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Questions tagged [visualisation]

The representation of data in a viewable medium or format

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89 votes
6 answers

Visualising WKT geometry string in QGIS

Is there a simple tool in QGIS to graphically visualise geometry formatted as text? Example geometry: POLYGON((571178 6337246,571178 6402217,598061 6402217,598061 6337246,571178 6337246)) Result: A ...
Chau's user avatar
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62 votes
12 answers

Visualizing speed of movement on static (= printable) map?

Imagine you're tracking, for example, vehicle or animal movement and receive regular GPS position updates. How would you visualize speed of movement on a static (= printable) map? I've been coloring ...
underdark's user avatar
  • 84.5k
44 votes
7 answers

Comparing two spatial point patterns?

If I have two point pattern distributions within the same geographic region, how would I go about visually and quantitatively comparing those two distributions? Also assume I have many points within ...
Andy W's user avatar
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43 votes
5 answers

Curved point-to-point "route maps" [closed]

I have recently been looking at airlines web pages that display their routes departing a certain city to all other cities they service. I would like to be able to create similar curved routes between ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
  • 23.2k
42 votes
5 answers

Visualizing large datasets with other than Leaflet

When using Leaflet to visualize a large dataset (GeoJSON with 10,000 point features), not surprisingly the browser crashes or hangs. A sub-sample of 1000 features from the same dataset works ...
Imad's user avatar
  • 529
41 votes
15 answers

Using Computer Games to display GIS data?

Besides being a GIS user I'm a big computer game fan. Games like Civilization, Minecraft, World at War and many others have a very powerful engine to display huge maps in a beautiful way. Is it ...
41 votes
12 answers

How would I draw and visualize custom maps based on OSM data?

I would like to be able to use openstreetmap data for a specific region as a source and "draw" from that the map of infrastructure improvements - mostly roads. I want it to be self-hosted (not ...
arconaut's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Simple thematic mapping of shapefile using Python?

I wish to visualize geographical data in Python, without using ArcGIS/ArcPy, and make a map. On the internet I found how to make a thematic map using Python: Here is some code that I tried: ...
NYannickske's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Styling road maps with QGIS?

I am trying to design a beautiful map using QGIS. There is a similar question here Seeking QGIS tutorials and web resources? but I would like to focus on "designing a map using QGIS". I was looking ...
Mykolas Simutis's user avatar
33 votes
9 answers

Visualisation of spatio-temporal data set?

I'm investigating visualisation of a spatio-temporal data-set. What examples are available, online or offline, of high-quality spatio-temporal data visualisation?
31 votes
4 answers

Drawing wavy/wiggly lines in QGIS

Is there a QGIS function or plugin to draw wiggly line? I have used "Spline Tool" to manually draw some waves, but it is time consuming. If possible, I would like to draw something like: ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
  • 31.2k
31 votes
9 answers

Effectively displaying demographic data on a printed map

I would like to plot the following per zone (30 zones total) data on a printable/non interactive map: Average age Average household income Number of households Population density Number of people ...
dassouki's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

When is a 3D Visualisation in GIS Useful? [closed]

I can currently only think of two cases: to visualise potential changes in a landscape, such as the effect of adding windfarms, or the addition of a new building to an urban area. However both these ...
geographika's user avatar
  • 14.4k
28 votes
5 answers

Are there any international standards for map symbology?

We are going to let our users add points, polylines and polygons to a map. Are there any international standards for map symbology? For example for emergency symbols?
MathiasWestin's user avatar
27 votes
7 answers

Examples of geovisualizations of global connectivity

I stumbled upon interesting visualization of global connectivity patterns: 'Major road and rail networks in Africa, along with transmission line and underwater cable data.' (Source, more ...
27 votes
8 answers

Viewing LIDAR data (.las) in QGIS?

Is there an easy path to visualizing LIDAR data in QGIS? I have some USGS LIDAR data in .las format downloaded from This means I have both the .las and metadata in .xml ...
Bryce's user avatar
  • 606
25 votes
9 answers

Viewing LiDAR data from web browser?

