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Why GADM state/county shapefile for Kenya does not line up with OpenStreetMap data?

I am fairly new to QGIS and am using XYZ Tiles for OpenStreetMap and shapefile layers from GADM to see boundaries in Kenya (to start). I have an OpenStreetMap layer and gadm41_Ken_1.shp layer and the ...
Keshet21's user avatar
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QGIS small text with OSMon on a 4K laptop screen

With a 4K laptop display (Dell 9710) when bringing in OSM maps with OSM Standard, OpenStreet Map, with EPSG:3857, the text labels at any level of scale are tiny, almost impossible to read. The project ...
SocialEyes's user avatar
3 votes
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How to produce XYZ folders from the OpenStreetMap PBF file

I downloaded the 72 GB OpenStreetMap PBF file (planet-230619.osm.pbf) at this link and I was trying to upload it to QGIS and use the Generate XYZ tiles (Directory). ...
Koba's user avatar
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Making sidewalk from street center lines

I have downloaded from OSM the cartography from a village in Germany and it doesn't have the sidewalk but instead the street center lines. Is there any way to make like in OSM? I mean, something like ...
Vent's user avatar
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Download multiple OSM data key and value pairs via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I want to download OSM data from a query in an extent via the Graphical Modeler in QGIS. Thereby I want to download multiple keys and values at once, but it somehow only takes the first one or none. ...
Lucas_Edenhofer's user avatar
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Display of region borders Admin_level 4 in MapTiler plugin for QGIS

I want to make a map using QGIS where the administrative boundaries of the regions will be displayed. Not all, but only the ones I need. They may change from time to time. Therefore, I think that it ...
Jonny's user avatar
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QGIS, trying to load / implement JSON file/data

I tried to implement data about power lines etc. derived from open infrastructure map in my own QGIS project. The projected data appears in a completely different style and verbosity The JSON metadata ...
bongoonko's user avatar
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DXF to PostGIS to OpenStreetMap: coordinates are still in AutoCAD Cartesian coordinate system, not lat/long

I'm trying to take a survey site created in AutoCAD Civil 3D and export the drawing to a DXF which I then load into postgres/postgis with GDAL ogr2ogr ( I then ...
Ben and stuff's user avatar
2 votes
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OpenStreetMap basemap in QGIS that shows the Pacific in the middle

I have a researcher looking for a basemap like OpenStreetMap, but showing the Pacific at the center. They want to overlay the Ring of Fire, and then show the Out-of-Africa migration. The migration ...
user224027's user avatar
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Setting custom root TLS certificates for QGIS

I use QGIS on Linux in an enterprise setting, where the IT department runs a MitM firewall which puts in its own root certificate on all HTTPS traffic. This made using the OSM basemaps in QGIS ...
arnsholt's user avatar
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Best way to work with large vector data files [closed]

I am about to start making 50+ maps for my next book project. The last 2 books were a struggle with the huge amount of Ontario, Canada vector data to make my basemaps. These were large files from the ...
Dan R's user avatar
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Cannot find QuickOSM plugin in QGIS 3.28

I have the same issue as described in this quesion: Can't find QuickOSM plugin in Qgis, but in a newer version (3.28). The top bar of my QGIS looks like this: The answer to the previously asked ...
zabop's user avatar
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How to build a 3D model of a building without height attributes?

I have a building from .osm file: <way id="85272711" visible="true" version="6" changeset="82733303" timestamp="2020-03-27T20:56:51Z" user="...
Daria's user avatar
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Why do certain features from Geofabrik's OSM extract seem to be missing?

I would like to have all objects from OpenStreetMap with the Tag:man_made=works (ie factories), in Estonia. I can do this using QGIS, but another method using GeoFabrik's OSM extract fails. QGIS way ...
zabop's user avatar
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MMQGIS Geocoder: Japanese addresses not being geocoded

I have a handful of Japanese addresses, and not one of them are being geocoded in the latest version of QGIS (v. 3.22). It's probably because I'm not typing them in correctly. That being said, how ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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QGIS 3.28 - How to display overlapping OSM polygons?

