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Trouble getting SAGA to work in QGIS 3.4 for Mac

I have been trying to get the SAGA toolbox to work in QGIS 3.4 but it does not show up. I have downloaded the SAGA Next Gen plugin for QGIS, and I have also downloaded SAGA from SourceForge and set ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Chaging default path for saving output layouts in QGIS

We work on a large number of projects and the file structure is normally the same so repeatedly browsing for the right location to save plans has issues. I would like to be able to change the default ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro loads raster with spaces in file path on C: drive, but not other drives

I recently moved my GIS folder from my C: drive to a second storage drive (E:), and am having trouble loading rasters. I narrowed the issue to spaces in the file path - but I can't figure out why this ...
britthartery's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Exporting MXD file from ArcMap to PDF using ArcPy not retaining embedded Excel tables when converted to PDF

How can I alter my script so that the Excel tables embedded in my MXD are displayed when converting to PDF? import arcpy import os mxd_path = r"D:\CROQUIS_PYTHON\MXD" pdf_path = r"D:\...
Yonander tomaylla yupanqui's user avatar
0 votes
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Collect the spatial data used in an MXD file and haven't been saved in the same folder

So, I created several MXD files a long time ago, with spatial data and other reports/photos etc. inside but didn't save it all in the same folder in my computer. Now, a few days have gone by and I ...
InoK's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

"Could not load source layer for INPUT" error when reprojecting flt-file with PyQGIS

The data I have are ESRI Floating Point Data (so they are a raster type). The path I provided is a fake path, so that I don't show my real system paths. I know that my code works with vector data, as ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Referenced ArcGIS Pro 3.1 toolbox renamed and empty toolbox created in its place

GIS program manager here. I am experiencing a serious problem. It occurs when starting new projects in ArcGIS Pro from a template which includes our "program toolbox" (aka Default.tbx) ...
jpartsch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ArcPy command to remove empty layers that are grouped

I have a script that works for MXD with ungrouped layers. How can I change this so it works if there are groups of layers? I have an MXD template with many layers & groups. The underlaying file ...
Eifa's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Create dynamic filename, based on attribute value, for output of QGIS model

Basic idea Every user running a model selects a folder where the output of the model, a raster, should be stored as a file. The filename should be created automatically, based on an attribute value (...
Babel's user avatar
  • 74.9k
5 votes
2 answers

Batch replacing of layer file paths in QGIS

I reorganized my shapefiles folders. Now the layer file paths are broken. I have tried the solutions shown in the QGIS User guide (chapter 6.2), but: I don't want to process my layers individually ...
greg's user avatar
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Deleting previous .mxd project using arcpy

I'm incorporating an already existing shapefile into a .mxd project. For this, I already created a .mxd and then saved a copy. The problem is that when I want to delete the old project (mxd) it tells ...
MrShaggy87's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Remove partial string (folder) from File path with Python

The documentation for ArcGIS Pro for updateConnectionProperties has ...
sparky's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro will not update datasource path change

I have many layers in a aprx file that need to have the path updated. I need to remove part of the string "UTARC." from the datasource path. Through Catalag View on ArcGIS Pro, when I type ...
Juliana's user avatar
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Repairing multiple broken layer file paths in QGIS

I have moved all my QGIS layer files from C:// drive to One Drive, and I would like to re-map the old filepaths to the new drive. I know I can open the QGIS file as a text file and run a find and ...
Mr Magoo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Getting the file path of layer based on layer name using PyQGIS [closed]

So this is my folder: It contains GeoPackages with the format yyyymmdd_progress.gpkg I want to take the latest GeoPackage based on the latest GeoPackage created and stored in the folder, then use it ...
charliey's user avatar
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1 answer

Give a path of Google Drive to which Google Earth Engine should export the file to

My question is similar to this one, with the only difference that: the question in the link above is 3 years old I have one main Folder, inside that folder, I have 11 subfolders, and inside each of ...
Nikos's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Save processing modeler output layers to project folder/relative path?

