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2 answers

osm2pgsql: Extracting full buildings polygons + addresses text from OSM

I'm trying to extract all the polygons for the buildings in my country, however, it seems osm2pgsql is extracting very little information compared to what I need. My idea was that I will rely on the ...
Mark Allen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to extract seamarks from OSM PBF?

Ref to this: and this: How to extract primary and secondary roads from OSM data? and this: ...
Magno C's user avatar
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Delete tags from planet.osm with osm2pgsql and minimize size of database

I want to import into PostGIS the whole planet but I am interested for certain tags. Specifically I am not interested in nodes, ways and areas which are related with the land. Below is a small part ...
leas's user avatar
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Osm2pgsql error, unable to open

I have a problem when I run osm2pgsql for Liechtenstein (small dataset). I have a VM running Ubuntu (64-bit) with 5GB of RAM. This is the error I get: osm2pgsql --create --slim --cache 512 --number-...
wolfdata's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to update OSM data using osm2pgsql?

I have already loaded osm data into postgresql earlier. Now I want to update the database. I have downloaded the pbf file from geofabrik. How I can update the database without deleting the existing ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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Getting node information of a way in OSM2PGSQL data

I have a feeling this is not possible, but I am looking to get information on the nodes which are part of a line in the planet_osm_line table. The issue which I am trying to handle is I am trying to ...
Andrew Wong's user avatar
1 vote
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Casting between PostGIS types in GeoAlchemy

I'm working with OpenStreetMap data, and loading it into a PostGIS database using osm2pgsql. The issue that I am currently dealing with is that osm2pgsql stores the shape as a geometry type. I'm ...
Andrew Wong's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to build osm tileserver (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)?

I'm trying to follow the tutorial: And the first part works greatly, but because i'm new at using Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ...
manta1975's user avatar
0 votes
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Get invalid blocksize error when trying to generate a render base with osm2pgsql

I'm trying to generate a database with the osm2pgsql schema using the osm2pgsql application, with the command: osm2pgsql -H host -U user -P 5433 -W -d db -k -l -c -s file.pbf But when I'm running ...
valdeci's user avatar
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Errors when trying to optimize OSM Tileserver

So I followed this guide to create my (very first) tile server. While the server works and we are able to serve tiles, when zooming in tiles take a long time (30s) to render. I'm attempting to pre-...
robcalewar's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Importing OSM files to PostGIS

I have installed QGIS 2.4.0 on Windows. I also downloaded an OSM file form Geofrabrik (SouthAmerica). I have been searching an option (plugin also) in QGIS for importing the OSM file to my PostGIS ...
Pablo Garín's user avatar
3 votes
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pgsql2osm? How to generate osm files from osm2pgsql database?

I want a method to export osm files from a Postgres database. I already have an osm2pgsql database, an apidb database, and a nominatim database in which I have imported osm files. Now I need to ...
valdeci's user avatar
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-1 votes
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OSM converter cannot convert after renaming PBF to OSM?

I downloaded a .pbf file from this link and then I renamed it to tu.osm because it is an .osm file. Then I used osmconverter to convert it to .pbf using: c:\osm>osmconvert tu.osm --out-pbf >tu....
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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OSM data import error on Windows 2012 server using osm2pgsql

I am trying to use OSM data using mapserver (ms4w) on windows. Set up all tools and downloaded data for this purpose. Extracted ...
OpenMapperz's user avatar
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No data found in this area ERROR - JOSM

I'm trying to edit my local database using JOSM. I'm already running the "Rails Port API" and pointing to it. I imported a pbf file to my local database using the osm2pgsql without errors. ...
valdeci's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Reverse geocoding using OSM data imported into PostGIS

I'm trying to reverse geocode some points using an OSM import into PostGIS. I imported the OSM data (for Denmark so all addresses should be avaialable) into PostGIS using osm2pgsql enabling "addr:...
JonasPedersen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Applying OSM z-order after osm2pgsql with qgis

I've trying to find a solution to applying the OpenStreetMap z-order in QGIS after using osm2pgsql. Everything is working perfectly, until I add the each layer to the canvas, where the z-order is not ...
PDX's user avatar
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Extremely slow OSM data import

