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14 votes

How to put geotagged .jpg thumbnails on a map in QGIS?

In QGIS 2, you can use layer actions to open the file with the default image viewer if you have the filepath in your attribute table. Since QGIS 3.2, you can use the "import geotagged photos" ...
etrimaille's user avatar
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10 votes

How to interpret GPSDestBearing and GPSImgDirection?

I give it a try, but as @Hornbydd said in comment, you would better do some testing to validate or invalidate this hypothesis. Hypothesis On floating point division It may be related to how numbers ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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7 votes

Adding GeoTag image details

You should use GeoTagDetails class defined in QgsExifTools class, as below: ... details = QgsExifTools().GeoTagDetails() details.elevation = float(ele) QgsExifTools().geoTagImage(fotoPath, point, ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
6 votes

How to put geotagged .jpg thumbnails on a map in QGIS?

Now that QGIS 3.6 is out, this is easy, at least the symbology part. (Others have suggested ImportPhotos plugin for getting the photos in in the first place.) Once you have a point layer with each ...
Houska's user avatar
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5 votes

Writing into XMP and EXIF Metadata from attribute table values in PyQGIS

pyexiv2 Solution: Select layer and run the script. You have to change values to string for non-string fields using str() method. This solution is about layers which were created by ImportPhotos ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
4 votes

What is the meaning of Altitude in EXIF of an image?

The newest EXIF specification knows only GPSAltitudeRe and GPSAltitude. They are defined as GPSAltitudeRef Indicates the altitude ...
user30184's user avatar
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Importing EXIF Metadata into attributes fields in QGIS

It's hard to give a complete solution of your question, because exif tags have different types of data and it should be handled one by one. But as a minimal solution, you can follow next instructions. ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
4 votes

Importing XMP Metadata into attributes fields in QGIS

PIL Solution Add three new fields (real type) named "fyd", "gyd", "ra" (fyd: FlightYawDegree, gyd: GimbalYawDegree, ra: RelativeAltitude) Copy/paste the script to QGIS Python Editor (not to Console),...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
4 votes

Determining Longitude and Latitude of each corner of image

No, not quite. You would also need to know the sensor size of your camera but you might be able to find that information online. You will also need to know the height above ground (see below). Once ...
GBG's user avatar
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3 votes

Identifying coordinate format from exif data

They are in degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) format. To convert to decimal degrees, the basic formula is: degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600 Note that 'W' longitudes and 'S' latitudes are ...
user2856's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the standard values of the GPSMAPDATUM attribute in the exif standard?

It's maybe a little unclear, but from page 79 of the May 2019 revision of the EXIF spec, it looks like that can be an arbitrary string of any length: It's also not required, only strongly recommended....
mikewatt's user avatar
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3 votes

Geotagging photos with smartphone camera?

This smartphone doesn't add geo-location to the EXIF data automatically when the photo is taken? You might want to check settings to see if you can enable it because it's a common thing. If you want ...
mikato's user avatar
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2 votes

Geotagging photos with smartphone camera?

GeoSetter let's you edit your EXIF info (in bulk if needed). You can geotag your photo's here. If you enable image location in your smartphone the EXIF should already contain the coordinates. Else you'...
Hydrographer's user avatar
2 votes

Retrieving exif tags from GeoTiff with GDAL?

I will close that request due to the answers of a Q&A on the GDAL issue forum. At the moment gdal cannot properly copy raster metadata from the source ...
huckfinn's user avatar
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Get coordinates from EXIF

I believe the information you want is available via these tags: Gimbal Roll Degree : +0.00 Gimbal Yaw Degree : +15.90 Gimbal Pitch Degree : -90.00 Flight Roll ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
2 votes

Seeking code sample or pointer showing how to calculate Corner Coordinates of JPG file based on EXIF GPS data?

Dont think its possible directly. Usual process for this task is: align/match set of photos, create cloud of points (reconstruction of 3D scene), creation of ortophoto (which is composit of ...
Mat's user avatar
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2 votes

Extract all Pitch, Yaw and Roll EXIF information from JPEG using Python PIL

I am adding this to the answer chain, as I was able to get what I needed using Python and the built in libraries (no imports). ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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Extract all Pitch, Yaw and Roll EXIF information from JPEG using Python PIL

I think it is a matter of the python implementation. If you have a look at the the tags are not listed. May that's because the tags are not standardized. If you have a look in the exiv2 ...
huckfinn's user avatar
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1 vote

Pull EXIF photo data for ArcGIS Pro Reports

Option 1: (if capturing the data in Survey123, but generating reports in ArcGIS Pro) The easiest way to do this would be to modify the survey itself to use the @exif version of the pulldata() function ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote

Batch increase drone imagery altitude by editing EXIF GPS information

For someone who may need to perform this function in the future. The easiest way using exiftool: exiftool -EXIF:GPSAltitude+=-15 FileOrDir reference:
Mike's user avatar
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gdal_translate to JPEG has no EXIF in the output

GDAL does not invent the EXIF metadata for you. When you run gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 IW32001452_mask.tif /tmp/tif2jpeg.tif if IW32001452_mask.tif does not contain EXIF tags then tif2jpeg.tif does ...
user30184's user avatar
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How to calculate the Exif metadata YCbCrPositioning from an image?

You can read the Y, Cb, and Cr values with any EXIF reader. EXIF Tools is a nice choice. You can also read the EXIF values with Python if you like. Here is a screen shot from EXIF Tool.
GBG's user avatar
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Writing into XMP and EXIF Metadata from attribute table values in PyQGIS

I usually use pyexiv2 to set exif information in JPG files, but when I import the library in a script QGIS script crash. I found a solution using the library exif: It's ...
RBenet's user avatar
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What are the standard values of the GPSMAPDATUM attribute in the exif standard?

A good place to look would be the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry A search by type (using GeodeticDatum) and area (using 'world') gives 34 results:
nmtoken's user avatar
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Determining Bounding Points of UAV Images

Check out this link: Milan Zelenka's Java code for these calculations can be found at
Tomasso's user avatar
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Importing Camera images to ArcGIS or QGIS with correct location, scale and oritentation

What you're essentially looking at is creating the world file for every image. The EXIF data gives you the coordinates of the center of the image. The photo scale is given by PS = (focal length) / ...
Techie_Gus's user avatar
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Geotagging photos with smartphone camera?

I use a simple freeware program Photo GPS extract. It's works easily and extracts it to a KML file which you can drag and drop into QGIS. Please vote my answer ...
Kippenhok's user avatar

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