I am building an algorithm in the processing modeler which takes a csv file as input and creates a number of vector layers as output. I would like to automatically save these layers in the same folder ...
bovsorrr's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Setting relative path for PDF linking to shapefile in QGIS

I am trying to link a PDF for a shapefile, but I'm unable to set a relative path. How can I set a relative path in QGIS? I am only able to open the PDF in my PC, whereas when share this file to others,...
2 votes
1 answer

How to set save location to 'CURRENT' GDB in ArcGIS Pro Tasks

I'm new to authoring tasks, and now that I'm attempting to use my task in a second project, the saves are being directed to the GDB I was in when I created the Task. How can I dynamically assign save ...
joechoj's user avatar
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SAGA cannot load any grids

Whenever I try to use a SAGA processing tool in QGIS which requires loading a file, it fails to load the files. The log message says: Loading grid: [PATH] failed. The tools I've attempted to use ...
Jacky's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Switching from layout view to data/map view in ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.7 I imported a map document created in ArcGIS Desktop into Pro. It opened up in Layout view, and I don't know how to switch to the Map view, which was easy to do in ArcMap by ...
kent 's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
2 answers

Symbology to layers not working

I want to apply layer symbology to all TIFF in a group layer but it does not work: import arcpy mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mxd.activeDataFrame groupName = "New ...
coral's user avatar
  • 69
-2 votes
1 answer

Load layer from SharePoint (or online office server) with https://... URL

I'm trying to import a .csv layer from a SharePoint folder without using the local path (for ex: C:*Users*\UserName\Folder1\filename) but using the online path (https://.../filename). I need this ...
federico sperati's user avatar
2 votes
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In QGIS/QField, how to maintain photo attachments in a sister directory to a project? (Or, possibly, why this is a Bad Idea)

In order to not have to copy all the photos for my project every time I synchronise (which is beginning to take a significant amount of time), I would like to keep them in a separate folder, perhaps ...
Avery Andrews's user avatar
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Extracting points on linestring based on time since from startpoint (sf)

I have a series of nodes connected by paths currently imported in sf. Each node has a date-time associated with it. For example: library(sf) library(ggplot2) path <- st_as_sf(data.frame(X = c(145,...
Thomas Moore's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS 3.16.16 and Sharepoint

My company is transferring to using Sharepoint. Currently we are using a driver system. We think we might run into the problem that paths to sources we use will be linked to our personal account of ...
ASanders's user avatar
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2 answers

Opening .aprx files to edit file paths using ArcGIS Pro

Two times a year a positional check of railway assets is performed in ArcGIS Pro for 21 different areas by receiving updated data. Every half a year in each area new data is automatically prepared in ...
Davma's user avatar
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4 votes
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Using an input string in a file path for a input vector layer in QGIS model

I am building a QGIS model to perform field calculations on a large number of .shp files containing environmental information of different waterbodies. This model should be global for the different ...
Leesbiology's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Opening MXD saved in one version using earlier version

Working in an enterprise system. We need to determine if everyone needs to update to 10.6 at the same time for mxd cross-compatibility or can we update from 10.5 as needed.
cpbride's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

arcpy.importDocument of ArcGIS Pro not working on specific MXD and not throwing error

I have a script that imports every MXD in a folder to an empty ArcGIS Pro project, then use saveACopy to save to a new project file. The problem is: The script just stops working every several MXD. ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Verify feature class path in file geodatabase using GDAL with Python

Suppose I have a geodatabase in C:/MyDir/MyGDB.gdb. I am working outside of the Esri/ArcPy environment, primarily using gdal and os libraries. I want to retrieve and verify the file path of a feature ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Change path for QgsAction icon in PyQGIS

I added a QgsAction in my layer style, but when I share this style to other users, the path to the icon is written in absolute. I watched QgsAction doc (here) and it doesn't seem to be a setIconPath(),...
dmjf08's user avatar
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sen2r file path error (UPDATED)

UPDATE: I think I've solved the problem. I created a bogus temp folder for my nonexistent L1C images l1c_safe<-tempfile(pattern = "safe_") and passed this to the path_l1c= argument. I ...
gcost's user avatar
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2 votes
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Relative Path Links/Hyperlinks in ArcGIS Pro

