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Opengeosuite blank and postgresql errors

I had the unfortunate idea to upgrade opengeosuite from 4.0 to 4.1. I followed the docs found on opengeosuite site but something has gone wrong. I uninstalled opengeosuite and all connected packages ...
user32823's user avatar
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Opengeo and Ubuntu memory issue

I was working with LiDAR in Opengeo suite while following the Boundless tutorials ( In my recent post titled 'LiDAR and Opengeo', I mentioned about ...
Zaman's user avatar
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Customizing GeoExplorer? [closed]

I'm just beginning to play with BoundlessGeo's GeoExplorer interface. I'm trying to figure out if I can customize it for use in-house. We basically need an intra-net type web mapping app to display ...
monkey5672's user avatar
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Openlayers getDataExtent not working

I am following this tutorial on the web about using setting up sql view on geoserver. I have set up my sql view correctly and have the javasctipt ...
K Hsueh's user avatar
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Is it possible to install OpenGeo within Amazon Web Services - Free Tier?

I like to ask if it is possible to install OpenGeo within an instance of the Amazon Web Services - Free Tier.
Ernesto CD's user avatar
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Import raster data from PostGIS and publish in GeoServer

I am using GeoServer 2.3.3, PostGIS 2.1 and PostgreSQl 9.1. The Image Mosaic JDBC extension is also installed correctly. I am trying to import raster data from PostGIS and publish in GeoServer but ...
Vineendra's user avatar
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Cannot Edit Features of PostGIS Layers in OpenGeo GeoExplorer

I admit I originally posted the question here: But due to no response and not finding a solution, I thought I'd try ...
elshae's user avatar
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I've installed OpenGeo Suite, how do I use it with Leaflet?

I've just finished installing OpenGeo Suite on my VM Ubuntu web server. I'd like to be able to use Leaflet from to view my maps with on my mobile devices. I'm supposed to create an ...
kjac1985's user avatar
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How to build GeoExplorer on Windows

I am trying to utilize GeoExplorer (made by OpenGeo) to browse data provided by GeoServer. So far, I have downloaded source code from Some instructions I found ...
Matej's user avatar
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How to install QGIS with OpenGeo Suite on Ubuntu

I was wondering how should one install QGIS after installing OpenGeo Suite on Ubuntu Linux? I installed OpenGeo 4.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 following the instructions on the official website http://suite....
tinlyx's user avatar
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How to make timeline with OpenLayers?

I have OL, GeoExt, gxp. I have a layer with Date attribute. So I want to show features with same date. I found an example using gxp_playback, but it does not work because it can't find OpenLayer....
Kliver Max's user avatar
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Install Opengeo 3.0.1 in ubuntu 12.04

I tried to install OpenGeo community edition 3.0.1 in Ubuntu 12.04. In the installation instruction it is mentioned that this version is supported only "10.04 and above"(
nasirkhan's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS Layer not working in OpenLayers

Here is my code: var map; function init() { var options = { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-135.326858520508,-30.5615100860596,179.357788085938,69.604377746582), units: 'm', projection: "...
GP92's user avatar
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How to give multiple user input CQL filters to a single layer using Geoserver?

I have a layer in which I need to apply multiple check box filters. For example, I need to filter a layer based on state, city and some other attribute based on user input/ CQL filter. Basically, I ...
Shenbaga Rajan's user avatar
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Installing Opengeo Suite on Ubuntu 13.04 - " trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/shp2pgsql-gui' "?

I am trying to upgrade Opengeo Suite from 2.0 to 4.0, specifically for the upgrade of PostGis 2.0 to 2.1, I followed the instructions outlined on this page:
user25825's user avatar
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Opengeosuite 4 unable to open psql

When I try and open psql from the postgis menu in opengeosuite 4 on the Mac I get the following error message. “psql” can’t be opened because PostGIS is not allowed to open documents in Terminal. ...
Stevetech's user avatar
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How to stop the opengeo suite services?

I cannot open dashboard. I check ports and found that suite geoserver is working. (I click several times on dashboard.exe) Please, tell me how to open dasboard.exe UPD: when i enter ...localhost:...
novicegis's user avatar
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Geoserver api: how to determine a layers respective workspace?

