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19 votes

Convert huge XYZ CSV to GeoTIFF

You can do this using GDAL, it directly supports XYZ format. It doesn't matter if your coordinates are UTM, gdal_translate will output in the same coordinate system. So to convert to GeoTIFF is as ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k
11 votes

Remove z-value from XYZ point in sf

Using the data from ?st_zm, here's a thing with Z and M coordinates: > a Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field geometry type: LINESTRING dimension: **XYZM** bbox: ...
Spacedman's user avatar
  • 66.5k
9 votes

Generating series of cross sections (profiles) along line using QGIS?

I've been trying to find how to do this for a while. @Kazuhito's comment led me to find this. You need two things:- a line (your axis or route) a DEM (raster) Convert Points to Line You can get ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
  • 20.6k
9 votes

Converting .tif to XYZ in QGIS

In QGIS, go to Processing toolbox / GDAL/OGR / [GDAL] Conversion / gdal2xyz This tool will extract x, y and z to a comma separate values file (.csv). EDIT: 1) results is a .csv file. If you want to ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
5 votes

Rasterizing ungridded XYZ (LiDAR) files?

For simplicity (because it was not mentioned in question) I am assuming the XYZ files are ready to be processed (i.e., no classification or filtering is needed) and that the content is suitable for ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
  • 10.3k
5 votes

Geoserver XYZ tile service

By the GeoWebCache documentation the flipY parameter is what need. The TMS specification has the TileGrid Map origin located at bottom left ...
user30184's user avatar
  • 69.1k
5 votes

Stopping FME TINGenerator processing unwanted nodes

Looks like you are running with feature caching turned on. Suggest you turn it off-then we won’t do the unneeded work. You can have your cake and eat it too with a bit of a workaround: check out ...
Dale Lutz's user avatar
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4 votes

Can ArcGIS Desktop create LAS (or lasd) files from ASCII data?

I don't believe there's an option to convert any file format to LAS within ArcGIS, out of the box. You can support this idea (there are also additional suggestions on the page): https://geonet.esri....
phloem's user avatar
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4 votes

Importing XYZ ASCII Grid Data Into QGIS: Why does GDAL resize the raster?

This seems to be a bug in QGIS, utilizing some odd behaviour of the gdalwarp utility. If gdalwarp does not like the input raster (in this case due to the y axis positive down), it creates a new raster ...
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
4 votes

Load XYZ point data with UTM coordinates with included zone attribute in x-values?

EPSG 25832 has no leading "32". The EPSG for leading "32" is EPSG:4647. So you can import the csv as EPSG:4647 and save the result as EPSG:25832
Mike -EZUSoft-'s user avatar
4 votes

How to convert UTM projected map to slippy map tilenames

The Slippy Map tile naming is fairly simple: Starting with zoom 0, each tile is divided into 4 children, with the origin in the top-left corner (increasing south- and eastwards), thus for each zoom ...
geozelot's user avatar
  • 30.9k
4 votes

Mismatch between OpenLayers 5 and XYZ-layer on some zoom-levels

It's not a standard XYZ grid, i.e. the largest tile 25.38836208458858 * 256 = 6499.42069365467648 is bigger than the extent 6729085.88076 - 6724227.18297 = 4858.69779 That wouldn't be a problem if ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes

If converting .xyz to .las using e.g. laspy, then how to specify offset and scale?

The scale factor states for the accuracy of your data. 0.001 is a millimeter precision. It means that if your coordinate is 0.123456 it will be clamped to 0.123. Depending on your data source 0.01 or ...
JRR's user avatar
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4 votes

Converting XYZ file to shapefile using Python

I have numerous XYZ files, which aren't gridded from GDAL XYZ – ASCII Gridded XYZ GDAL supports reading and writing ASCII gridded XYZ raster datasets (i.e. ungridded XYZ, LIDAR XYZ etc. must be ...
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
3 votes