Has anyone figured out how to use hyperlinks/relative links in ArcGIS Pro? This is what my links look like in ArcMap. The hyperlink lightning bolts are there. Here is what it looks like in ArcGISPro: ...
mizzou14's user avatar
4 votes
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Changing QGIS system SVG path with PyQGIS

I am trying to change the SVG path with Python but I couldn't find any document which explains how to do this. This is what I want to do. I Added SVG symbols to my plugin in a specific folder. When ...
Ehsan Aliverdi's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

Converting ArcGIS (*.mxd) file to QGIS (*.qgs) file

I recently tried to use QGIS and I wondered if you can convert a draft ArcGIS map (*.mxd file) into a QGIS project (*.qgs file). Are there any solutions available? This would avoid thematize the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Writing Python script to batch import .mxd to .aprx

I'm attempting to write a Python script that finds all of the .mxd files in my local directories, imports them into a blank .aprx, and then saves them as an .aprx file. I'm able to successfully locate ...
munk5's user avatar
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Reading multiple rasters in folder

the rasters in that folder has dates in the naming (for eg. T43RGP_20220330T052639_NDVI) and I want the code to read the rasters one by one in the increasing order of the date. Help me complete this ...
surdeep's user avatar
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Passing variable to URI filepath

I want to load CSV file to QGIS. It works if I use the strings below: uri ="file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Alex working/Tracks//Track.csv?delimiter={}&crs=epsg:25831&xField={}&yField={}...
Aleks's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adding multiple layers from file list or command line in QGIS

Is there a way to add multiple layers to QGIS at once from a list of paths? I have about 150 rasters to investigate that intersect an area of interest. Their full path is collected in a text file, one ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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22 votes
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Using ArcPy to determine ArcMap document version

Is there a way with ArcPy to identify the version of a Map Document (MXD). I am working on a solution to inventory our MXD's and would like to know if a document is 8.1, 9.2, 10.0, etc. I am ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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1 vote
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QGIS points disappear after changing CSV file location, changing data source doesn't help

I moved my database and shape files, and wanted to relink them to my QGIS project. The shape file worked fine, but the CSV file wasn't reloading properly no matter what I tried. I could see the fields ...
fadelm0's user avatar
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Error Opening MXD - The last successfully loaded component was: esriGeometry.ProjectedCoordinateSystem

Why are we getting this error when trying to open some MXD files? Myself and another coworker are getting this same error when opening several MXDs (see Error Message 1 below). We have all verified ...
GeographyNerd's user avatar
3 votes
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Unavailable layer saved on computer as .txt file in my all projects (.qgz)

I have a problem with all my saved .qgz projects. I always worked with layers in projects only as .txt files, not saving them as shapefile, because I can make changes in .txt files (eg. add more ...
Michaela Uhrová's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

What makes a MXD file size larger and how to decrease its size?

I know that MXD contains information about layers, symbology and configuration of default tools. I have a few that are exceeding 50 MB and are starting to take a while to load up. What are some of ...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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Finding extent of MXD

I have a set of MXDs for layout view maps, and I would like to easily find out the four coordinates that define the extents (using the same units as the map projection). What is the best way to do ...
Jim Titus's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Remapping layers in QGIS project to other folders?

I created a QGIS project containing several layers which are on my PC. I saved the project to my local drive and then I saved it to the network and copied all the relevent project layers into a folder ...
PJ Lightning's user avatar
7 votes
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Cannot select input layers for the "Polygonize" tool in QGIS

I am trying to convert a raster layer to a polygon layer using QGIS 3.16. 2. When I open the polygonize tool, the program does not allow me to select any existing raster layers from the 'Input layer' ...
jserv's user avatar
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2 votes
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User database storage location (filename / path) in QGIS/Windows

I am using QGIS 3.16 and Windows 10. I have some custom CRS (cCRS). Now, I'd like to work on my QGIS Projects at another PC and want to move my cCRS there. According to the QGIS manual the cCRS are ...
jaysigg's user avatar
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Iterating folder of shapefiles using ArcPy and exporting mxd to PDF

I'm new to Python and just created a hard coded script for the process I want, and it works. Right now it calls on the one of three shapefile I have in this map document. I want it to do the same ...
Kelsey Ciarrocca's user avatar

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