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Iterating rasters using parse path in complex model in ModelBuilder? [closed]

I have a complex model (with many tools/steps chained - named from "a" to "p") and I need iterate two input rasters (p1.img and p2.img), so that all the model outputs returned for the two input files. ...
Thallita Grande's user avatar
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1 answer

Customizing / Editing Dynamic Text for <path> in ArcGIS Desktop?

To encourage GIS users here to adhere more rigidly to the existing folder architecture as well as demonstrate the functionality of dynamic text, I'm trying to update one of our templates so that I can ...
mastorey's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Using timestamp in text format published parameter of FME?

I have an FME workspace (FME 2015.1) that creates an output file, let's say result.xslx. What I would like to do is to build up the output file name from various parameters, e.g. the project name and ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
1 vote
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Setting output name to be same as input name in ModelBuilder using Parse Path? [closed]

Can you comment on my model as to why the output name is totally different from input name?
tzehuey's user avatar
  • 19
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Relative Image paths in QGIS

I want to import images with a relative path to my QGIS Project. I followed this tutorial. So far, so good. Works fine. My problem is, that my QGIS-Project ...
Schlobbo's user avatar
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1 answer

absolute paths don't work for my leaflet custom icons

I've made an example leaflet project using a custom icon loading an image from the internet: As soon as I try to load something from my hard drive, however, ...
David J.'s user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Relative path not working in QGIS with Google Drive?

I have a qgis file, referring to a few shp files, saved on a google drive folder which is synced across two computers using different OS, one is Mac OS X, the other Windows 8. So, the absolute path of ...
oat's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Map tips and the use of relative paths

I am trying to set up a GIS database in QGIS (2.16.1) containing some geological information. I've created a shapefile (polylines) and added a map-tip to it which displays a cross-section related to ...
Cait's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I use relative paths in print composer for images?

I'm sharing an entire map project with a client so they can eventually print off an atlas. I've managed to get all the layers and icons to work correctly with relative paths, but the atlas contains ...
raphael's user avatar
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2 answers

Parse path for any workspace

I have a model which adds and calculates a new field with a workspace path. I upload only one layer from database to the model (called "tline"). Parse path can detect only the name and file of this ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
0 votes
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Setting one input parameter for several models?

I have a bunch of models (about 20) in my custom toolbox. I need to run them one after another and look for some errors which they make in table. I could put all these models into one but it is not ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS virtual layer path never saved as relative

When I try to use virtual layers in QGIS, I'm unable to use relative paths. I've already set in the "Project Properties", in the tab "General", the "Save paths" as relative. You can see a ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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How to create a label with QGIS project path in print composer? [duplicate]

Is there a way in the Print Composer of QGIS to create a label that will automatically update the path of the QGIS project?
lolailo's user avatar
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Choosing layers for processing tools in QGIS?

Am I right that if I want to choose layers for QGIS processing tools I always have to choose the shapefiles via the path directory, and that I can't drag and drop them from the layer window on the ...
M.S.'s user avatar
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Run and install packages from local folder QGIS [duplicate]

I use QGIS in my work and sometimes need install python libraries for plugins to work but I don't have write access to C:/ where QGIS and python is installed (OSGeo4W). Is there a way I can install ...
geogrow's user avatar
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How can I make new QGIS projects use absolute path by default?

New QGIS projects are saved with relative path location for data sources by default. If you want to use absolute path, each time a new project is created, this setting needs to be changed in the ...
skualos's user avatar
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OGR_LINK_FIELD to filename in a Geospatial PDF

I'm using gdal_translate to create a Geospatial PDF. I'm trying to add file path to my feature when clicking on them by using: -co OGR_LINK_FIELD=<column with path> I am creating my PDF in ...
LAC's user avatar
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2 votes
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Calling Python script tool from ArcGIS model using relative path?

I am new to ArcGIS and facing a problem in calling a script tool from a model. I have the following file structure: E:\MyFolder MyToolbox.tbx ScriptTool Model Scripts The ScriptTool ...
Ansmat's user avatar
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Relative path in layer styles in spatialite

is there way to store default style in relative path in spatialite??it has layer styles table,and a column 'f_table_catalog'.and in this column pathes are absolute,In Qgis project options i set ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Set Relative Hyperlink to open windows explorer using Actions in QGIS

I am wondering how to solve this problem I am having. I am trying to make an action in QGIS when I click on my feature, windows explorer will display the folder for that feature. I have the folder ...
Mike's user avatar
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batch save as layer to relative path in ArcPy

I would like to use a similar code as below, but one that uses relative paths. Since my input is a batch of tif files (not layers), I do not know if I need to use other functions like arcpy....
AF2k15's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to deal with data-defined SVG paths in a project used on Windows and Linux?

