 in ENVI to 0-255 in ArcGIS Desktop and ERDAS Imagine?

When i open NDVI image in ENVI, its value is still within the range (-1 to 1). But when I open this NDVI image in ERDAS and ArcGIS Desktop, its value is 0-255. What does it mean? Is the NDVI ...
Puspa's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove band from stack in ERDAS 2013?

I have a Landsat 8 scene where I have stacked 11 bands. I need to remove one band from the stacked layer. Is there a toolbox in ERDAS 2013 that allows me to take out a band? I am aware that ENVI 5....
PROBERT's user avatar
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5 answers

Creating a Time series NDVI map [closed]

I would like to create a NDVI Time Series map? How do I do that? The one I probably would like to have similar like this I ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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3 answers

Where to obtain free 15m ASTER image for New Mexico?

I am looking for a free Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) image that will let me to perform NDVI for the pilot crop health/soil moisture that can go as far back ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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2 answers

Floating point to 8-bit unsigned raster conversion using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS IMAGINE?

I have an image with value ranging from -1 to +1. I want to convert this into 0-255 (8bit). How can this be done using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS IMAGINE?
nilushika's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I choose values from stacked raster images according to location of ROI

Before I choosed ROI on land surface temperature (LST) images and obtained pixel values of LST. Now I need pixel value of another images which are stacked multi-band image. My main purpose is to ...
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Layer stacking Sentinel 2 imagery

Is it possible to layer stack all 13 Sentinel 2 bands or can I only layer stack those that are the same resolution (so for example the blue, green red and NIR bands). I have a very large area of ...
Simba06's user avatar
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1 answer

Running ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap on same machine [closed]

ArcMap 10 and ERDAS 8.7 were already installed in my computer. But I want to open both programs at the same time. If ArcMap can open properly, ERDAS cann't open and vice versa, showed that following ...
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Image Dodging (color matching algorithm) in ERDAS

I have two LISS 3 images acquired in Feb and March a year apart. I have performed atmospheric correction (haze reduction) for both the images individually before applying the color matching algorithm ...
Deepthi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar