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11 votes
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Why is GDAL ECW compression much poorer than ECW compression from ERDAS [closed]

We use ECW compressor shipped with ERDAS Imagine to export Orthoimagery for our different departments. Because we are facing problems with the Imagine license server, we had to choose GDAL (built with ...
Jürgen Zornig's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

What is the convergence threshold for ArcGIS Iso Cluster?

The ArcGIS tool Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification does not seem to have any documentation on the convergence threshold used in the tool. To compare, Erdas Imagine has all of the necessary ...
Aaron's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How to workaround large mosaic process which is failing?

I need to mosaic about 550Gb of tif imagery together and the software I have tried keeps failing. The area has been split into zones so that the smallest has approx 200 tiles. I have used the latest ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Remove clumps of pixels in R

I would like to remove isolated pixels (or clumps of pixels <9) from my raster image. library(raster) # create some raster data r <- raster(ncols=12, nrows=12) set.seed(0) r[] <- round(runif(...
maycca's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to Remove Dark Bands Where Scenes Overlap in Mosaic Landsat TM5 Image?

I have an image mosaic of 5 Landsat TM5 scenes. Where the scenes overlap there is a dark band, only on the left and right sides, but the top and bottom are seamless. What is the best way to correct ...
Joe Dale's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Confidence in pan-sharpened classification?

I pan-sharpened one Landsat Image on ERDAS using the resolution merge resource, with brovey transform and nearest neighbor techniques. But I was told that in terms of land-use classification, it would ...
Mark's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Load a raster file directly in Leaflet

Is it possible to load a raster file (e.g. GeoTIFF or Erdas img) directly into a Leaflet map? If so, can you guide me to the correct documentation or method to do this? I am trying to do this with the ...
geo derek's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Georeferencing aerial photos when only centroid is known using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS Imagine?

I have heaps of aerial photos that need to be georeferenced. I have access to ArcMap and ERDAS. All I am given is an excel sheet with the centroid coordinates of each image. Each photo covers ...
Kate's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Creating shapefile of satellite image footprints?

I'm looking for a tool or a workflow to compute satellite image footprints, for a large number of images across directories, and produce a shapefile. Ideal work flow would be: fire up tool point to a ...
GuillaumeC's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Calculating area of vegetation in raster file?

How do I calculate area of several vegetation types in a raster (.img file type) image. They are color coded. Am using QGIS (1.8.0) and ERDAS 9.2.
Infinity's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What are pros and cons of forcing square pixels on reprojection?

I am using Erdas Imagine 2014 to reproject 4-band raster data from GRS 1980 NAD83 Lambert Conformal Conic (ft) to UTM GRS 1980 NAD83 North UTM Zone 11 (m). Unlike ArcGIS, Erdas provides the option to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to produce a vegetation stress map utilizing the spectral blue shift of the red edge?

I am interested in mapping vegetation stress utilizing the blue shift to the red edge phenomenon in remote sensing. The figure below shows the expected change in reflectance of green leaves under ...
Aaron's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Seeking alternative to ERDAS Imagine? [closed]

I am having trouble with the ArcGIS 10.1 and ERDAS Imagine 9.2 license conflict. From what I found out it isn't that rare, but I do not understand why there such a conflict in the first place. ...
6 votes
1 answer

How to remove clouds in High resolution Imagery(.5 mGeoeye)

I have imagery with high resolution .5m, large parts covered with clouds, so it's obscure many urban areas. How can I remove the clouds?
GIS Man's user avatar
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6 votes
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Floor height creation from Aerial Lidar/Imagery only

I was wondering if it is possible to generate the floor heights of buildings from aerial lidar? We don't have terrestrial lidar or stereo imagery. I don't need the ground DEM level or the roof (DSM) ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to remove vehicles from an aerial photograph

I have an aerial photograph of an area. The image includes visible traffic signs and vehicles. How can I remove the vehicles from the image? Is it possible to do so in software like Erdas or Envi ...
Binoy's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to convert an Erdas training set to .csv?

I am working with Erdas Imagine's Signature Editor to perform maximum likelihood classification. I need to use the same training set created in Erdas for other classification using R. Is there a way ...
Aaron's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Methods of cloud shadow detection for Landsat data?

