Performing isolation trace that ignores one valve type before stopping at another valve type in same feature class using ArcPy?
You would need to provide the in_barriers parameter to TraceGeometricNetwork_management containing point features representing the junctions (or edges) that should stop the trace.
Finding details of both overlapping shapes using ArcGIS Pro without Advanced level license
Spatial Join is available with a Basic license level. One option in Spatial Join is to include the attributes of the joined features. This will give you the object IDs of both polygons.
Performing isolation trace that ignores one valve type before stopping at another valve type in same feature class using ArcPy?
The answer by @nef001 put me back on the right track to my solution which is illustrated by adding the code below to the bottom of the original test (and replacing the last Merge_management line of ...
Finding details of both overlapping shapes using ArcGIS Pro without Advanced level license
I just ran a Union on a feature class with two intersecting circle polygons named testPolys using ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2. The output has four polygons (including two identical geometries where they overlap)...
Creating boundaries around lines based on attribute
If you can download QGIS, you can create voronoi polygons or convex/concave hulls (as suggested by DPSSpatial). I would dissolve your line features by the groupings shown in your graphic. Then I would ...
Identifying duplicate attributes using ArcGIS Desktop?
If you cannot create a new column or data is read only then there is a good answer given at esri site.
Open Select by attributes and in Where section type
Can you access all tools in python/arcpy regardless of license level?
There are many tools that require an Advanced level license that can have very effective workarounds written using a Basic or Standard level license. For example, the Frequency tool can be replaced ...
Setting ArcGIS Desktop license to lower level for testing whether Python script still runs?
There is an existing ArcGIS Idea for support of Inclusive license levels (Allow checking out of lesser license levels).
The justification for this request seems to match your use case precisely:
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