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33 votes

How to give color to polygon border in leaflet map

When you style a polygon you can have the border one color and the fill another. function polystyle(feature) { return { fillColor: 'blue', weight: 2, opacity: 1, ...
Bill Chappell's user avatar
5 votes

Leaflet with custom map (CRS) - how to convert JPG to TileLayer tiles

I'm looking for a similar solution. Sharing what all I've found from a web search. Yet to implement, but check them out and have a go. I searched on duckduckgo for "cut image into tiles for leaflet" ...
Nikhil VJ's user avatar
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Leaflet with custom map (CRS) - how to convert JPG to TileLayer tiles

It seems that libvips can also generate what is expected. vips dzsave input.jpg --layout google See:
Шура Ву's user avatar
4 votes

Adding custom web tile layer to ArcMap?

Update for September 2017: This is pretty straighforward at this point (finally). You don't need to "own" the tiles to do this, only add the tile service to an ArcGIS online webmap (Add --> Layer ...
Charlie Lefrak's user avatar
3 votes

Scaling tiles for missing zoom levels in Leaflet?

One possible solution would be to use Leaflet.LimitZoom plugin. It makes possible to specify native zoom levels and allowed zoom levels. Missing zooms are interpolated from existing native zooms. ...
TomazicM's user avatar
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3 votes

Multiple active TileLayers rather than just one?

You are mentioning group layers in your question and that's actually the right solution for what you want to achieve. You can group several tile layers in one group and add it to the map as single ...
TomazicM's user avatar
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2 votes

Change pane of existing tileLayer in Leaflet interactively

Leaflet layers can not change panes dynamically. Panes are too tightly coupled to the initialization of the HTMLElements for the layers' containers. You can, however, change the zIndex of a map pane ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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2 votes

How to give color to polygon border in leaflet map

For different style in each feature in Geojson file, I copied from ThomazicM's answer: function setStyle(feature) { return { fillColor:, color: feature....
Cloud Cho's user avatar
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2 votes

Leaflet - Draw vector layer behind tile layer

Leaflet manages ordering of different types of layers through concept if map panes, which are DOM div elements with different z-index attribute. Tile layers are assigned to tilePane with z-index value ...
TomazicM's user avatar
  • 27k
2 votes

Shifted TiledMapLayer from Esri ArcGIS"MapServer

If you look at the layer info at, you'll see that layer ...
TomazicM's user avatar
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1 vote

How to overlay BLM map in leafletjs?

If you look at the Leaflet docs for tile layers at, you'll see that syntax for specifying tile parameters z, y and x looks something like this: 'https://{...
TomazicM's user avatar
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ArcGIS Online no pop up in raster/tile layer

You can create pop-ups from Raster layers in ArcGIS Online. There are however a few caveats to this. According to the help: You ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API - Masking a Layer - Changing the tilelayer source?

I think you are talking about the basemap. The example uses ESRI World Imagery service, and it is set on map creation, const map = new Map({ basemap: "satellite", // <- here layers: [...
cabesuon's user avatar
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Publishing a web tile layer on ArcGIS Online with python

I finally found a solution : the second attempt was a good attempt, but as @KHibma mentionned, I crossed arcpy and arcgis-python-api. I tried to connect to AGOL with argis.gis.GIS while I should ...
J.Delannoy's user avatar
1 vote

Scaling tiles for missing zoom levels in Leaflet?

I can achieve this for the levels 9 and 15 using the "maxNativeZoom" and "minNativeZoom" options, but how to do this with the other zoom levels? Yuo can do that with max/minNativeZoom as well! E. ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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1 vote

Leaflet Basemap: Changing sources of basemap options in runtime?

Thanks, Here is the final version with pane options. (I used zIndex before for overlays but pane seems to be an inherent function, so changed back). There were other issues in deleting older overlay ...
PDash's user avatar
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Leaflet Basemap: Changing sources of basemap options in runtime?

If you would only want to change layer source, that could be done with L.tileLayer.setUrl method. Since you are also changing layer options, the only sensible way is to remove old layer, create new ...
TomazicM's user avatar
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Overlaying satellite image tileLayer over OpenStreetMap in LeafletJS?

The main issue I see is that you're using L.TileLayer.DeepZoom from . Approaches like L.TileLayer.DeepZoom and every other plugin listed in the "Non-map ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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1 vote

Clip OL TileLayer by Vector AND stop it from fetching the tiles

You could customise the tileUrlFunction to only return a url if the tile extent intersects the country's geometry var defaultUrlFunction = source.getTileUrlFunction(); source.setTileUrlFunction( ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 vote

Creating custom Leaflet map from series of images?

Use GDAL2TILES to create a folder of tiles or gdal_translate to create an MBTILES or gpkg
GeospatialInformationTech's user avatar
1 vote

What is ID in leaflet code for L.tileLayer

I found how to get the ID for my map Go to TILESITS Then choose your map
Nordinator's user avatar
1 vote

Using tile layers in ArcGIS Online?

As commented by @RussRoberts: You could do this workflow in ArcMap (or Pro) Run - Manage Tile Cache tool on the layer, then run Export Tile Cache tool and select the output as tile package. This will ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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