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Assigning signatures in Erdas Imagine 2016

I am having a problem in creating new signatures in Signature Editor in ERDAS 2016. Whenever I click on the icon to add signatures a pallette pops up that says: "ERROR GETTING AOI FROM VIEWER, USE ...
Tawanda's user avatar
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Displaying Raster Source Information

I have a large number of raster files I'm working on. I need to figure out how each of the files was processed from. I have a composite land cover map and would like to view the file names and ...
Thommy's user avatar
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3 answers

MODIS image reprojection/ change coordinate system in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have downloaded Utah state shapefile in NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_12N projection and also downloaded the MODIS image of the area (MOD09Q1) in .hdf format which has sinusoidal projection. the .hdf format ...
sowparnika's user avatar
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Empirical Line Method (ELM) in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

My images from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 from the same area, recorded in the same time of the year, all look different regarding colour brightness, likely caused by atmospheric circumstances. As I ...
Eva's user avatar
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Extracting cells from raster by attribute in ERDAS Imagine

I have a raster file that gives me the slope of all the hills and mountains in an area in degrees (0-90) and I need to extract all the cells which are >= 45 with an operator in the model builder. I ...
Tye's user avatar
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Using Python script to stack layers from multiple directories and produce multiple outputs in ERDAS?

I am using ERDAS Imagine 2013 and am trying to create a Python script that takes lists created in another script containing the path to each scene's raw data folder and base image ID's (for example ...
djz88426's user avatar
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NDVI image value changes from -1 to 1 in ENVI to 0-255 in ArcGIS Desktop and ERDAS Imagine?

When i open NDVI image in ENVI, its value is still within the range (-1 to 1). But when I open this NDVI image in ERDAS and ArcGIS Desktop, its value is 0-255. What does it mean? Is the NDVI ...
Puspa's user avatar
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5 answers

Creating a Time series NDVI map [closed]

I would like to create a NDVI Time Series map? How do I do that? The one I probably would like to have similar like this I ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Where to obtain free 15m ASTER image for New Mexico?

I am looking for a free Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) image that will let me to perform NDVI for the pilot crop health/soil moisture that can go as far back ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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6 answers

Looking for simple software to compare two Landsat Images

At uni I used ERDAS imagine to view two rasters at the same time and it had various viewers for comparing them. I'm looking for something that has a slider so that I can see the differences between ...
DMusketeer's user avatar
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Using sieve filter in ERDAS Imagine and/or ArcGIS for Desktop?

Where can i use a sieve filter for my supervised classification? Can i do it in Erdas Imagine or in ArcGIS? I can't find it anywhere.
user28704's user avatar
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How to import HDF (L1G) files into ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have downloaded satellite imagery from GLCF website, it has downloaded with .L1G file extension, I am not able to open this file in ArcGIS as well in Erdas, so please let me know how to open this.
Mahesh's user avatar
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Shifting cloud mask in Erdas/ArcMap/Py Script [closed]

I have the task to mask out cloud cover in approximately 20 landsat 8 scenes. Creating the cloud mask for the "white part" is easy, but I need help in addressing the clouds shadow. General ...
Jens Hiestermann's user avatar
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Floating point to 8-bit unsigned raster conversion using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS IMAGINE?

I have an image with value ranging from -1 to +1. I want to convert this into 0-255 (8bit). How can this be done using ArcGIS for Desktop or ERDAS IMAGINE?
nilushika's user avatar
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Does QGIS have a functionality similar to Flicker in Erdas Imagine?

I am trying to replace an Erdas Imagine workflow with QGIS and I have got most of it working but can't find a solution for fliker. We have it set to turn an image on and off every few seconds to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Existence of fiducials marks in a digital camera file

Existence of fiducials marks in a digital camera file I have created a generic digital camera file using Erdas 2015 with the following data in it: LPS Camera File Version: 2.0 Camera Name: "generic ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Is possible to merge landsat 8 with High Resolution Satellite Imagery?

i have landsat8 and High Resolution Imagery (1m) in the same study area, is possible to merge them to get one imagery so that i can take advantage of the accuracy satellite imagery. some_text http://...
GIS Man's user avatar
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Using Erdas for land cover land use change detection