Converting part of raster into .xyz file

XYZ is a verbose, uncompressed ascii format so you should anticipate large files. However, you have quoted your area as -a_ullr -89.2972 60.0378 -117.719 44.901. I'd have expected GDAL to give you ...
MappaGnosis's user avatar
3 votes

Converting GeoJSON file to XYZ tiles

I would use QGIS but TileMill would be a good alternative. Load your GeoJSON into QGIS and style it however you like it. Then use the QTiles plugin to render the raster tiles.
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.3k
3 votes

Importing simple xyz in QGIS

After import point, you should have still z value in attribute table. Use "Set Z Value" from processing to add Z value to point.
GSienko's user avatar
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3 votes

Convert huge XYZ CSV to GeoTIFF

I know this is old, but I just followed the suggestions above and found out gdal_translate is rather slow: 1M lines in xyz format takes dozens of seconds to process - problematic if one needs to ...
oekopez's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Where does "Add XY Coordinates" tool get data from?

There is an LAS to Multipoint tool to import .las files in to ArcMap. Add XY is getting the XY/Z values from your file that you feed into it. From Adding x,y coordinate data as a layer: In ...
MaryBeth's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS switch of coordinate system?

The tool Reproject Layer does this for you. I think you want to reproject your data from a sphere (WGS84) to a flat (projected) system. I wrote another answer to Bringing drone maps into QGIS, CRS ...
nielsgerrits's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I bring the Z value to attribute table?

Try the following expression : z($geometry) The help says "z(geom)" geom being a point geometry ... so i don't think there's any benefit trying to play with wkt expressions ....
Snaileater's user avatar
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3 votes

How to stop requesting tiles after a certain zoom level in OpenLayers

ol.source.XYZ has a maxZoom option source: new ol.source.XYZ({ url: 'http://localhost:4200/assets/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', maxZoom: 13 })
Mike's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I merge .xyz tiles to one .tiff?

So here is a full outline of my solution. It seems that the xyz. tiles have an odd formatting since the coordinates are not in the expected order and have a positive N-S pixel resolution. To fix the ...
sehan2's user avatar
  • 457
3 votes

Asking for the precise detail of gdal_translate's output .xyz multiband file format (when converting from GRIB)

If your GDAL is from 2016 it's time to update. Your output file format is a GeoTIFF. The default output format (in GDAL < 2.3) is a GeoTIFF. With your GDAL, if you want an XYZ ascii file, you need ...
user2856's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use XYZ tiles from zoom 11 to a higher zoom

In the layer properties, limit the maximum zoom to 11 level. Attention! This may not work in the layer properties because the URL disappears (some QGIS glitch). You must re-enter the XYZ URL, on the ...
Vsevolod Tsukanov's user avatar
2 votes

Where does "Add XY Coordinates" tool get data from?

The 'Add XY Coordinates' tool is generally meant for adding coordinate fields to data tables already in arcmap. If you've already converted your .LAS to a .SHP then you should be able to add that to ...
giJess's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes

Generating XYZ tiles in nodejs

I was able to create this in PHP using the following pseudo code load source image for each zoom level (0-maxZoom) as zoomLevel resize source image based on current zoomLevel pow(2, 8 + ...
Titan's user avatar
  • 427
2 votes

How to remove nodata values from XYZ output with GDAL?

The output XYZ file can be filtered in order to exclude NoData (-32768) values using ogr2ogrchanging the layer extension to .csv (to make it recognizable as CSV by ogr2ogr): ogr2ogr -f CSV -sql "...
Antonio Falciano's user avatar
2 votes

Convert huge XYZ CSV to GeoTIFF

Open Data DGM200 of Germany: Download the xyz file:
hopftom's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Converting LiDAR .las to .xyz with LAStools outputs incorrect projected coordinates?

I didn't expect that this would be the answer, but it turns out that las2las uses the UTM latitude band letters rather than the hemisphere 'N' (North) or 'S' (South) letters with the zone number. ...
mkennedy's user avatar
  • 19.1k

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