With OSM Polygons, smaller poylgons may be hidden by larger polygons. In particular, it happens with LandUse polygons overlap Building polygons. Is there any way to display consistently 'smaller' ...
Vincenty's user avatar
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QgisQuickOSMPlugin - server replied: Too Many Requests; Model Designer, OSM, api-server

I am working on a QGis model that downloads OSM data via the overpass-api server. The needs for the model have gradually increased, which is why the error "Too Many Request" now appears more ...
Ben Steinbrecher's user avatar
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QGIS export OSM basemap to image has missing tiles?

When attempting to export OSM basemap as a tiff image the results show many tiles missing. My process is as follows: I load a rectangle polygon to serve as my mask I set the mask at a scale of 1:...
Clutch's user avatar
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Filtering OpenInfraMap vector tiles by layer name in QGIS

When I load the OpenInfraMap vector tile service in QGIS 3.28.1 ({z}/{x}/{y}.pbf), how can I filter the data by layer name? OpenInfraMap uses different layers as we can ...
christoph's user avatar
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How to display locally stored raster tiles with zoom levels in MapServer

I am completely new to GIS. I am having trouble showing raster tiles from QGIS on MapServer. My goal is to have zoom level tiles shown as basemap on MapServer, on which then I can display features ...
SomeOne's user avatar
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Use Basemap in Alternate CRS Webmap

I am attempting to utilize an OSM basemap for an Arctic-projection web map that views the Earth with the North Pole as the center of the map. Specifically, a North Pole Azimuthal Equidistant is the ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Layers with same coordinates not lining up - EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 - for Trentino in Italy

It's been a while that I've been noticing that the layers don't line up with open street maps, although I've always been setting the same coordinate system. The coordinate system is EPSG:4326 - WGS 84....
tommaso ravanelli's user avatar
2 votes
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Label size in OSM tiles

I'm just curious if someone can display OSM with larger labels in QGIS. I know tiles are built on the server, and this is likely a showstopper. The layer source is{z}/{...
mins's user avatar
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QuickOSM - display timestamp of resulting OSM objects

When entering the QuickOSM query or even after running the query in the QuickOSM plugin for QGIS, I cannot find any information on the resulting layers apart from the values in the attribute table. ...
vergismich's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Disable labeling of OSM in QGIS

Is there a way to disable the labeling of OSM in QGIS ? If I try to create a map the labels interfere sometimes with my lines I like to depict.
BAE_23's user avatar
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Errors in ORS (OpenRouteService) when calculating distance isochrones, what can I do to prevent this?

I've made distance 'isochrones' around charging points for cars with ORS. But the result is puzzeling, the resulted 'isochrones' are in some places larger than 250m. This pictures shows the error on ...
Marloes Decraemer's user avatar
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Adding OpenStreetMap copyright label

I have looked up Crediting OpenStreetMap maps in QGIS. For QGIS 3.22 LTR this seems to be missing or moved somewhere else. How do I add the copyight label for OSM data ? I know View -> Decorations -...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Creating a map of only a specific region with OpenStreetMap

I am very new to QGIS and I am having trouble figuring out how to only show part of the map. I added an OpenStreetMap layer but I can't figure out how to only display a certain area. I only want to ...
meelszz's user avatar
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Georeferencer Error

I added 5 points in the Georeferencer, but it didnt show in the QGIS XYZ Tiles. When I click the Start Georeferencing it shows the error. QGIS version: 3.26.3 Raster: .jpg XYZ Tiles: OSM
user212324's user avatar
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Open Street Maps offline in QGIS

How to add .osm File in QGIS? Actually I know how we can add it from the vector layer but the map I want that not showen by here, it just shows maps shapefile. I want to use map offline. How can I use ...
Avdhut's user avatar
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How to print large OSM basemap in QGIS

I am very new to QGIS, and an active OpenStreetMap contributor. I would like to print a map to hang on my wall to help me coordinate mapping activities in my town. I have access to a printer that can ...
IanVG's user avatar
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QGIS 3.10 how to remove colour from a background layer

I am using QGIS 3.10 and would like to produce a layout map with a white background. I tried the proprieties option by right clicking on the base map layer. In the symbology tab I was able to turn the ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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hstore_to_map command syntax