I'm using osm2pgsql to import the entire planet database. I've followed the instructions from the switch2osm ( page and used ...
MRashid's user avatar
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Creating my own map server - with Road speed and Reverse geo coding - using OSM data [closed]

Currently I'm using a few services for mapping/reverse Geo coding/road speeds 1 - reverse geo coding (usually street name) 2 - get POI name (e.g. ...
Quade's user avatar
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Pedestrian routing using pgRouting

I'm new to pgRouting and I want to implement a pedestrian routing system. I've already implemented a routing system using pgRouting, PostGIS, GeoServer, OSM data and OpenLayers 3 and it uses Dijkstra ...
Mark Aldecimo's user avatar
3 votes
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osm2pgsql vs imposm rendering performance

Is there any difference in rendering performance between using a osm2pgsql vs imposm imported PostGIS DB in Mapnik? Or asking it differently, is there any downside of using imposm if I only want to ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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Alternative approach for loading osm2pgsql data

I am slowly going insane trying to successfully complete an OSM data import and I would like to find an alternative approach. What I'm attempting is frustratingly simple yet fails repeatedly. ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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4 answers

OpenStreetMap Style Editor besides Mapbox TileMill and CloudMade

I'm looking for an online OSM style editor that lets me style OSM ways and nodes by tags. I know CloudMade's editor is no longer available, and Mapbox's does this but has zoom level rendering limits (...
Michael Schnuerle's user avatar
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How to order points on a road linestring to follow the road

So I'm using a osm2pgsql schema. When I get a road, the points in the linestring don't have an order, so when I try to draw the road, it won't follow the road but will be a bunch of lines. Do I have ...
Justin Juntang's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I convert the coordinate data from osm into actual longitude latitude points

So I've imported a osm dataset into a PostGIS db using osm2pgsql, however when I call ST_asText( way ) I get weird coordinates like "POINT(16767838.9 -4051592.94)" What format are these longitude ...
Justin Juntang's user avatar
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osm2pgsql Ways importing very slowly in .pbf, much slower than .osm

I'm currently importing the planet-latest.osm.pbf file I downloaded from some time last week. I'm importing it using the following ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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Openstreetmap-carto style with Tilemill - unknown black line in streets

There is an unknown black line in the center of about 80% streets. I have been adjusting line-widths and switching off and on every line layer for hours to no avail. I am using the latest version of ...
GravitaZ's user avatar
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osm2pgsql import fails with parse error [closed]

I'm attempting to import the 45GB (compressed) planet-latest.osm.bz2 file downloaded from but I receive parsing errors. As of now I ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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using changeset for larger region to update OSM data in PostGIS

I'm using the OSM import and update workflow described here to maintain OSM data in a PostGIS database. Import (osm2pgsql): osm2pgsql -c -d gps -U gps --cache 8000 --number-processes 4 --slim --flat-...
kontextify's user avatar
2 votes
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Nominatim installation error: Out of memory for node cache dense index

I am installing Nominatim on my Ubuntu server 14.04 through this link and trying to load OSM data into my postgreSQL database. For loading into my database I am using this command as given in the link:...
python's user avatar
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How to use the Tile Server to fetch latitude/longitude data

I have installed a tile server using the following link and my main purpose was to geocode as many times as possible. Initially I was using openstreet API to geocode but they have certain limits so ...
python's user avatar
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Osm2pgsql failed due to error when I try to import data into PostgreSQL

I am using the following link to install openstreetmap server on my ubuntu 14.04 server. I have followed their tutorial line by line and installed most of the dependencies and everything. When I try ...
python's user avatar
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Can't upload files to database by Nominatim

I was trying upload geofabric's netherlands-latest file into Nominatim's database. I used bellow command and all was fine: ./utils/setup.php --osm-file maps/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf --all 2>&1 | ...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
2 votes
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OSM import fails due to non-matching PostgreSQL version

I am trying to follow the installation of Nominatim, based on The command ./utils/setup.php —osm-file <pbf-file> —all —...
Thomas Becker's user avatar
2 votes
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Osm2pgsql: Error Loading in north-america-latest.osm.pbf

I've had my OSM Tile server working great for several days now, but just with Indiana. I decided to fill the gis database with all of North America. I run the following command: sudo -u user ...
btald1331's user avatar
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How to check if a node is in route computed with pgRouting?