New to Erdas but I have to do a project and I have chosen to do a landcover land change detection. I have two Landsat 5 images, five years apart from each other. What is my next step? I imagine I ...
jkamsu's user avatar
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Deriving slope angle value from DEM using ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to calculate the steepness of each pixels (30m) from the DEM of 2m resolution. I have made use of ERDAS Imagine - Slope function and returns a contour-like pixel image. The pixel value ...
Jimmy Lee's user avatar
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Smooth mosaicking of smaller orthomosaics to form a homogenous mosaic

This image below is generated using Erdas Imagine where I used mosaicpro tool to create a super mosaic of orthomosaics generated using PIX4d I used following options: Color Balancing Color Dodging ...
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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Classified image color in Erdas Imagine

I've a ArcMap classified image in tiff format. I want to open it in Erdas for further Accuracy assessment. How to open the image in Erdas with same color ramp as it is given after classification?
Ekta Baranwal's user avatar
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Calculating NDWI in Erdas IMAGINE 2014

I'm using MOD09GQ product of MODIS to calculate vegetation indices in Erdas 2014, and I was able to extract NDVI using Erdas Model Builder. What is the formula I should use in model builder for ...
Ali Mokhtari's user avatar
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What exactly does hill shade or Shaded relief , if performed on SRTM DEM will output?

Two questions actually. Does shaded relief or hill shade outputs mean "expelling of shadows"? For a vast country like India, how to prepare a map from SRTM DEM, which does not have any shadow effects?...
Anudeep y's user avatar
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How to remove band from stack in ERDAS 2013?

I have a Landsat 8 scene where I have stacked 11 bands. I need to remove one band from the stacked layer. Is there a toolbox in ERDAS 2013 that allows me to take out a band? I am aware that ENVI 5....
PROBERT's user avatar
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Atmospheric correction for Landsat 8 in ERDAS?

I am attempting to run some classification on Landsat 8 imagery, however, I need to perform atmospheric correction on the images in order to reveal true spectral signatures. I am using ERDAS, and the ...
Andre C's user avatar
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Importing ERDAS-processed GTOP030 dem data into ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two GTOP030 DEM images. After downloading them, I have imported into ERDAS and mosaiced them. Then I have exported it to .tif file in order to open it in ARCGIS. But when I tried to open it in ...
user3063's user avatar
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What preprocessing is required when using Landsat for LULC?

Can anyone help me regarding the what kind of image pre-processing techniques should be used for the landsat images downloaded from to create land-use land-cover (LULC) ...
advent_udaya's user avatar
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ERROR 1: None of ECW_ENCODE_KEY and ECW_ENCODE_COMPANY were provided

I downloaded ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1 and tried to use it with GDAL to create ECW files from georeferenced PNG files, but they are not created, it basically complains about: ERROR 1: None of ...
Gery's user avatar
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ERDAS file not recognized as ERDAS Hierarchal File Architecture (EFHA)?

I am trying to do an accuracy assessment in Erdas using "user defined ground control points" (I collected the GPS points myselfin the field using a handheld GPS). However, when I load the thematic ...
Mokhine Motswaledi's user avatar
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Possible to use same signature file to classify images from different years? [closed]

I have Landsat images for the same area over 20 years (one photo per year in same season). I would like to detect changes occured in forested area like clear-cut and bark beetle outbreak over time. I ...
maycca's user avatar
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Normalizing landsat image pixels prior to classification?

I have 5 different years (all in the same month) of Landsat TM imagery to perform classification on and I would like to know whether there is a technique to normalise the pixels in each image so my ...
datalass1's user avatar
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Stacking overlapping rasters, keeping cell values on top?

I have a land cover classification that consists of three files. One file is the LCC for the western half of my study area, another covers the eastern half (these two overlap in the middle), and the ...
CSB's user avatar
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Formula for Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) in ERDAS modelbuilder?

I am trying to derive Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from Landsat 5 TM data using ERDAS model builder.d I can't seem to get the output I want as it comes out blank. This is the formula that I used:...
Mokhine Motswaledi's user avatar
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ERDAS 2011 and OpenOffice

Is it possible to connect ERDAS 2011 with tools of OpenOffice instead of Office tools? I need to send a map composition made in ERDAS to Presentation of OpenOffice. I don't have Word or Power Point ...
Sasha's user avatar
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ERDAS Imagine signature picker colour changing RGB numbers?