Detecting clouds doesn't seem to be much of a problem, rather the challenge is in selecting cloud-shadow classes that don't also include coastal areas, agriculture, etc. For a project I'm working on, ...
djz88426's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Open Source Alternatives to ERDAS IMAGINE ATCOR?

I have been using ERDAS IMAGINE's ATCOR extension for ATmospheric CORrection of ASTER imagery. What opensource options exist for atmospheric correction of ASTER Level 1B products? I'm primarily ...
Aaron's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Will Toshiba Satellite 70-A-11h meet GIS student notebook requirements?

I'm just about to start a college to study GIS and I need new notebook computer. I would like a one that will last me for awhile and that can run the ArcGIS and ERDAS Imagine programmes that are ...
lemon111's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Erdas python scripting help

I want to write scripts for Erdas in Python. I downloaded some Python examples here but I could not make much. Where can I get the full Help material for Erdas python scripting?
Satya Chandra's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Replacing Raster Values in Ras1 with Ras2

I have two rasters Ras1 and Ras2. I want to change the Ras1. In Ras1, there are few areas, lines, points I am interested having nodata cells and wrong data cells.(limited to interested areas only ...
Dr. A.D.Prasad's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Determining which "color" each image band represents?

I have a satellite image that has a few bands in it. But I don't know what colors they are supposed to represent, nor do I know where to look for this information--the file's metadata say nothing ...
user32162's user avatar
5 votes
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Knowing the pixel size for a raster before it was resampled

Is there a method to know the exact pixel size (the original size) of a raster “aerial photo”? I have purchased an Arial photo with 10 cm pixel size resolution, and I received a sample of it, but ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Stereo Analyst & ArcGIS 10.1 - volume calculation

I use to perform analysis and imagery exploitation with the software above. I have created a Stereo Analyst report with some 3d polygon by a stereoscopic block. How do I calculate the volume of some ...
superifa's user avatar
5 votes
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Setting "REAL" work/scratch workspace in ESRI/ERDAS etc

I thought the issue was only in ARCGIS but it seems that ERDAS does the same thing. I have my C with 1.7TB and my D with 10TB and my scratch set to d:\scratch but still ERDAS (and ESRI) fills my ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using original Landsat multispectral image or pan-sharpened image in land cover classification?

I am currently creating land cover maps of a number of national parks across Asia from Landsat 8 imagery and also later from SPOT imagery. I plan to use supervised classifications in ERDAS IMAGINE and ...
Simba06's user avatar
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Options for manually identifying road defects from Terrestrial Lidar

I am trying to create a process to identify road defects manually from Lidar. We have Erdas 2013, ArcGIS10.1 and Global Mappper 14.2 as options for paid software. So far Merrick Mars displays the ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to create animation from raster data?

I have some NDVI and precipitation/temperature images at the monthly time step from Jan, 2005 to Dec, 2008. I need to create animation image to show the temporal change. How can I do this? Is it ...
user3063's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculating Net Primary Production (NPP)?

When I calculate Net primary production (NPP) for a local scale, what kind of software should I use? I always use ENVI, ERDAS IMAGINE, ArcGIS for Desktop and IDRISI. Is it possible to use these ...
user3063's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Matching colours in already mosaiced single image? [closed]

I have an already mosaiced image for a large area. I need to match colours in this single image. I do not have each image separately. I just have this large single image downloaded from GLS. How can I ...
Lakhwinder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What Information Does the Blue Band Provide?

I am playing around with ERDAS and was implementing image difference on two rasters separated by interval of time. I was using a blue band raster and I created a default threshold for percentage ...
Sam007's user avatar
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2 answers

Shapefile Conversion to ERDAS Signature editor

I'm trying to run a supervised classification for an image. I was working with it in ArcMap and created some training data. I wanted to see if I could get a better result with Erdas Imagine using the ...
Goulds's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Digital Number (DN) on satellite imagery? [closed]

How would I know if any of the satellite imagery (Landsat, ASTER, Quickbird and so on) have DN or Digital Numbers such as integer or uninteger on its pixel. I download from the USGS EarthExplorer and ...
user29789's user avatar
4 votes
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1m cell size equivalent value in decimal degree

I'm doing re-sampling pixel size in ERDAS 2014,I'm using input image(Indian terrain) in GCS_WGS_84 projection. Now I have to keep out put cell size as 1m,what is the 1m equvivalent value in Decimal ...
Satya Chandra's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to add a raster legend with min/max values in QGIS 1.6?