I have a project QGIS used in both Linux and Windows, synchronizing the working directory with dropbox. The project uses relative paths, so that the directory structure is observed only from the ...
Claudio Martín's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use relative path for image in SLD 1.1.0

Can I use relative path in the SLD 1.1.0? When validating it in geoserver, it said Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not absolute SLD: <se:...
GaryX's user avatar
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1 answer

Organizing Arcmap folders for portability [closed]

I am doing some basic constraint mapping in ArcMap 10.1 and need some pointers on organizing my project for portability. My project TOC in ArcMap contains shapefiles in the following structure: ...
user1854628's user avatar
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Setting relative path for image elements in ArcMap

Is there a way to set relative path for image elements (like a company logo) in ArcMap maps? The classic "Store relative path" option in the Map Properties doesn't seem to be working.
Andreampa's user avatar
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Retrieve path of running plugin in QGIS

In my plugin's directory I've got some XML settings files that I'd like to parse at a particular point during execution of the plugin. Is there a way to get the absolute path where the plugin's .pyc ...
user28233's user avatar
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5 votes
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QGIS html annotation relative paths

I find the QGIS html annotation tool is very useful for quickly accessing a combination of key data attributes and photos. I am having trouble using relative paths for images. This doesn't work: <...
user25976's user avatar
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Using eVis to launch AutoCAD with relative path

I found How to link to external files with relative path in QGIS actions? , which leads me towards what I need. Now, I'm trying to use the eVis plugin to open .DWG and .DXF by launching AutoCAD from ...
user25976's user avatar
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How to use relative path in Mac for open internal and external file?

I would like my project to be portable, so I can share it without losing all the project paths. This seems not so easy and many times I have to reset all the paths when I give the project, with all ...
G M's user avatar
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QGIS Web Client: Where to upload my .shp files?

I've installed QGIS Server and QGIS Web Client on an Ubuntu 12.04 Server according to these instructions: When I load my own project with the Web Client, it ...
Matt's user avatar
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Qgis action adding layers using relative paths

in QGIS 2 windows I have some index layers I use for loading raster and vector tiles through an Python action. Currently I am using absolute paths which works fine but I would like to set it up so ...
Seth Loader's user avatar
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Custom Model should be used with ArcMap or ArcCatalog?

I have one basic question , when you create custom model using model builder in ArcGIS. It should be used with ArcMap or ArcCatalog? Reason I am asking this question is I have created a model and I am ...
Dharmesh's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Relative paths not working in model builder

I checked "Store relative path names" in my model, but ArcGIS seems to ignore the settings - the paths are always the same as on my computer. Plus, the "Store relative path names" unchecks ...
Pavel V.'s user avatar
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How to save an existing LYR file to use a relative path *and* have the LYR be v9.3 compatible?

Not sure if this is possible - I am writing a python script to convert LYR files to use relative paths and save the LYR as a 9.3 LYR file. I can do each one individually, but not together. ... # ...
Jesse Cleary's user avatar
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Persisting ArcGIS Network Analysis Route Layer?

I'm using ArcGIS 10.0. I'd like to be able to specify the location (path) where to create the route layer, for network analysis, when I click on Network Analysis -> New Route. Is that possible? ...
yo_haha's user avatar
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QGIS projects - collaboration on different platform

On my computer, I have both - Ubuntu and Windows - operating systems. Since I work on both of them and QGIS save path to particular layers using absolute path, it's very inconvenient to store ...
matandked's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Linking to external files with relative path in QGIS actions

Objective: I have point layers with attributes that contain paths to external files (Visio, AutoCAD dwg...). I want to put them all in one folder together with the project file, compress the folder ...
Cao Minh Tu's user avatar
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Automating relative filepath when adding new toolbox to arcmap catalog?

I'm creating an arcpy script for a custom toolbox and I want to make it so that a user can essentially utilize the script in that toolbox without having to change the source path (which I made ...
Nightvein's user avatar
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Relative Path not working in ArcMap and ArcObjects

I'm using ArcMap 10.0 and Windows 7 64 bit. I'm trying to set a relative paths for my MXD file. My MXD is located at C:\workspace\rastertest.mxd and the data is located at C:\workstation\data\testdted....
Davidst95's user avatar
2 votes
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Unmanaged Raster Catalog Relative Paths?

Is it possible to store relative paths in an unmanaged raster catalog? What I want to do: C:\Folder\File.gdb UnmanagedRasterCatalog1 ..\..\Data\MyRaster\Raster.File C:\Data MyRaster ...
Andy Arismendi's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Saving project with data source path as relative in QGIS?

Is there an option in QGIS to save the project with the data source being a relative path? I don't see the option here. QGIS Wroclaw1.7.3
SNT's user avatar
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Ensure relative path in Arcgis layer files

I'm looking for the arcgis python equivalent of the VBA How to save a layer file with a relative path. I'm using a script to change the paths in a collection of about 75 layer files before ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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Specifying a file for VirtualShape in SpatiaLite [closed]

I'm fairly very new to spatialite, and am stuck on something very basic. I'm creating a virtual table from a shapefile using virtualshape. This works fine when the shapefiles are in the same folder ...
Matthew Finlay's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I crawl directory tree and change Mxd relativePaths to true?

I have a large number of project folders where each project folder can have many subfolders. These subfolders can contain mxds, shapefiles, personal gdb's and fgdb's. In many cases the user forgot ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar
3 votes
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Setting relative paths for KMZs in Arc2Earth dialog?

Using Arc2Earth, I'm converting a large vector dataset to a KML with regions. The resulting kmz works great on my computer but the files paths are all actual paths and not relative, so they don't ...
Jon Bonkoski's user avatar
3 votes
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Hyperlink relative paths to files in points layer in QGIS?

I would like to add hyperlinks to each point in a points layer in QGIS 1.7.0 running on Mac OS X 10.6.7, but I have several requirements: (1) Each hyperlink has to be a relative path to the linked ...
hpy's user avatar
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