I am looking to host lidar data on my own server and give clients the ability to view that data through a web browser as a 3D point cloud (file would be in .las format or equivalent), possibly with ...
19 votes
4 answers

How to generate schemas of GIS hardware / software / workflows?

Quite often I find myself in a situation where I need to explain hardware or software GIS infrastructure to people with no or limited knowledge of GIS. Or give an overview of geoprocessing tasks ...
user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Visualizing network on map [closed]

I have several hundred geo-referenced data points, and the relationships from that point to other points. I'm trying to figure out the best way of visualizing this on an interactive map (possibly ...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
18 votes
8 answers

Examples of building-level geovisualization

I have recently stumbled upon a presentation and paper by Duncan Smith exploring geovisualization of 2001 area classification of output areas using building level resolution of urban area (London in ...
user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Using GIS tools for non-geographical problems

Many other fields have visual/"spatial" problems that can potentially be solved with GIS tools. I know I've used GIS tools for the odd non-geographical task and was wondering how much this happens and ...
18 votes
4 answers

Displaying overlapping lines in QGIS

I have multiple line layers that represent bus routes and many of the routes overlap (i.e. near terminals, transfer locations, etc.) Is there a function in QGIS which will display both features next/...
joshrick's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to improve cartographic visualization of overlapping polygons?

I need some advice about how to improve the visualization of cartographic information. User can select different species and the webmapping app shows its geographical distribution (polygonal degree ...
user1249791's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Styling polygon layer as dissolved with QGIS Geometry generator

The QGIS Geometry Generator seems like a nice way to keep data intact while allowing for some creative visualisations. I have a layer of tesselating polygons that I would like to style as a continuous ...
hexamon's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Shifting display of overlapping lines in QGIS?

When points are overlapping, there is this property which allow to automatically display the lot of them separately around where they are, called 'Point displacement'. But it doesn't work for lines, ...
GuiOm Clair's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

What are some 3D visualisation tools that successfully work with GIS data?

There are a large number of 3d modelling tools available (both open and closed source). I would like to be able to: Import GIS data into a 3d environment and retain georeferenceing. Retain the ...
15 votes
4 answers

Fitting a word/tag cloud into geographic boundaries

Are there any available tools or a recommend methods for displaying a tag or word cloud (also know as wordle) onto a world map, much like in this example: Map: United States of surnames? (There may be ...
chl's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Using non-contiguous cartograms?

The non-contiguous cartogram seems to solve a lot of the area distortions seen with traditional cartograms, while preserving the ability to identify areas by their shape lost with Dorling or Demers ...
Ari B. Friedman's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Making lines curvy in QGIS

In QGIS I am working on a map with lines connecting locations created with the MMQGIS plugin. Is there an easy way to make those direct lines somewhat curvy for aesthetic purposes? I'm trying to ...
darj's user avatar
  • 227
14 votes
7 answers

How to implement value-by-alpha map in GIS?

I've been doing some background reading about cartograms recently and stumbled upon interesting alternative - value-by-alpha maps. Concept is described in more details here and full paper is ...
user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Ways to visualize multiple large LiDAR tiles?

I want to load approximately 10 large LiDAR tiles for analysis. I have tried using ArcScene but it appears there is a limit on how much data ArcScene can handle at one time. Each tile is 65-90MB in ...
Ryan Mendieta's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use symbols instead of colours to visualise raster cell values?

I have a raster image (GeoTIFF) with integer values. I know how to visualise raster values in QGIS using colormaps or similar, but I would like to assign symbols to each colour value instead - just ...
Chau's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Processing(.org) for geospatial visualization?