I calculated/made NDVI with landsat data using ERDAS. Results of NDVI is in black and white map but I need it in colour to present the scale for NDVI with value of pixels in Map Composition. How to ...
Sasha's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Unstack band layers from raster

I have stacked layer (from ERDAS) of Landsat 1-5 and 7, bands. I want each of the bands in a separate layer. How can I do that?
Atiqa Khan's user avatar
4 votes
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Remote Sensing Indices for urban expansion

Apart from NDBI, could you name a few indices for urban expansion? I have done some search on google but haven't found anything that could help me. Perhaps, What I'm interested is also: road/...
Geosphere's user avatar
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How to increase Compression Memory for ECW Opacity Builder

I am attempting to build opacity within an ECW file using ECW_Opacity_Builder.exe from APOLLO Essential Utilities 2014, which has worked flawlessly many times before. When attempting to build opacity ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
4 votes
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How to remove black pixels in Landsat image

Does anyone know how I can remove these black pixels around the edge of this Landsat image? They appeared when I layer-stacked the bands in ERDAS IMAGINE - they were not there in the separate band ...
Simba06's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Batch process to get single band image from stacked image using ArcGIS, ERDAS or ENVI?

Can you help me to extract a single band image from stacked multiband image. Totally, 260 image has been stacked. When I do to this, it will take a long time. So I'd like to know there is any batch ...
Kanopatira's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating NDVI from multispectral imagery?

I have LISS IV image data in three bands (band4, band3 and band2). I wanted to know the required steps to obtain the NDVI image from the given data using ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2.
Mridula Singh's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to assign mean values from different windows sizes to point feature?

I have points overlaid on an elevation raster as shown below; The aim is to get mean value of each point computed from 3x3 window size covering its immediate neighbouring pixels. It will be ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Some remote sensing tutorials [closed]

I could use some tutorials on remote sensing, but some books provided they are free, would be useful. To be specific, tutorials on ERDAS Imagine, ENVI and other remote sensing software, general ...
Geoscientist's user avatar
3 votes
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MOD 35 Cloud Mask HDF in ENVI

I am having difficulty getting ERDAS or ENVI to correctly read and display cloud mask attributes from MOD 35 HDF files. They files are displayed as 0-255, whereas I expected some kind of code 0, 1, ...
OCD's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is it possible to solve Differential Equations in ArcMap and/or ERDAS Imagine?

I would like to know if it is possible to solve differential equations and run them directly in either ArcMap or ERDAS Imagine, similar to the raster calculator in ArcMap?
Jay Reynolds's user avatar
3 votes
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Reduce the resolution of satellite imagery data for use in MATLAB

When I am using the 4-band multi-spectral data for NDVI calculation, after successful completion of runtime, it shows some warning message like "Loading 17%..." How should I rectify it? Should I do ...
Antony's user avatar
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3 votes
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Define vector projection and reproject shapefile in ERDAS IMAGINE 2013?

I come from a GIS background mainly using ArcMap and QGIS, but am now doing more image processing work and so have decided to start using ERDAS IMAGINE 2013. I am attempting to project a shapefile ...
ThomasMNS's user avatar
3 votes
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Exporting Sentinel-2A imagery from QGIS to ERDAS Imagine 2013

I have downloaded a Sentinel-2 image and loaded the 10m bands from the .xml file in QGIS which works fine. I simply want to open the image in Erdas Imagine for use in accuracy assessment in a true ...
Steven's user avatar
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supervised classification

I am having a problem in creating new signatures in Signature Editor in ERDAS 2014. Whenever I click on the icon (i.e., after selecting the aoi), it shows an error which says "unable to open ...
Lyza's user avatar
  • 31

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