I am using the geoserver api to find information about layers that are available. I am using: http://localhost/geoserver/rest/layers.json to get a dynamic list of all layers. If I then select a ...
Bwyss's user avatar
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A couple GeoExplorer questions

I just started working with the OpenGeo Suite. I'd really like to use it for a County web map, but have a couple questions... 1) Is there a way to add a lat/lon or other X/Y location to the URL and ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Geoserver ImageMosaic: error connecting to WorldImage

I would like to use the ImageMosaic plugin to set up a Geoserver layer which refers to a WorldImage, just like in the official tutorial. As a simple test case, I put a custom folder into my Geoserver ...
xandriksson's user avatar
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Which is better for tiling: raster2pgsql or GeoWebCache?

We have some raster image data stored as GeoTIFF which we would like to make available online as an overlay using the OpenGeo framework. As the data covers only a spatially restricted area and we don'...
xandriksson's user avatar
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raster2pgsql missing in Opengeo-suite installation

I installed opengeo-suite 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 and although the stack seems to be working fine, raster2pgsql is no where to be seen! root@mywebsite:/usr/local/lib/postgresql/9.2# locate raster2pgsql ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Can anyone point me to good development environment in Linux for client side search with Flex or JavaScript?

I want to create a client in MapFish, and/or opengeo, using OpenLayers, maybe Cartaro and would like to play in a development environment using Flex or JavaScript. I need to take my data, make it ...
lewis's user avatar
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OpenGeo Client SDK set up for Windows 7 - what is ant path?

I am relatively new at this and so these questions may seem a little basic to most. I have installed the OpenGeo Suite which includes the Client SDK on Windows 7. I have also installed JDK6. But I ...
Saxon's user avatar
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pgShapeLoader cannot be opened because of a problem

I installed the OpenGeo Suite 4.8 on MacOS 10.13. I can open pgadmin3 from the package, as well as PostGIS. When opening the pgShapeLoader I get the following error: pgShapeLoader cannot be opened ...
blabbath's user avatar
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Why can't I run the OpenGeoSuite on port 80?

I'm trying to install the Boundless OpenGeoSuite on a Ubuntu 14.04 system, and I'm following the instructions given at:
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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FileUpload UX plugin for Boundless?

I am busy building a web map app using boundless SDK. I am trying to implement a file up-loader, however, the majority of examples use new Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField When I try to use it in my ...
Albert van Niekerk's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite 4.0.1 Activating SSL for remote connection

I have installed OpenGeo Suite 4.0.1 on my Windows 7 OS and created a spatially database. Now i want to connect to my database remotely but then it seems like i have to generate a self-signed key. i ...
user3401031's user avatar
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How to make maps out of imagery?

I am working for a client and we chose to use OpenGeo Suite as our system. Our client will be flying a plane over farm land capturing images that we need to put in our system. From my understanding ...
Dexter's user avatar
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OpenGEO templates and postGIS

I am trying to display my shapefiles.shp with ol3edit template. On OpenGEO Suite I have successfully created an ol3edit application.I'm in possession of the ol3editApplication.war but the shapefiles....
eldix_'s user avatar
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how to show wfs and wms sources in boundlessgeo gxp viewer

I'm using boundlessgeo gxp viewer. I have a lot of different wms and wfs link and want to show those remote sources in my map viewer application. I have a geoserver and basic layers in it. I can add ...
Haktan Aydın's user avatar
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How to install wps geoserver extension to Centos6.5

I installed OpenGeo Suit on CentOS 6.5 and the version of geoserver is 2.5-SNAPSHOT. I made a yum update and the version of OpenGeo Suit is 4.1, geoserver version remain 2.5-SNAPSHOT. I would ...
Παύλος Αποστόλου's user avatar
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who to contact about issues with geoserver plugin for qgis

I have a project in QGIS that I am trying to publish using GeoServer via the plugin. When I try and publish a layer I get: global name 'provider' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Russell Fulton's user avatar
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How to autocollapse featuregrid table (OpenGeo Suite SDK Client)