Does anyone know if Processing is being used for geospatial visualization? I can't find much out there, but this is impressive: Here's one I just found: http://fathom....
nw1's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Producing Space-Time Cube in QGIS

Although I have seen many examples about doing this at ArcGIS Desktop, I am still trying to find a how to using QGIS. What I want to do is something like the image below.
Vinicivs's user avatar
  • 303
13 votes
4 answers

Showing the bounding box for every coordinate system in QGIS

I'd like to visualize where every coordinate system in QGIS is in the world. I can see the bounding box for them when I go to QGIS and select coordinate system: But I'm trying to figure out how to ...
geobeginner's user avatar
13 votes
10 answers

GIS and natural disasters - examples of geo-visualizations and geospatial analysis

I stumbled upon NY Times' web map of deaths from tornadoes in US. Can you point me to some more interesting examples of geo-visualization and/or geospatial analysis of natural disasters and their ...
13 votes
1 answer

Displaying overlapping points in QGIS

I am trying to produce a map of last years emergency responses in my area in 2018. I am entering a CSV file into QGIS which is working fine. The addresses and Lat and Long have been verified. I have ...
Ken's user avatar
  • 131
13 votes
4 answers

Showing antenna symbols on the map: point symbols or features (polygons)

I want to show a cellular network on a map. Input data is a .csv file where each string is a cellular sector. The attributes are: sector id, its coordinates, its azimuth and an angle of antenna beam ...
E Bobrov's user avatar
  • 337
13 votes
7 answers

Displaying 3D model of building in web-browser

I would like to try to show a proposed building in a web-browser such that the user can interact with it in a way similar to google maps streetview. Is it possible to do this, in any platform? I can ...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
13 votes
4 answers

How to create spatial tag clouds or "tag maps"?

I'm looking for implementations of spatial tag clouds or "tag maps". Some papers I found talk about a Yahoo Tag Maps API, but I couldn't find any such thing. I'd prefer OpenLayers-based solutions, ...
underdark's user avatar
  • 84.5k
13 votes
7 answers

Creating regularly spaced points inside polygon based on attribute value using QGIS?

I have a polygon layer with an attribute value attached representing the count of individuals inside a polygon. I'm using QGIS 3.0. I need to visualize the counts as a grid of points inside a ...
Ruslan's user avatar
  • 695
13 votes
7 answers

Linux alternatives to visualize and analyze LiDAR datasets?

For a long time I have been using softwares based in Windows to visualize and analyze LiDAR data sets for forest application. Recently, I have started to move all my work to Ubuntu platform, but I'm ...
12 votes
8 answers

How to automatically set polygons borders to improve map readability when rendering thematic maps?

When mapping an value as a color to render a thematic map the objects borders can alter the map readability a lot. For example in this thematic map of the US counties with black borders: There are a ...
jeremy-george's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Convert GML to GeoJSON

I have downloaded a GML file from Statistics Canada and would like to convert it into GeoJSON to use parts of it in a D3 visualization on the web. However, I did not find a converter that would do ...
Lars Grammel's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How do you choose the classifications on choropleth maps?

I find myself more and more struggling over defining break points when displaying choropleth (aka thematic) maps to view by others. Does anyone have any suggested references that help guide, both how ...
Andy W's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Point cluster symbology for different categories without overlapping symbols

I'm trying to visualize crimes based on if the crime happened during the day or night time. I've tried using the point displacement tool but I'm not satisfied with the results because the readability ...
johlund's user avatar
  • 637
11 votes
6 answers

Are there any convenient sources of color palettes to use in ArcGIS software while producing maps?

Are there any convenient sources of color palettes to use in ArcGIS software while producing maps?
nature's user avatar
  • 509
11 votes
4 answers

Looking for a free program for 3D visualization

Looking for a free program or web software for 3D visualization. I'd like to have an ArcScene like abilities. No editing needed, just need to see the data in a 3D format. It'd be really helpful for ...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Replicating black and white hatching pattern fills in QGIS

I am looking to replicate black & white maps in QGIS, using hatching patterns and greyscales to indicate different categories of a continuous variable (example below). It is possible/...
mhermans's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Examples of geospatial scientific posters

Can you point me to examples of interesting scientific posters featuring results of geospatial analysis and/or geovisualizations?

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