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4 votes

Adding CSV file from Google Drive to ArcGIS online Map Viewer

When adding a spreadsheet to AGOL, it tends to work better by doing it from the Content page. Click Add Item and then From a Cloud Drive. Follow the prompts to authorize AGOL to access your Google ...
jcarlson's user avatar
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4 votes

How to turn off, or have a blank base map, in an AGOL Web App?

Custom basemaps are not supported in the Basemap Gallery in Web Apps on ArcGIS Online. However, a workaround would be to create a blank raster layer that can be included in the layer list to provide a ...
Martin Hügi's user avatar
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3 votes

Adding CSV file from Google Drive to ArcGIS online Map Viewer

To have the web map load the CSV data directly from Google Drive, you need to Share it with "anyone" Figure out the exact URL to the CSV export/download, which should be something like ...
Bjorn Svensson's user avatar
3 votes

How to create a simple Web Map with ArcGIS REST API

I was using the wrong access token. I was using the access token I had for the app I was testing instead of the user's access token that I had to get with oauth2. I'm leaving this here for future ...
piptin's user avatar
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3 votes

How to hyperlink Phone number in ArcGIS Online popup

Add a text element and use the URL link button to create a tel:{phone number field} link, e.g.
user2856's user avatar
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3 votes

How to find the number of unique values in a field using Arcade expression in ArcGIS Online

The following Arcade code will give you what you want: // Summarize data into a FeatureSet with two fields, Process and NumProcess var aFS = GroupBy($layer, 'Process', { name: 'NumProcess', expression:...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
2 votes

Automating ArcGIS Online Shortlist Story Map description customization?

Yes, you should be able to. Based on Esri Can I customize the caption text formatting for my tour points?, you can achieve this using the standard HTML tags in your captions. This blog provide an ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

Deploying configurable application template for ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS?

In order to deploy this configurable application template, you will need to host it from your web server. A configurable application template cannot be hosted on ArcGIS Online, nor can it be uploaded ...
Zachary Ordo - GISP's user avatar
2 votes

Setting custom scale in ArcGIS Online?

Mapbox will not do what you would like, since it tiles on the same level scheme as ArcGIS Online, which itself uses the de-facto scale levels set out by Google/Bing. The only way to achieve what you ...
Sorin RUSU's user avatar
2 votes

De-highlight (change opacity of) other features that don't share same values

After you create the view, to create an event every time the mouse moves, you want to do this: view.on("pointer-move", function(event) { // this code will get run every time the mouse moves in ...
GavinR's user avatar
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Changing ArcGIS map service language?

You can't change that basemap, but there are localized alternatives. See this blog for a list of localized basemaps. You'll notice in the blog, Brazilian Portuguese is available, with the Light Grey ...
KHibma's user avatar
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2 votes

ArcGIS Online Webmap: Summarize values of overlapping polygons in quantitative symbology

Instead of the IIf/Contains try using Intersects(). Its hard to know for sure without having the data to test on but give something like this a try. I modified this from one of the examples here. var ...
landocalrissian's user avatar
2 votes

Creating Tile Service in ArcGIS Online Python API

Yes, 1000.0000 is how you would specify a 1:1000 scale when creating a cached tile service. I use 1:1155581.108577 as my greatest scale and the parameter I pass is 1155581.108577. Also, a tiled ...
Brad's user avatar
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2 votes

Can ArcGIS Online Wep Maps support symbols with leader lines for overlapping features?

Unfortunately, this is not an 'off-the-shelf' option in ArcGIS Online symbology and you would have to create a custom application to achieve something like this. The point clustering options are also ...
Anneka's user avatar
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2 votes

Disabling the editing option in pop-ups?

First off, be aware that Chrome does not work reliably for this, you are more likely to have it work in Internet Explorer On the ArcGIS Online window, at the top you have a menu bar with Home, ...
Colin Lang's user avatar
2 votes

Custom arcade expression to change the colours of text labels on an ArcGIS Online web map?

I think the short answer is no. If you search the geonet forum there is much debate about lack of support in the Arcade language for labelling in Collector and colouring of fonts. I would imagine this ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
2 votes

How to find the number of unique values in a field using Arcade expression in ArcGIS Online

GroupBy | ArcGIS Arcade | ArcGIS Developers has been around long enough, since version 1.8, that most ArcGIS users have access to it. In case someone doesn't have access to GroupBy, it is possible to ...
bixb0012's user avatar
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1 vote

Choose an attribute dropdown for ArcGIS webbuilder app

Look into the Search, Filter, or Query widgets.
GavinR's user avatar
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1 vote

ArcGIS Online no pop up in raster/tile layer

You can create pop-ups from Raster layers in ArcGIS Online. There are however a few caveats to this. According to the help: You ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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Retrieving data from ArcGIS webmap

ArcGIS Services available here Example to get all data in GeoJSON format: https://services3.arcgis....
Mapperz's user avatar
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Integrate Esri WebMap in MS PowerPlatform

In the official documentation there's an example with map control applicable to canvas apps and a ...
Pepe N O's user avatar
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ArcGIS Online - problem with export (backup) the layer by saving it in specified GIS format

You should edit your question to say you are using a free ArcGIS public account. You can export data from a hosted feature layer if one of the following is true: You own the features. You are an ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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1 vote

Local Network Hyperlinks in the New ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

I am operating within the ArcGIS Portal 11.0 Map Viewer and get a similar result to yours. It looks as though this a known limitation of the new Map Viewer. I found the statement, "Note that only ...
obrietap's user avatar
1 vote

Showing a specific sound file as a pop up in ArcGIS Online based on a variable

I've had very little experience in embedding controls into pop ups nor am I a fully fledge web developer but I can tell by looking at your sample code that its incorrectly structured. First of all ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.6k
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Showing a specific sound file as a pop up in ArcGIS Online based on a variable

The key step is to either have a field with the filename, or create an attribute expression that has the file name (or full URL), but not the full HTML. If you have a field with contents that matches ...
Bjorn Svensson's user avatar
1 vote

Importing a simple elevation raster to ArcGIS Online

I used a DEM to use in ArcGIS Online as a web scene. Kindly follow the below workflow to host a scene in ArcGIS Online and use it in an application. In ArcGIS Pro add a new global scene Add the ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
1 vote

Updating symbology in ArcGIS Online

Option 1. If you're just worried about the maximum value, you could just change the upper limit to some very high number that's likely to include future high values. You can do this using Map Viewer ...
Bjorn Svensson's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to Download Map from ArcGIS Online to Collector for ArcGIS for Unconnected Use in the Field

I got an answer to this question with an assist from ESRI. At the top of the "Download Map" form there are two buttons: "Work Area" and "Map Detail" I thought they were simply words, but the are ...
Mike Jablonski's user avatar
1 vote

Using Custom Legend Symbol in ArcGIS Online?

Unfortunately, legends are one of the most limited features of ArcGIS story maps and ArcGIS Online maps in general. Beyond a few very basic options, you really can't customize legends as the titles ...
lambertj's user avatar
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1 vote

Disabling the editing option in pop-ups?

Well, after 2+ months I finally stumbled across an answer. The Edit button, as shown in my OP, apparently makes its appearance because I am the owner of the account. When I log out of and ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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