I've noticed something with the signature picker in ERDAS and I was wondering if it is a bug or a feature. When I create classes I assign a colour to make them easily readable in the classified ...
Dakan_GIS's user avatar
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GDAL, Python, pyramids/statistics read/write

As I work through learning programing with raster imagery, I am trying to read in a raster, change the pixel values and write the output file. Below is the code. I have blocked out the change pixel ...
als's user avatar
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Accuracy assessment in Erdas imagine

Is it necessary to do an accuracy assessment for an unsupervised classification done for a Landsat 5 image?
Tharindu's user avatar
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How to load Erdas .img files into Whitebox?

Just installed Whitebox 3.2.3 and I'd like to import a 14 MB.img file. The data import options do not list .img as a file source. A web search has also turned up nothing.
Stu Smith's user avatar
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How to atmospherically correct Landsat 8 data?

What is a simple way to atmospherically correct Landsat 8 data using Erdas 9.3 or ArcGIS 9.3?
user48079's user avatar
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Batch unsupervised classification with ERDAS 2011

I work with Erdas Imagine 2011. I would like to do an unsupervised classification and vectorization on 100 Landsat images (.tif). CC_2014_1.tif CC_2014_2.tif CC_2014_3.tif etc However, I am new in ...
Komine's user avatar
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same RMS error for different resolution data

if i rectify a low resolution data and high resolution data and both have same RMS error =1 then what would be rectify more accurately? means for which resolution this error is more acceptable ...
Ayesha's user avatar
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split multi-band raster to separate rasters in ERDAS IMAGINE

I am currently using ERDAS IMAGINE 2013. I have a 28 Band MODIS image. Is there any way in IMAGINE I could split the 28 bands of the MODIS image into single band images?
Corse's user avatar
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Segmentation - problem with mosaic tiles

Could you please tell me how to solve my problem with segmentation in ERDAS ? I am using ERDAS 2013 and the tool Image Segmentation to segment my multiband picture (with high resolution). ...
user28538's user avatar
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NoData Value = 0, problem when creating NDVI, Erdas

I try to create an NDVI from Landsat and ASTER satellite images using Erdas Imagine. In Erdas, the satellite images have a nodata value of 0. After creating an NDVI, the nodata value is still 0, but ...
Elena Wimmerwuchs's user avatar
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Enhanced vegetation index using ENVI 4.7 bandmath

I computed Enhanced Vegetation Index using band math in ENVI 4.7 software. The expression used was: 2.5*((float(b1)- float(b2))/(float(b1)+ (6*float(b2)) +(7.5* float(b3)))) BYTSCL(float(b1), min = -...
sowparnika's user avatar
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Shoreline identification using ERDAS 2011

How can we separate shoreline from shallow water sea and land area in a LISS 3 image using ERDAS 2011 software?
user14715's user avatar
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crust index in Erdas Imagine

hey people, i have the trouble with CI index in Erdas, when i am useing the image from landsat 5 tm with atmospheric correction it gives me the whole white picture in the results, the formula CI=1-((...
user765's user avatar
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Do PNG files suffer performance for scaled read over ERDAS Imagine (.img) files?

So I have a 20 GB in size Raster Image in .img format. Though I will be examining the code, to find out why, I am AMAZED at how quickly QGIS renders the entire file in a scaled format, and prior to ...
John Sohn's user avatar
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Solving color correction of LISS IV Multispectral image

I have a LISS IV multispectral images (radiometric resolution of 10 bit per pixel) taken in different months 4 tile in January and 2 tiles taken in February. While mosaicing, I got a different color ...
NEHA GUPTA's user avatar
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Layer stacking Multispectral reflectance imagery in ERDAS Imagine 2016

I have Green, red, Red edge and Near infra-red reflectance maps captured with a Parrot Sequoia camera and post processed with Pix4D. They are all Single Float Tiff files, around 500Mb in size. I ...
user89463's user avatar