I'm new to the GIS system and I'm following the pgRouting workshop. I've imported the locations of nodes (points, highway=street_lamp) using osm2pgsql. now I'm calculating a few paths between two ...
Luca's user avatar
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Moving file flat-nodes.bin from an osm2pgsql import

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.4 and osm2pgsql 0.82.0 on Ubunt 14.04 (64bit). I'm new-ish to postgres and less new to OSM. My goal was to import the planet file. Unfortunately, when I started the import, ...
NickN's user avatar
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Nominatim with osm2pgsql for rhel 6

I tried configure&make Nominatim on rhel6.5 but Nominatim compiled whithout osm2pgsql. I also tried complied osm2pgql by handle with ./autogen, ./configure make and got many errors like: ...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
2 votes
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pg_dump Database that was populated with osm2pgsql

Is it possible to dump a postgres database that was created with osm2pgsql and a .osm.pbf file with pg_dump and import this into a remote postgres database? After running osm2pgsql the database is ...
user2355051's user avatar
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OSM Bright Cartography XML

I have successfully setup a tile server as described here: What's troubling is the lack of clarify surrounding OSM Bright ...
user2355051's user avatar
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Loaded OSM Data into PostGIS Database. Cannot view in ArcMap "The coordinate system identifier is invalid" [closed]

I loaded OSM File for Pennsylvania into a PostGIS Database in PostgreSQL using osm2pgsql. Everything seemed to go without a hitch until I finally connected to the Database in arcCatalog and tried to ...
GravitaZ's user avatar
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Transferring large amount of OSM data to PostGIS using osm2pgsql?

I am new to using OpenStreetMap data and PostGIS database. I learned how to use osm2pgsql and transferred osm data for a small city to PostGIS database and worked fine. The problem is that when I try ...
New OSMer's user avatar
4 votes
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Getting only points when importing from OpenStreetMap to PostgreSQL?

This is my first time working with OpenStreetMap data. I am trying to import some data from OpenStreetMap into PostgreSQL. I have been downloading the data using the following query : wget 'http://...
jlengrand's user avatar
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Renderd "planet_osm_polygon" not exists?

I'm trying to create my map server. Importing a planet with osm2psql was perfect, I installed nominatim and is working too. I installed the libapache2-mod-tile packet, caring about to not create the ...
Alby87's user avatar
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How do I determine the hardware requirements for importing an OSM extract?

I have a 950MB OSM extract I'm trying to import into Postgres using osm2pgsql. All attempts thus far have failed as I've been running out of hard drive space. I have no problem processing metro or ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
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How to get all the LineStrings of a street using PostGIS with OSM

I want to get all parts of a given street. I use a query like: Select * from planet_osm_lines where name = 'mystreet' As a result I get all the LineStrings that are part of a street with the ...
Shachty's user avatar
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osm2pgsql: database "gis" does not exist

I am currently attempting to use OSM Bright to quickly style some OSM data, so I can export tiles without spending hours writing Carto in TileMill. This is my first time using osm2pgsql to import OSM ...
BritishSteel's user avatar
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osm2pgsql - can't find "maxspeed" tag after import

I have imported a compressed osm file ".pbf" in a PostGIS database with osm2pgsql using the following command: osm2pgsql -c -d osm_france -U postgres -H localhost -S -C 10000 france-...
Adam Adam's user avatar
2 votes
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Import of OSM data into PostgreSQL with osm2pgsql polygon problem

I've mananged to import my great-britain osm file successfully into postgres and I can query everything fine. osm2pgsql -s -j -G -l --number-processes 8 -K -U james -C 10000 -d osm myfile.osm I'm ...
jamesclarke's user avatar
2 votes
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Planet_osm_point versus Planet_osm_nodes for querying places

Hello I am using a PostGis Database with OSM Data. After importing the data with osm2pgsql in slim mode I found a table named Planet_osm_nodes that has places also. It seems really compressed and has ...
Shachty's user avatar
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