I was working on the OpenGeo Suite tutorials to develop web applications using Geoexplorer. When I launched Geoexplorer from dashboard, I could see readily available 'query' tool embeded there along ...
Zaman's user avatar
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Error 'GDAL extension not installed' while installing cartaro

I am trying to install Cartaro on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have followed every step from this guide: But on the 'Verify Requirements' page I get this ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Could not create tool plugin with ptype: gxp_zoomtolay

I am new in OpenGeo Suite Library and SDK client. I am following the tutorial for the tools:
user24292's user avatar
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Publishing Multiple Shapefiles

I'm using OpenGeo Suite 3.1.I have stored large number of shapefiles(100) in a store()Directory of spatial files. How to Publish all the files at a time in geoserver?
Satya Chandra's user avatar
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How to put more than one overlay label in Openlayers layerswitcher?

I have two set of layers like 'Public' and 'Private'.Each set has 3 layers. My requirement is, Layer switcher has to show the first set of layers with check-box under the label name 'Public' and ...
venkat's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite create map application GXP or GeoEXT

I have seen a similar question but it never got answered. I am looking to develop a GIS system using the OpenGeo Suite, luckily I'm going to a conference on it in a few weeks, however that's weeks ...
user19786's user avatar
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can Geocat Bridge enable me to connect to existing PostGIS database and make edits through ArcGIS?

We are planning to set up a Webgis to share our GIS data on the web. Currently, we are on a desktop GIS and using ESRI's File geodatabase format. We are considering ArcGIS Server or using Opengeo ...
Keets Estillore's user avatar
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CSWcataloguesource.js plugin "add to map" button not working!

I got stuck in using CSWcataloguesource plugin in my OpenGeoSuite custom application. It shows all the layers available in geonetwork but when click the "add to map" button it shows the following ...
dkakoti's user avatar
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No Postgis after installing opengeo suite

After the installation of the opengeo suite; everything seems to work fine, except for the postgis extension of postgresql. In the dashboard all the postgis options are greyed out. The system is ...
stUrb's user avatar
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Would like to install QGIS web app builder

I would like to install QGIS web app builder plugin. I followed all the instructions in the website as closely as possible (installing Boundless desktop, etc etc.) When I open QGIS for boundless ...
user32882's user avatar
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Wrong path when loading WMS layer

I've got an issue I am using GeoServer of boundlessSuite and when I tried to load a layer in OpenLayers 3 it doesn't show on the map. I found the problem but can't fix it. On my GeoServer when I use ...
Hadrien Berthier's user avatar
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Opengeo plugin does not appear in QGIS

I successfully installed the Opengeo plugin, but it doesn't appear in plugin list. What should i do? Fyi, i use QGIS 2.14 for 64 bit.
Dwi's user avatar
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Why can not save in opengeosuite ? message: No space left on device

I have installed opengeosuite in Ubuntu server, and configure to use gwc by leaflet. It was ok and can upload layer using PostGIS, however now it shows this message when try to modify sld style: ...
Armando Pimentel's user avatar
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Installing Boundless SDK

Installing the Boundless SDK on ubuntu folowing this documentation and getting the below error after running the command sudo apt-get install opengeo-webapp-sdk E: Unable to locate package opengeo-...
risail's user avatar
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Add Scale Overlay template gxp OpenGeo suite sdk

I need to add the scale on the map, it is assumed that .js is in the Widgets folder, that means that I should add as Plugin, maps and layers I have this code put in app.js: map: { id: "mymap", // id ...
Jonathan Paul's user avatar
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Unable to add MrSID extension to GeoServer

I'm trying to serve some MrSID files with GeoServer following the guide, however, I can't get the MrSID Raster Data Source to show up when attempting to add a new GeoServer Store. This ...
craM 4D-61-72-63's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite installed on Ubuntu 14.04, unable to proceed/delete issues with dependencies

I have installed the OpenGeo Suite on my "Trusty Tahr". I am able to access my Tomcat server as well as Geoserver on http://localhost. The issue I'm dealing with currently stems from ...
whyzar's user avatar
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