I am struggling with the correct hstore_to_map syntax. I extracted power plants from OSM. In the "other tags" field are coal, hydro, solar stated as sources. How do I get/display just the ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Eliminate mismatch between building images and their shape file annotations

I have little experience with geospatial data processing. I have a satellite image of an area (a geotiff file) and building footprints (building annotations) for this area (a shape file). When I open ...
Alexey's user avatar
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Performing OSM place search with integrated python console in QGIS

I've been trying to find documentation on how to use the OSM place search plugin with the integrated python console on QGIS and had no success so far. Does anybody know what are the classes/methods ...
rafa's user avatar
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QuickOSM no residential value with building key

I want to use QuickOSM to extract residential buildings with type (terrace, apartment, detached, semidetached). On the website i see the key and values but in my QGIS/QuickOSM the value is not ...
Sander Van Beuningen's user avatar
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QuickOSM does not return results

I'm trying to use the QuickOSM plugin so I can automate the search of addresses and creation of layers. Right now I'm just trying with one address using the key -> addr:street "Bäckerstr."...
rafa's user avatar
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Getting bus routes departing from bus stop from OpenStreetMap data to QGIS

I design a map, where I want to depict the number of public transport lines that are in walking distance from each building block of a city. How do I give each stop its routes and its total amount of ...
Leon's user avatar
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Settlement area from buildings layer

I'm using QGIS 3.22.0 Bialowieza. I have an osm-building-Layer. I would like to transform the single buildings into a settlement area as you can see in the image. In the image you can see the ...
rtaani's user avatar
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Extract house number layer from OSM

I am using QGIS 3.22. Is there a way to extract the house number data from the OSM into shapefile or something else?
YuvalM's user avatar
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Extract (electrified) railways for Germany from OSM

I need to get all railways in Germany, specifically the electrified ones, for an university project. I found two ways of getting the data. Download the all the OSM data for a the desired region via. ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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OSM - Why source tag not exported?

I noticed that downloaded osm data do not have the source tag displayed in openstreetmap query: For example: Once extracted as .pbf or .bz2 from Geofabrik ...
Vincenty's user avatar
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How to extract complete information from QuickOSM

I am trying to extract information from Quick OSM about the electricity grid in my country. As a key in QuickOSM I enter power, but the information I receive is not complete. On the map I see that ...
Nikolay Yordanov's user avatar
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Trying to make vector line data into a polygon in QGIS

I am using Open Street Maps in QGIS to make a map. I have generated "highways" or streets to find all the streets are vector lines. I am trying to add a width to each line/street and have an ...
CaptainFishboy's user avatar
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Applying filter on local OSM PBF file

Because I sometimes need to work without an internet connection, I use OpenStreetMap data by downloading regional data from as "Australia_latest.osm.pbf", then ...
Leigh Bettenay's user avatar
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OSM Overpass query along track from QGIS

Is there a way to do an Overpass query along a track (from GPX generated vector layer)? I want to get some features on and around a river.
Smo's user avatar
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Osm2pgsql error: authentication method 10 not supported

I'm getting the following error when trying to import osm data using osm2pgsql. I just installed pgAdmin4 today so it should all be up to date. osm2pgsql version 0.92.0 (64 bit id space) pgAdmin4 ...
brink's user avatar
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Issue with extracting certain OSM features using Overpass Turbo and QGIS

When I extract certain features from OSM using either overpass turbo or QGIS - for example: pubs, the data is either point feature (pub) or polygon (building). Showing the polygons is slightly ...
nigel's user avatar
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Seeking QGIS Tile / Basemap Options

We have been using QGIS to collect and produce maps for fiber optic deployment to areas where there is no fiber. We use OpenStreetMap as the base tile map, for streets and building structures. We ...
Frank's user avatar
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Is there an expression to indicate the name of the layer on which the shape lies?

I have a question if there is an expression to indicate the name of the layer on which the shape lies. Exactly what I mean: I have a map created based on Open Street Map regarding public facilities ...
crtnnn's user avatar
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